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Tax Assessor of Monroe


Although funded by the municipality, the assessor is under the jurisdiction of the County and State Division of Taxation; not Monroe Township.

This Assessor's office values all real property in the Township for the purpose of tax assessments. The office prepares the tax list, and maintains records of every parcel of assessed or exempt property in town. In addition, the Assessor's Office maintains an up-to-date Tax Map and records all changes to this map.

Property tax is the tax levied on the assessed value of all real estate, with the exception of those properties used for religious, educational, or charitable purposes. Approximately 11% of the land in Monroe Township is tax exempt, including the NJ Training School, part of Thompson Park, four small parks, churches and cemeteries. In addition, there is an exemption for those veterans that are 100% disabled and who received the disability due to a war time injury. The total assessed valuation of the Township's -industrial, commercial, residential, and farmland - is known as its "ratables.

Visit the Tax Assessor 's office:

  • if you have a question about the tax assessment on your property.
  • to apply for property tax deductions and exemptions.

There are a few property tax deductions available to property owners who are residents of New Jersey.

  • There is a Veteran's deduction for honorably discharged veterans with active duty service in the United States Armed Forces as set forth by the State of New Jersey.
  • Widow Veteran's deduction for the spouse of a deceased Veteran who was a resident of NJ at the time of death.
  • Senior citizen deduction for those over 65 years of age with an income of not more than $10,000 not including Social Security.
  • Disability deduction for those with a total and permanent disability whose income is not more than $10,000 not including Social Security.

Applications can be obtained in the Tax Assessors office.

New Jersey Property Tax Benefits Brochure | Open 

New Jersey State Property Tax Programs (Stay, Freeze, Anchor) | Open

New Jersey Farm Programs

New Jersey Farm Brochure | Open

List of Approved Foresters | Open 

Property Assessments 

For more information on how property is assessed, please use this link | Open 

Middlesex County Board of Taxation Website | Open 

How to file a Tax Appeal:

A property assessment card is mailed in late January, which lists your tax assessment for the year. If a property owner feels that the current year's assessment is inaccurate, they may file a Tax appeal with the Middlesex County Tax Board. The deadline for filing a tax appeal is April 1st. Information on how to file can be found on the Middlesex County Tax Board site or by clicking the link | Open 

Daniel's Law | Open

Click Here to View Tax Maps

GIS Site/Map Link for Monroe

Tax Forms

Change of Address Form | Open

New Jersey Property Tax Benefits | Benefits Brochure

Veteran’s Deduction | Forms 

Veteran’s Exemption | Open PDF file

Senior Citizen/Disability Deduction | Forms | Supplement Income Forms

Farmland Assessment (FA-1) | Form 1 | Form 2

Woodland Management (WD-1) | Open PDF file

Petition of Appeal | Open

Added/Omitted Petition of Appeal | Open PDF file

Commercial COAH | Open PDF file

Fire Suppression Exemption | Open PDF file

Initial Statement | Open PDF file

Automatic Clearing House (ACH) Debit Form | Open PDF file

New Jersey State Property Tax Programs (Stay, Freeze, Anchor) | Open

Property tax deduction claim by veteran or surviving spouse/civil union or domestic partner of | Open PDF file
Please provide copies of the following documents:

  1. Honorable Discharge
  2. Service Record (DD-214)
  3. Monroe Township Voter’s Registration Card
  4. Widow of Veteran: Provide Veteran’s Death Certificate new voter’s card if already registered in Monroe
    Board of Elections (732)745-3471

Voter Registration Card Website | Open 

Claim for real property tax deduction on dwelling house of qualified New Jersey resident senior | Open PDF file

  1. Income of $10,000 or less (NOT including Social Security)
  2. Proof of Age (65 or Older) (Birth Certificate/Driver’s License)
  3. Last Year’s State and Federal Income Tax Returns
  4. Resident of NJ for AT LEAST 2 Years
  5. Must have ownership of Property ON OR BEFORE - October 1 of the Pre-Tax Year
  6. Proof of Social Security Benefit
  7. Voter’s Acknowledgement Card
    Board of Elections (732)745-3471 | Read text

        Voter Registration Card Website | Open 

Tax Assessor | Tricia Mercado

1 Municipal Plaza, Monroe Township, NJ 08831 | Division of Assessments - Room 105

Phone: (732) 521-4400 | Email:

Frequently Asked Questions | Taxes

Property Taxpayer Bill of Rights