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MINUTES - April 19, 2023



WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 2023 @ 6:30PM

The Township of Monroe Affordable Housing Board met in the Municipal Building, 1 Municipal Plaza, for a meeting.

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen with a Salute to the Flag.

Chairwoman Miriam Cohen requested the Board Attorney to read the following SUNSHINE LAW:

In accordance with the Open Public Meeting Act, it is hereby announced and shall be entered into the Minutes of this meeting that adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by the following:

  1. Posted on the Bulletin Board of the Office of the Township Clerk;
  2. Posted on the Bulletin Boards within the Municipal Complex;
  3. Printed in the Home News Tribune on December 30, 2022; and
  4. Posted on the Monroe Township website

UPON ROLL CALL by the Board Secretary Alicia Gonzalez, the following members of the Board were present: Chairwoman Miriam Cohen, Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly, Member Hemant Patel, Board Member Kenneth Hilyard, Alternate I Board Member Andrea Pellezzi

ALSO PRESENT: Affordable Housing Coordinator Tanya Pannucci, Board Attorney Jerome J. Convery, Board Planner Malvika Apte, and Board Engineer Mark Rasimowicz.

ABSENT: Board Planner Robert Russo, Board Member Richard Lans and Alternate II Board Member Arnold Riback

Chairwoman Miriam Cohen confirmed that there is a five (5) minute standing rule that applies for the public portion of the meeting.

(1)    Member of the Public was in attendance.

Approval of Minutes: MTAHB Meeting – January 11, 2023

UPON MOTION made by Alternate I Board Member Andrea Pellezzi and seconded by Board Member Hemant Patel, the MINUTES of the January 11, 2023 Monroe Township Affordable Housing Board Meeting were approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                             Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Aye

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Absent

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Aye

                        Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback        Absent


Board Attorney’s Report, Jerome J. Convery, Esq.:

Board Attorney Jerome J. Convery stated he had no report and would defer to Planning to review the Annual Review Report.


Board Planner’s Report, Malvika Apte, PP:

Board Planner Malvika Apte presented and reviewed the Midpoint Review with the Affordable Housing Board which will be posted to the Township website.


UPON MOTION made by Board Member Kenneth Hilyard and seconded by Board Member Hemant Patel, the Resolution approving the annual report was approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                             Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Aye

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Absent

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Aye

                        Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback        Absent


Board Engineer’s Report, Mark Rasimowicz, Centerstate Engineering:


Board Engineer Mark Rasimowicz stated the change order was a reduction to the original contract in the amount of $2,968.37 making the final contract amount to be $66,277.63.

UPON MOTION made by Board Member Kenneth Hilyard and seconded by Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly, the Resolution authorizing change order #1 and final payment for rehabilitation contract for MT-375-22 was approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                             Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Aye

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Absent

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Aye

                        Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback        Absent



Board Engineer Mark Rasimowicz stated the change order was a reduction to the original contract in the amount of $204.25 making the final contract amount to be $34,667.75.

UPON MOTION made by Board Member Kenneth Hilyard and seconded by Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly, the Resolution authorizing change order #1 and final payment for rehabilitation contract for MT-377-22 was approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                             Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Aye

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Absent

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Aye

                        Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback        Absent



Board Engineer Mark Rasimowicz stated the change order was a reduction to the original contract in the amount of $2,710.00 making the final contract amount to be $35,750.00.

UPON MOTION made by Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly and seconded by Board Member Kenneth Hilyard, the Resolution authorizing change order #1 and final payment for rehabilitation contract for MT-378-22 was approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                             Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Aye

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Absent

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Aye

                        Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback        Absent


New Business:

  • No new business.

Old Business:

  • Affordable Housing Coordinator Tanya Pannucci stated that the updated Affordable Housing Rehabilitation flyer will be in the next Monroe News. She stated she will also be sending the updated flyer/brochure to the Homeowner’s Associations of each Planned Retirement Community starting with the older communities first.

Public Comment:                                                                                                         

  • Michelle Arminio – Township resident - requested clarification regarding the ratio that Developers are to build market rate units vs. affordable units. Board Engineer Mark Rasimowicz stated that the general formula is a 1/5 or 1/4 ratio when building market rate units with an overall 20% of market rate units built compared to when affordable units are built. Mrs. Arminio asked if it was possible to see the number of affordable units each Development is obligated to build. Board Engineer Mark Rasimowicz stated that that information can be found in the 1999 – 2025 Housing Element and Fair Share Plan which is on the Township website. Mrs. Arminio suggested that we reach out to the Board of Education to provide the Township’s Rehabilitation flyer to those who receive free/reduced lunches and to put in Recreation Center. Affordable Housing Coordinator Tanya Pannucci stated that the Monroe News is distributed to all residents of Monroe Township. Mrs. Arminio asked for clarification on how the lottery system works when choosing income qualified applicants for rental units. Affordable Housing Coordinator Tanya Pannucci provided the written lottery explanation from Piazza and Associates website and stated if her explanation and the written document still leaves Mrs. Arminio with questions then she is welcome to reach out to Piazza and Associates for further clarification.

UPON MOTION made by Board Member Kenneth Hilyard and seconded by Board Member Hemant Patel the meeting was adjourned at 7:07 p.m.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                             Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Aye

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Absent

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Aye

                        Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback        Absent


Alicia Gonzalez

Affordable Housing Board Secretary