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Historic Preservation Commission

 The Historic Preservation Commission was created to foster and enhance civic beauty and neighborhood pride, in addition to the following:

  • Discourage the unnecessary demolition of historic resources.

  • Prepare a survey of historic sites in the municipality.

  • Make recommendations to the Planning Board on the historic preservation and plan elements of the Master Plan.

  • Advise the Planning Board on the inclusion of historic sites within the capital improvement program and to promote and protect the cultural, social, economic and architectural heritage of the Township.

  • Maintain and develop an appropriate and harmonious setting for historic buildings, sites, objects or districts in the Township.

  • Implement other advisory, educational and informational functions as will foster historic preservation in the municipality.

  • Tours - On the first Sunday of each month, between May and October, we hold an open house at Dey Farm from 1- 4 p.m. Also, events are advertised on our Facebook and Instagram pages.

Meetings: Second Monday of each month at 7:00pm in the Lower Level Conference Room of the Municipal Building with the exception of the June meeting taking place at the Dey Farm Historic Site located at 401 Federal Road, Monroe Township. There will be no meetings in February, October or December.

Donations: Persons interested in donating old photos and/or artifacts of interest to the Township can contact the Historic Preservation Commission.

Monroe Township Historic Preservation Commission – Update on the Holmes-Tallman House

The Monroe Township Historic Preservation Commission would like to update the public on the recent demolition of the Holmes-Tallman House, a historically significant structure dating back to approximately 1860. This notable landmark was located at the southeast corner of Cranbury-South River Road and Rhode Hall Road.
An exceptional example of Carpenter’s Italianate architecture, the Holmes-Tallman House was listed on the National Register of Historic Places. After many years of being unoccupied and succumbing to severe deterioration, much of its original architectural detail had been irreparably lost.
Although recognized for its historical and architectural importance, the Holmes-Tallman House stood on privately owned land, and decisions regarding its future ultimately remained at the discretion of the property owner(s).
In an effort to honor and preserve the house’s legacy, the Historic Preservation Commission worked closely with the property owner and a historic architecture firm to document the site. This documentation effort included gathering photographs, measurable details, and salvaging recognizable artifacts. These efforts are part of an ongoing initiative to create a digital archive that will ensure the Holmes-Tallman House’s story lives on.
Additionally, the Commission plans to feature an exhibit of artifacts and photographs at the Dey Farm Historic Site, offering the community a chance to engage with the history and architectural uniqueness of the Holmes-Tallman House. Through this exhibit, we hope to continue preserving and sharing Monroe Township’s rich history with future generations.

Although it is with sadness that we see the site demolished, we appreciate the community’s continued support in valuing and protecting Monroe Township’s historic heritage.

Special Projects

Eagle Scout Project

Dominic Lepri General George Washington's Historic Trail through Monroe Township | Open PDF


Dey Farm Historic Site

The History of Monroe Township Coloring Book 

Directions to Dey Farm - Click Here

Historic Preservation Commission Contact Information


Township of Monroe
1 Municipal Plaza
Monroe Township, NJ 08831

Phone: (732) 521-4400

For Inquiries:

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Susan Rudy

Council Liaison
Rupa Siegel

Lisa Macyda
Warren Barnes
John Katerba
Rhett Pernot
Julia Pignataro
Kyle Johanesson
Jason Martin
Wayne Horbatt

Susan Keating, Alt I
Elizabeth Rothman, Alt II

Rosalie Myers