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MINUTES - January 10, 2024



WEDNESDAY, January 10, 2024 @ 6:30PM

The Township of Monroe Affordable Housing Board met in the Municipal Building, 1 Municipal Plaza, for a meeting.

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen with a Salute to the Flag.

Chairwoman Miriam Cohen requested the Board Attorney to read the following SUNSHINE LAW:

In accordance with the Open Public Meeting Act, it is hereby announced and shall be entered into the Minutes of this meeting that adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by the following:

  1. Posted on the Bulletin Board of the Office of the Township Clerk;
  2. Posted on the Bulletin Boards within the Municipal Complex;
  3. Printed in the Home News Tribune on December 29, 2023; and
  4. Posted on the Monroe Township website

UPON ROLL CALL by the Affordable Housing Coordinator Tanya Pannucci, the following members of the Board were present: Chairwoman Miriam Cohen, Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly, Member Kenneth Hilyard, Member Richard Lans and Member Hemant Patel. 

ALSO PRESENT: Board Attorney Jerome J. Convery, Board Planner Malvika Apte and Board Engineer Mark Rasimowicz.

ABSENT: Alternate I Board Member Andrea Pellezzi and Alternate II Board Member Arnold Riback.

Chairwoman Miriam Cohen confirmed that there is a five (5) minute standing rule that applies for the public portion of the meeting.

  • Member of the Public was in attendance.


Re-Appointment of Board Attorney:  Jerome J. Convery, Esq.

UPON MOTION made by Board Member Richard Lans and seconded by Board Member Hemant Patel, the Re-Appointment of Board Attorney Jerome J. Convery, Esq. was approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                             Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Aye

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Aye

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Absent

                        Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback        Absent

Re-Appointment of Board Vice-Chairman:  Randy Beverly

UPON MOTION made by Board Member Richard Lans and seconded by Board Member Hemant Patel, the Re-Appointment of Board Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly was approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                             Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Aye

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Aye

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Absent

                        Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback        Absent

Reorganization: Appointment of Board Planning Consultant: Robert Russo, PP, of CME Associates

UPON MOTION made by Vice-Chariman Randy Beverly and seconded by Board Member Hemant Patel, the Appointment of Board Planning Consultant Robert Russo, PP, of CME Associates was approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                             Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Aye

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Aye

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Absent

                        Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback        Absent


Reorganization: Appointment of Consulting Engineer for Affordable Housing Rehabilitation: Center State Engineering, Mark Rasimowicz, PE

UPON MOTION made by vice-Chariman Randy Beverly and seconded by Board Member Richard Lans, the Appointment of Consulting Engineer for Affordable Housing Rehabilitation – Center State Engineering, Mark Rasimowicz, PE was approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                             Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Aye

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Aye

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Absent

                        Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback        Absent

Reorganization: Appointment of Consulting Engineer for Affordable Housing Services: Center State Engineering, Mark Rasimowicz, PE

UPON MOTION made by Board Member Richard Lans and seconded by Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly, the Appointment of Consulting Engineer for Affordable Housing Services – Center State Engineering, Mark Rasimowicz, PE was approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                             Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Aye

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Aye

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Absent

                        Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback        Absent

Reorganization: Appointment of Administrative Agent for Affordable Housing: Piazza & Associates

UPON MOTION made by Board Member Richard Lans and seconded by Board Member Hemant Patel, the Appointment of Administrative Agent for Affordable Housing – Piazza & Associates was approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                             Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Aye

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Aye

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Absent

                        Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback        Absent

  • Engineer Rasimowicz gave a brief overview of the need for Professional Services Contract for Round 4 Affordable Housing Legal and Planning Services, stating that Round 4 is coming up in 2025 and this will give us a head start in working on it. He went on to say that Ms. Beahm has worked on the Township’s Master Plan and our Township Attorney, Louis Rainone, has worked on the Round 3 obligation so it is important for these two appointments so work can be done cooperatively.
  • Services Contract for Round 4 Affordable Housing Legal Services:

Township Attorney (Rainone, Coughlin, Minchello, LLC) - Louis N. Rainone, Esq.

