Tax Collector of Monroe
The Tax Collector is charged with the responsibility for receiving and collecting all property taxes and assessments both current and delinquent. As a statutory officer of the State of New Jersey, the Tax Collector is obligated to follow all State Statutes regarding property tax collection, including billing, due dates, interest on delinquent tax payments and tax sale procedures. It is important to note that the municipal taxes are only a portion of a property taxpayer’s obligation. The two other separate government entities, Middlesex County and the Monroe Township Board of Education, develop and adopt their own budgets funded by property taxes.
Billing & Tax Payment
Your tax bill is mailed out annually which includes final bill for the current year (Quarters 3 & 4) and preliminary billing for the following year (Quarters 1 & 2).
Your property tax bill includes taxes collected for:
· Township of Monroe Municipal and Open Space Fund
· County of Middlesex and Open Space Fund
· Monroe Township Board of Education
· County Library
· Township of Monroe Fire District (District 1, 2, and 3)
If You Did Not Receive a Tax Bill
Please note that according to New Jersey Statutes, failure to receive a tax bill does not exempt a property owner from payment of taxes. If you do not receive your bill, please contact the Tax Office at 732-521-4405.
If you receive a tax bill that says, “Not a Bill - For Advice Only”, and you pay your own taxes, please use the “advice only” bill to make payment and notify our office to remove the bank code from your account.
Due Dates
Taxes are due on a quarterly basis on the following dates, the Township of Monroe allows a 10-day grace period:
· February 1
· May 1
· August 1
· November 1
A ten-day grace period to the 10th of the month is allowed by resolution of the Township Council after which interest is charged from the first day of the month in which payments were due. For example, the First Quarter taxes are due on February 1 each year. If payments are received after February 10, interest is retroactive to the original due date of February 1 as per N.J.S.A. 54:4-66. If the 10th falls on the weekend or a Holiday in which the office is closed, then the grace period moves to the next business day.
Delinquent payments will be applied to interest first and then to the oldest principal. The unpaid principal balance will be considered delinquent and will accrue interest. Interest accrues at 8% on the first $1,500 of total delinquency; thereafter, interest accrues at 18%. Once an account reaches an interest rate of 18% it will remain at this level until the entire account is brought current. In addition, delinquent current calendar year balances on December 31st are subject to a year-end penalty of 6%.
** Payments that are returned due to insufficient funds will be reversed in the system and a $20 fee will be charged. **
Please call 732 521-4405 for all billing inquiries.
To view your account, check your balances/payment status, or print a tax bill, please visit: Type in your property information to pull up your account, and select one of the options provided. |
Tax Payment Options
Mail - You may mail your check or money order to our office. The payment must be received in our office by the 10th of each quarter to avoid interest charges, postmarks not accepted
Please mail payments to:
Monroe Township Tax Collector
1 Municipal Plaza
Monroe Township, NJ 08831
Online Payment - Online payments can be made through our WIPP portal, however fees apply. Payments can be made on with a credit card (2.95% fee) or with an e-check ($1.95 fee).
ACH Program –Residents may enroll in our free ACH Direct Debit plan where your payment would be debited directly from your checking or savings account quarterly. ACH applications can be picked up in the tax office or found on-line. You can find the ACH form by clicking on this link .
Please have the enrollment form and a voided check submitted to our office no later than 10 days before the quarterly due date. Each payment will be debited from your account on the 4th of that quarter. Once enrolled in ACH your payment will continue being deducted automatically from your account until you make a written request to discontinue direct debit from your account. This form MUST be completed with the sale of your home.
Online Bill Pay – Online bill pay may be set up through the customer’s bank. Please contact your bank with any questions regarding this option.
** If you make a payment using "bill pay" from your bank, please realize it is not electronic and allow 10 days for delivery.
Please be advised that credit card and e-check payments can only be made online. All online tax payments will be charged a processing fee for each transaction.
The processsing/convenience fees are retained by the service provider and are not paid to nor shared with the Township of Monroe.
WIPP Payment Form | WIPP FEES |
Mastercard/Visa |
2.95% |
E-Check | $1.95 |
Drop Box - There is a Drop Box located outside of the front entrance of the building, which a payment can be placed in at any time. Please only put checks or money orders in the drop box, no cash.
If you have any questions, please call the Tax Collector’s office at 732-521-4405
Please refer to the Division of Taxation’s website if you have questions regarding the Property Tax Reimbursement Program (Senior Freeze) or the ANCHOR Program–
Property Tax Relief Programs
Find information on the different benefits:
ANCHOR Program
- The ANCHOR program provides property tax relief to New Jersey residents who owned or rented their principal residence (main home). · Information regarding the ANCHOR program can be found on the State of New Jersey website.
- Call the ANCHOR Hotline at 1-888-238-1233
Property Tax Reimbursement (Senior Freeze)
This program is commonly known as the Senior Freeze. It is designed to freeze the burden of increasing real estate taxes for qualified applicants by establishing a base year of eligibility, comparing that base year with any subsequent year and refunding the difference to the eligible homeowner. Eligibility must be continuous otherwise a new base year would have to be established.
For More Information
For further information or to request an application, please call the State of New Jersey Property Tax Reimbursement Hotline at 1-800-882-6597.
Property Tax Deductions
Senior / Disabled / Surviving Spouse Deduction
A $250 yearly deduction is available for senior citizens, disabled persons, and surviving spouses of a senior or disabled person. A $250 yearly deduction is also available to qualified veterans and surviving spouses of veterans. Applications for the deduction should be submitted to the Township of Monroe Tax Assessor’s Office. Claim for real property tax deduction on dwelling house of qualified New Jersey resident senior | Open PDF file
1. Income of $10,000 or less (NOT including Social Security)
2. Proof of Age (65 or Older) (Birth Certificate/Driver’s License)
3. Last Year’s State and Federal Income Tax Returns
4. Resident of NJ for AT LEAST 2 Years
5. Must have ownership of Property ON OR BEFORE - October 1 of the Pre-Tax Year
6. Proof of Social Security Benefit
7. Voter’s Acknowledgement Card Board of Elections (732)745-3471 | Read text
Senior citizens, disabled persons, and surviving spouses of seniors/disabled persons receive an annual post tax year income verification (Form PD5) in January. The completed form must be returned to the Tax Collector’s office before March 1st to avoid dis-allowance of the respective deduction granted.
Veteran Deduction
A $250 yearly deduction is available for veteran or surviving spouse/civil union or domestic partner of | Open PDF file Please provide copies of the following documents:
1. Honorable Discharge
2. Service Record (DD-214)
3. Monroe Township Voter’s Registration Card
4. Widow of Veteran: Provide Veteran’s Death Certificate new voter’s card if already registered in Monroe Board of Elections (732)745-3471
Tax Collector | Angela Ciaston, CTC
Phone: 732 521-4405 | Email:
Frequently Asked Questions | Taxes
Government Records Request Forms | Taxes
Also Check Office of Senior Services under taxes & tax assistance