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Affordable Housing Board

The purpose of this Board is to administer the Township's housing element and fair share plan in order to comply with the Fair Housing Act and the Mount Laurel Doctrine.

Affordable Housing meetings are held four times per year; Second Wednesday in January, April, July and October at 6:30 p.m. in the Municipal Building Court Room. Check Township Calendar for updates.

Where do I apply for this program?


Tanya Pannucci | Affordable Housing Officer 
Township of Monroe 
1 Municipal Plaza 
Monroe Township, NJ 08831
Tel. (732) 521-4400 ext. 166 

*Please leave a voicemail and I will get back to you promptly

Office Hours:

Monday through Friday: 8:30am - 4:30pm


MN Affor Housing1

MN Afford Housing2

For additional information regarding COAH income limits, affordable housing opportunities and applications, please click and view the site below.

Piazza & Associates                     

*All preliminary applications are to be filled out electronically on Piazza & Assoc. website - paper applications will no longer be accepted!*

Lottery/Random Selection FAQ's - for more detailed info. regarding the lottery/random selection process please clink link to be redirected to our Administrative Agent's website, 

*The State of N.J. requires the renting and selling of affordable homes include a step that randomizes the order in which households will be offered available units. 

The term, “Random Selection,” is used to describe the process by which we (Piazza & Assoc.) establish the priority order of applicants for a particular property, program of individual unit, without regard to any information about the applicants. To be included in a random selection, we (Piazza & Assoc.) must determine that you prequalify for the program on the basis of our review of your preliminary application. We (Piazza & Assoc.) use two different forms of random selection:

  • Conduct a lottery of names, by blindly generating random numbers, using pulling them from a bin, one by one, giving each prequalified applicant a priority number as we do so; or
  • Utilize a computer program without access to our data, that generates numbers in random order to determine the priority order of a predetermined set of prequalified applicants.

2024 Income Limits 

Valor Pointe Affordable Housing for Veteran's - Application        Rent Maximum Limits         Leasing Flyer

NJ 211 - Statewide Assistance Programs

NJHelps: (Food, Cash and Health Insurance Information)
SHARES NATION: (“Safety Net” Assistance Programs)
NJ Housing Resource Center: (Rental, Sales & More)

 Fair Share Housing Information:

2016 Fair Share Housing Plan

2020 Amendment to Fair Share Housing Plan

Annual Review & Summary

Affordable Housing Presentation

Round 4 Affordable Housing R-1- 2025-047          FILED - Declaratory Judgement Action


Affordable Housing Rehabilitation Program:

Qualified Contractors Needed for the Affordable Housing Rehabilitation Program

Application for Qualified Contractors

Rehabilitation Program Application 

AH Rehab for MT News

Affordable Housing Agendas & Minutes:


Affordable Housing Board Information:

Board Members

Chairwoman/Council Liaison
Miriam Cohen

Randy Beverly

Richard Lans
Hemant Patel
Randy Beverly
Andrea Pellezzi

Alternate Members
Arnold Riback, Alt I
, Alt II

Affordable Housing Officer
Tanya Pannucci

Board Attorney
Jerome S. Convery

Board Planner 
Robert Russo & Malvika Apte

Board Engineer 
Mark Rasimowicz

Municipal Housing Liaison
Tanya Pannucci

Board Secretary
Jeff Mogila