UPON MOTION made by Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly and seconded by Board Member Richard Lans, the Prof. Services Contract for Round 4 Affordable Housing Legal Services - Township Attorney (Rainone, Coughlin, Minchello, LLC) - Louis N. Rainone, Esq. was approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                             Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Abstain

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Aye

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Absent

                        Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback        Absent

  • Services Contract for Round 4 Affordable Housing Planning Services:

Planner (Leon S. Avakian) – Jennifer Beahm, P.E., P.P., C.M.E., C.P.W.M.

UPON MOTION made by Board Member Hemant Patel and seconded by Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly, the Prof. Services Contract for Round 4 Affordable Housing Planning Services: -Planner (Leon S. Avakian) – Jennifer Beahm, P.E., P.P., C.M.E., C.P.W.M. was approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                             Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Aye

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Aye

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Absent

                        Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback        Absent


Approval of Minutes: MTAHB Meeting – October 11, 2023

UPON MOTION made by Board Member Richard Lans and seconded by Board Member Hemant Patel, the MINUTES of the October 11, 2023 Monroe Township Affordable Housing Board Meeting were approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                             Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Aye

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Aye

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Absent

                        Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback        Absent


Board Attorney’s Report, Jerome J. Convery, Esq. – No Report.

Board Planner’s Report, Malvika Apte – No Report.

Board Engineer’s Report, Mark Rasimowicz, Centerstate Engineering – No Report.


New Business:

  • Affordable Housing Coordinator Tanya Pannucci shared that in the Spring of 2024 we will be working on promoting the Affordable Housing Rehabilitation Program by advertising in the Monroe News and possibly putting a flier in with the tax/sewer bill mailings.

Old Business:

  • No old business.


Public Comment:                                                                                                            

Michelle Arminio, Township Resident – Mrs. Arminio asked if there were any reports to which she was told there were none at this time.

Mrs. Arminio asked if there will be a Special Master appointed to Round 4 to which Board Planner Malvika Apte responded.

Mrs. Arminio asked about applications received by Piazza & Associates for the Veteran’s Housing project to which Affordable Housing Coordinator Tanya Pannucci responded that there have been no applications given out yet as the project is still being completed but an interest list is being compiled for those to receive an application once available.


UPON MOTION made by Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly and seconded by Board Member Hemant Patel the meeting was adjourned at 6:57 p.m.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                             Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Aye

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Aye

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Absent

                        Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback        Absent


Tanya Pannucci

Affordable Housing Coordinator



MINUTES - October 11, 2023





WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2023 @ 6:00PM


The Township of Monroe Affordable Housing Board met in the Municipal Building, 1 Municipal Plaza, for a meeting.

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen with a Salute to the Flag.

Chairwoman Miriam Cohen requested the Board Attorney to read the following SUNSHINE LAW:

In accordance with the Open Public Meeting Act, it is hereby announced and shall be entered into the Minutes of this meeting that adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by the following:

  1. Posted on the Bulletin Board of the Office of the Township Clerk;
  2. Posted on the Bulletin Boards within the Municipal Complex;
  3. Printed in the Home News Tribune on December 30, 2022; and
  4. Posted on the Monroe Township website

UPON ROLL CALL by the Affordable Housing Secretary Alicia Gonzalez, the following members of the Board were present: Chairwoman Miriam Cohen, Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly, Member Richard Lans, Member Hemant Patel, Alternate I Board Member Andrea Pellezzi and Alternate II Board Member Arnold Riback.  

ALSO PRESENT: Affordable Housing Coordinator Tanya Pannucci, Board Attorney Jerome J. Convery, Board Planner Malvika Apte and Board Engineer Mark Rasimowicz.

ABSENT: Board Member Kenneth Hilyard.

Chairwoman Miriam Cohen confirmed that there is a five (5) minute standing rule that applies for the public portion of the meeting.

(1) Member of the Public was in attendance.


Approval of Minutes: MTAHB Meeting – July 12, 2023

UPON MOTION made by Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly and seconded by Alternate II Board Member Arnold Riback, the MINUTES of the July 12, 2023 Monroe Township Affordable Housing Board Meeting were approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                             Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Absent

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Aye

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Aye

                        Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback        Aye


Board Attorney’s Report, Jerome J. Convery, Esq.:


Board Attorney Jerome J. Convery stated that the Administration indicated the need for tree removal services in regard to the Veterans Housing Project.

