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Stormwater Management

What is Stormwater?

The United States Environmental Protection Agency defines stormwater as rain or melting snow that flows off of streets, lawns, or other sites. In natural areas, it is absorbed into the soil, filtering through the ground to recharge aquifers and replenish waterways. In developed areas, stormwater flows over land or hardened surfaces, such as rooftops, parking lots, and driveways, preventing the water from naturally absorbing into the ground. As it travels, stormwater picks up oil, chemicals, bacteria, sediment, and other pollutants, and washes it directly into a community’s storm drain system, and ultimately a nearby waterway. In addition to degrading water quality, these pollutants can clog storm drains, causing flooding, property damage, and public safety issues.

Municipal Stormwater Information

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan

Municipal Stormwater Management Plan

Stormwater Ordinances

For O-2-2021-003, View the Township Code Book, "Stormwater Control"

For Chapter 33,  View the Township Code Book, "Pet Waste"

For O-5-2005-022,  View the Township Code Book, "Wildlife Feeding"

For O-229, View the Township Code Book, "Littering and Property Maintenance"

For Chapter 67A. View the Township Code Book, "Improper Disposal of Waste"

For O-8-2006-03. View the Township Code Book, "Yard Waste Collection"

For Chapter 67A. View the Township Code Book, "Municipal Separate Water Sewer System"

For Chapter 67A. View the township Code Book "Illicit Connection"

For O-4-2024-008 View the Township Code Book "Tree Preservation"

For O-5-2007-021, view Township Code Book Section 5-27

For O-6-2010-009, view Township Code Book Vol. "Flood Damage Prevention"

Additional Stormwater Information

MS4 Outfall Pipe Map

New Jersey Stormwater Utility Resource Center | Visit Site

Guide to Best Practices | Visit Site

NJDEP: Division of Water Quality | Visit Site 

NJDEP Training and Education | Visit Site

Stormwater Brochures

What is a Watershed? | PDF

Clean Water Book | PDF

Fertilizer Brochure | PDF

Pet Waste Brochure | PDF


Contact Info

Deputy Superintendent| Greg Slavicek, CPWM, CRP, CCCC

76 Gravel Hill Spotswood Road | Monroe Twp., NJ 08831

Phone: (732) 656-4575 | Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8am - 2:45 pm