UPON MOTION made by Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly and seconded by Alternate I Board Member Andrea Pellezzi, the Resolution appointing a professional tree consultant in regard to the Veterans Housing Project was approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                             Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Absent

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Aye

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Aye

                        Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback        Aye



Board Attorney Jerome J. Convery gave a brief overview of the request for hardship consideration of MT-362-21 stating that the homeowner has passed away and the family is wanting to now sell the property.

UPON MOTION made by Board Member Richard Lans and seconded by Alternate II Board Member Arnold Riback, the Resolution recommending the release of affordable housing lien for MT-362-21 was approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                             Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Absent

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Aye

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Aye

                        Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback        Aye


Board Planner’s Report, Malvika Apte – No Report.


Board Engineer’s Report, Mark Rasimowicz, Centerstate Engineering


Engineer Rasimowicz explained that this resolution was for Engineering funds in regard to the Veterans Housing Project to come directly from the Affordable Housing Trust.

UPON MOTION made by Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly and seconded by Alternate I Board Member Andrea Pellezzi, the Resolution approving additional funds for consulting Engineer in regard to the Veterans Housing Project was approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                             Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Absent

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Aye

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Aye

                        Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback        Aye



Engineer Rasimowicz explained that this resolution was for a Change Order which decreased the contract amount by $82.00, making the final amount $45,110.00.


UPON MOTION made by Alternate I Board Member Andrea Pellezzi and seconded by Board Member Hemant Patel, the Resolution authorizing change order #1 and final payment for rehabilitation contract MT-379-22 was approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                             Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Absent

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Aye

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Aye

                        Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback        Aye

New Business:

  • No new business.

Old Business:

  • No old business.


Public Comment:                                                                                                                

Michelle Arminio, Township Resident – Mrs. Arminio stated the Midpoint Review was supposed to be presented at the last Affordable Housing meeting and asked where and when it would be presented. Affordable Housing Coordinator Tanya Pannucci stated that it was presented at the April 19, 2023 Affordable Housing meeting and that it was provided to her at that time and also located on the Township website. Mrs. Arminio asked how many affordable housing units under the settlement have been constructed. Board Planner Malvika Apte stated that information is listed in the Midpoint Review that is located on the Township website but did not know the exact number of units at this time. Mrs. Arminio asked if any developments were being built that did not have any affordable housing units and if the developers paid the affordable housing developer fees. Board Attorney Jerome Convery stated that currently any developers not under obligation to build affordable housing units under the settlement would pay the affordable housing developer fees. Mrs. Arminio stated that Director Joseph Stroin told her that 96% of the building is under the affordable housing settlement and that only 4% of new construction is not. Mrs. Arminio stated that the Township should look to the future as any new construction not accounted for under the affordable housing settlement or counted towards future affordable housing settlements may be used against the Township. Board Engineer Mark Rasimowicz stated that no developer is building without either paying the affordable housing developer fee or building affordable housing units in conjunction with the required number of affordable units per the most recent Affordable Housing settlement. He went on to state that the Veteran Housing Project initially had 37 approved affordable housing units but we have increased that total to 80 affordable housing units, having those additional 43 units put towards the next affordable housing obligation. Mrs. Arminio stated that the Township does not have “organic growth”, which she went on to explain means having a population grow slowly and naturally. Mrs. Arminio went on to opinionize that our Township has grown exponentially in the past few years because of the additional 4,800 – 5,000 units being constructed and has negatively impacted the school district as it cannot keep up with the rapid growth and our children deserve to be taught inside schools and not cramped classrooms or trailers. Lastly, Mrs. Arminio stated that our Governing Body needs to do more to curtail the ongoing overdevelopment.


UPON MOTION made by Board Member Hemant Patel and seconded by Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly the meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                             Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Absent

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Aye

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Aye

                        Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback        Aye


Tanya Pannucci, Affordable Housing Coordinator


                                    NEXT MEETING: JANUARY 10, 2024

MINUTES - July 12, 2023



WEDNESDAY, JULY 12, 2023 @ 6:30PM


The Township of Monroe Affordable Housing Board met in the Municipal Building, 1 Municipal Plaza, for a meeting.

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen with a Salute to the Flag.

Chairwoman Miriam Cohen requested the Board Attorney to read the following SUNSHINE LAW:

In accordance with the Open Public Meeting Act, it is hereby announced and shall be entered into the Minutes of this meeting that adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by the following:

  1. Posted on the Bulletin Board of the Office of the Township Clerk;
  2. Posted on the Bulletin Boards within the Municipal Complex;
  3. Printed in the Home News Tribune on December 30, 2022; and
  4. Posted on the Monroe Township website

UPON ROLL CALL by the Affordable Housing Coordinator Tanya Pannucci, the following members of the Board were present: Chairwoman Miriam Cohen, Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly, Member Hemant Patel, Alternate I Board Member Andrea Pellezzi and Alternate II Board Member Arnold Riback.

ALSO PRESENT: Board Attorney Jerome J. Convery and Board Engineer Mark Rasimowicz.

ABSENT: Board Secretary Alicia Gonzalez, Board Planner Malvika Apte and Board Member Kenneth Hilyard.


Chairwoman Miriam Cohen confirmed that there is a five (5) minute standing rule that applies for the public portion of the meeting.

(2)    Members of the Public were in attendance.


Approval of Minutes: MTAHB Meeting – April 19, 2023

UPON MOTION made by Board Member Hemant Patel and seconded by Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly, the MINUTES of the April 19, 2023 Monroe Township Affordable Housing Board Meeting were approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                             Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Absent

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Abstain

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Aye

                        Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback        Abstain

Board Attorney’s Report, Jerome J. Convery, Esq.:


Board Attorney Jerome J. Convery gave a brief overview of the request for hardship consideration of MT-340-18 stating that the homeowner has passed away and the family is wanting to now sell the property.

UPON MOTION made by Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly and seconded by Board Member Hemant Patel, the Resolution recommending the release of affordable housing lien for MT-340-18 was approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                             Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Absent

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Aye

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Aye

                        Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback        Aye


Board Attorney Jerome J. Convery explained that this was a resolution modifying a previous resolution approved at the April 13, 2022 Affordable housing Board Meeting which recommended releasing two liens for MT-318-13 upon repayment due to a financial hardship the homeowners were experiencing requiring them to now sell their home. This resolution modifies the amount to be paid back to the Township as the lien has now been in place for eight years and six months requiring only 50% of repayment to be made.

UPON MOTION made by Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly and seconded by Board Member Hemant Patel, the Resolution recommending the release of affordable housing lien for MT-318-13 was approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                             Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Absent

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Aye

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Aye

                        Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback        Aye

Board Planner’s Report, Malvika Apte – No Report, Absent.

Board Engineer’s Report, Mark Rasimowicz, Centerstate Engineering


Engineer Rasimowicz explained that this resolution was for a Change Order which decreased the contract amount by $10,865, making the final amount $54,325.00.

UPON MOTION made by Board Member Hemant Patel and seconded by Alternate II Board Member Arnold Riback, the Resolution authorizing change order #1 and final payment for rehabilitation contract MT-380-23 was approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                             Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Absent

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Aye

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Aye

                        Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback        Aye

New Business:

  • No new business.

Old Business:

  • No old business.

Affordable Housing Coordinator Tanya Pannucci reminded the Board of the groundbreaking ceremony for our Veteran’s Housing project which will take place next Thursday, June 20th at 9:30am. She added that it is requested for those interested in attending to please be at Patriot’s Park by 9:15am as the ceremony will begin promptly at 9:30am.


Public Comment:                                                                                                                 

Michelle Arminio, Township Resident – Mrs. Arminio asked in reference to the release of liens, why they could not be paid back to the Township at the time of closing; Board Attorney Jerome Convery answered that they typically are. Mrs. Arminio commented that allowing the liens to be paid prior to closing would then allow the property to be marketed at a higher value due to the work that has been done. Board Attorney Jerome Convery rebutted that could be true but is not considered for our purposes. Affordable Housing Coordinator Tanya Pannucci added that the discharge of lien is not considered by Council until payment has been made per the Board’s recommendation resolution.


UPON MOTION made by Alternate I Board Member Andrea Pellezzi and seconded by Board Member Richard Lans the meeting was adjourned at 6:40 p.m.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                             Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Absent

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Aye

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Aye

                        Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback        Aye


Tanya Pannucci

Affordable Housing Coordinator








                                    NEXT MEETING: OCTOBER 11, 2023

MINUTES - April 19, 2023



WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 2023 @ 6:30PM

The Township of Monroe Affordable Housing Board met in the Municipal Building, 1 Municipal Plaza, for a meeting.

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen with a Salute to the Flag.

Chairwoman Miriam Cohen requested the Board Attorney to read the following SUNSHINE LAW:

In accordance with the Open Public Meeting Act, it is hereby announced and shall be entered into the Minutes of this meeting that adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by the following:

  1. Posted on the Bulletin Board of the Office of the Township Clerk;
  2. Posted on the Bulletin Boards within the Municipal Complex;
  3. Printed in the Home News Tribune on December 30, 2022; and
  4. Posted on the Monroe Township website

UPON ROLL CALL by the Board Secretary Alicia Gonzalez, the following members of the Board were present: Chairwoman Miriam Cohen, Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly, Member Hemant Patel, Board Member Kenneth Hilyard, Alternate I Board Member Andrea Pellezzi

ALSO PRESENT: Affordable Housing Coordinator Tanya Pannucci, Board Attorney Jerome J. Convery, Board Planner Malvika Apte, and Board Engineer Mark Rasimowicz.

ABSENT: Board Planner Robert Russo, Board Member Richard Lans and Alternate II Board Member Arnold Riback

Chairwoman Miriam Cohen confirmed that there is a five (5) minute standing rule that applies for the public portion of the meeting.

(1)    Member of the Public was in attendance.

Approval of Minutes: MTAHB Meeting – January 11, 2023

UPON MOTION made by Alternate I Board Member Andrea Pellezzi and seconded by Board Member Hemant Patel, the MINUTES of the January 11, 2023 Monroe Township Affordable Housing Board Meeting were approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                             Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Aye

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Absent

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Aye

                        Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback        Absent


Board Attorney’s Report, Jerome J. Convery, Esq.:

Board Attorney Jerome J. Convery stated he had no report and would defer to Planning to review the Annual Review Report.


Board Planner’s Report, Malvika Apte, PP:

Board Planner Malvika Apte presented and reviewed the Midpoint Review with the Affordable Housing Board which will be posted to the Township website.


UPON MOTION made by Board Member Kenneth Hilyard and seconded by Board Member Hemant Patel, the Resolution approving the annual report was approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                             Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Aye

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Absent

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Aye

                        Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback        Absent


Board Engineer’s Report, Mark Rasimowicz, Centerstate Engineering:


Board Engineer Mark Rasimowicz stated the change order was a reduction to the original contract in the amount of $2,968.37 making the final contract amount to be $66,277.63.

UPON MOTION made by Board Member Kenneth Hilyard and seconded by Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly, the Resolution authorizing change order #1 and final payment for rehabilitation contract for MT-375-22 was approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                             Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Aye

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Absent

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Aye

                        Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback        Absent



Board Engineer Mark Rasimowicz stated the change order was a reduction to the original contract in the amount of $204.25 making the final contract amount to be $34,667.75.

UPON MOTION made by Board Member Kenneth Hilyard and seconded by Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly, the Resolution authorizing change order #1 and final payment for rehabilitation contract for MT-377-22 was approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                             Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Aye

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Absent

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Aye

                        Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback        Absent



Board Engineer Mark Rasimowicz stated the change order was a reduction to the original contract in the amount of $2,710.00 making the final contract amount to be $35,750.00.

UPON MOTION made by Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly and seconded by Board Member Kenneth Hilyard, the Resolution authorizing change order #1 and final payment for rehabilitation contract for MT-378-22 was approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                             Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Aye

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Absent

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Aye

                        Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback        Absent


New Business:

  • No new business.

Old Business:

  • Affordable Housing Coordinator Tanya Pannucci stated that the updated Affordable Housing Rehabilitation flyer will be in the next Monroe News. She stated she will also be sending the updated flyer/brochure to the Homeowner’s Associations of each Planned Retirement Community starting with the older communities first.

Public Comment:                                                                                                         

  • Michelle Arminio – Township resident - requested clarification regarding the ratio that Developers are to build market rate units vs. affordable units. Board Engineer Mark Rasimowicz stated that the general formula is a 1/5 or 1/4 ratio when building market rate units with an overall 20% of market rate units built compared to when affordable units are built. Mrs. Arminio asked if it was possible to see the number of affordable units each Development is obligated to build. Board Engineer Mark Rasimowicz stated that that information can be found in the 1999 – 2025 Housing Element and Fair Share Plan which is on the Township website. Mrs. Arminio suggested that we reach out to the Board of Education to provide the Township’s Rehabilitation flyer to those who receive free/reduced lunches and to put in Recreation Center. Affordable Housing Coordinator Tanya Pannucci stated that the Monroe News is distributed to all residents of Monroe Township. Mrs. Arminio asked for clarification on how the lottery system works when choosing income qualified applicants for rental units. Affordable Housing Coordinator Tanya Pannucci provided the written lottery explanation from Piazza and Associates website and stated if her explanation and the written document still leaves Mrs. Arminio with questions then she is welcome to reach out to Piazza and Associates for further clarification.

UPON MOTION made by Board Member Kenneth Hilyard and seconded by Board Member Hemant Patel the meeting was adjourned at 7:07 p.m.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                             Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Aye

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Absent

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Aye

                        Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback        Absent


Alicia Gonzalez

Affordable Housing Board Secretary








MINUTES - January 11, 2023



WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2023 @ 6:30PM


The Township of Monroe Affordable Housing Board met in the Municipal Building, 1 Municipal Plaza, for a meeting.

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen with a Salute to the Flag.

Chairwoman Miriam Cohen requested the Board Attorney to read the following SUNSHINE LAW:

In accordance with the Open Public Meeting Act, it is hereby announced and shall be entered into the Minutes of this meeting that adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by the following:

  1. Posted on the Bulletin Board of the Office of the Township Clerk;
  2. Posted on the Bulletin Boards within the Municipal Complex;
  3. Printed in the Home News Tribune on December 30, 2022; and
  4. Posted on the Monroe Township website

UPON ROLL CALL by the Board Secretary Alicia Gonzalez, the following members of the Board were present: Chairwoman Miriam Cohen, Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly, Member Hemant Patel, Board Member Kenneth Hilyard, Alternate I Board Member Andrea Pellezzi

ALSO PRESENT: Affordable Housing Coordinator Tanya Pannucci, Board Attorney Jerome J. Convery, Board Planner Malvika Apte, and Board Engineer Mark Rasimowicz.

ABSENT: Board Planner Robert Russo, Board Member Richard Lans and Alternate II Board Member Arnold Riback

Chairwoman Miriam Cohen confirmed that there is a five (5) minute standing rule that applies for the public portion of the meeting.

(0)    Members of the Public were in attendance.

Re-Appointment of Board Attorney: Jerome J. Convery, Esq.

UPON MOTION made by Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly and seconded by Board Member Hemant Patel, the Re-Appointment of Board Attorney Jerome J. Convery, Esq. was approved.

ROLL CALL:  Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                             Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Aye

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Absent

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Aye

                        Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback        Absent

Re-Appointment of Board Secretary: Alicia Gonzalez

UPON MOTION made by Alternate I Board Member Andrea Pellezzi and seconded by Board Member Kenneth Hilyard, the Re-Appointment of Board Secretary Alicia Gonzalez was approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                             Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Aye

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Absent

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Aye

                        Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback        Absent

Re-Appointment of Board Vice-Chairman: Randy Beverly

UPON MOTION made by Board Member Kenneth Hilyard and seconded by Board Member Hemant Patel, the Re-Appointment of Board Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly was approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                             Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Aye

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Absent

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Aye

                        Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback        Absent

Reorganization: Appointment of Board Planning Consultant: Robert Russo, PP, of CME Associates

UPON MOTION made by Board Member Hemant Patel and seconded by Board Member Kenneth Hilyard, the Appointment of Board Planning Consultant Robert Russo, PP, of CME Associates was approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                             Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Aye

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Absent

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Aye

                        Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback        Absent

Reorganization: Appointment of Consulting Engineer for Affordable Housing Rehabilitation: Center State Engineering, Mark Rasimowicz, PE

UPON MOTION made by Board Member Kenneth Hilyard and seconded by Board Member Hemant Patel, the Appointment of Consulting Engineer for Affordable Housing Rehabilitation – Center State Engineering, Mark Rasimowicz, PE was approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                             Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Aye

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Absent

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Aye

                        Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback        Absent

Reorganization: Appointment of Consulting Engineer for Affordable Housing Services: Center State Engineering, Mark Rasimowicz, PE

UPON MOTION made by Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly and seconded by Alternate I Board Member Andrea Pellezzi, the Appointment of Consulting Engineer for Affordable Housing Services – Center State Engineering, Mark Rasimowicz, PE was approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                             Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Aye

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Absent

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Aye

                        Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback        Absent

Reorganization: Appointment of Administrative Agent for Affordable Housing: Piazza & Associates

UPON MOTION made by Board Member Kenneth Hilyard and seconded by Board Member Hemant Patel, the Appointment of Administrative Agent for Affordable Housing – Piazza & Associates was approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                             Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Aye

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Absent

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Aye

                        Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback        Absent

Approval of Minutes: MTAHB Meeting – October 12, 2022

UPON MOTION made by Board Member Hemant Patel and seconded by Alternate I Board Member Andrea Pellezzi, the MINUTES of the October 12, 2022 Monroe Township Affordable Housing Board Meeting were approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                             Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Aye

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Absent

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Abstain

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Aye

                        Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback        Absent


Board Attorney’s Report, Jerome J. Convery, Esq.:

Board Attorney Jerome J. Convery stated he had no report and would defer to Engineering.

Board Planner’s Report, Malvika Apte, PP:

Board Planner Malvika Apte stated she had nothing to report. Chairwoman Miriam Cohen asked when the Midpoint Review would be finalized. Board Planner Malvika Apte stated the Board should have the Midpoint Review by the next meeting. Board Engineer Mark Rasimowicz stated the delay in the report being finalized was because they were waiting for end of year Certificate of Occupancies.

Board Engineer’s Report, Mark Rasimowicz, Centerstate Engineering:


Board Engineer Mark Rasimowicz stated the change order was a reduction to the original contract in the amount of $7,090.00 making the final contract amount to be $64,430.00.

UPON MOTION made by Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly and seconded by Board Member Kenneth Hilyard, the Resolution authorizing change order #1 and final payment for rehabilitation contract for MT-370-21 was approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                             Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Aye

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Absent

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Aye

                        Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback        Absent


Board Engineer Mark Rasimowicz stated the change order was a reduction to the original contract in the amount of $3,049.00 making the final contract amount to be $29,945.00.

UPON MOTION made by Board Member Hemant Patel and seconded by Board Member Kenneth Hilyard, the Resolution authorizing change order #1 and final payment for rehabilitation contract for MT-376-22 was approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                             Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Aye

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Absent

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Aye

                        Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback        Absent

New Business:

  • Board Engineer Mark Rasimowicz stated they have two applications for rehabilitations that they are waiting on proposals for and to anticipate an emergency meeting within the next one to two weeks to award contracts for those rehabilitation applications.
  • Board Engineer Mark Rasimowicz stated there are emergency sewer repairs needed for MT-375-22. The original contract for MT-375-22 was awarded on April 13, 2022 in the amount of $69,246.00 and currently that contract has an unexpended balance of $66,277.63. The Board Attorney and Board Engineer proposed that emergency action be taken at this meeting tonight to approve a Change Order #1 increase to MT-375-22 in the amount of $17, 647.11 making the estimated final contract amount to be $83,924.74.

UPON MOTION made by Board Member Hemant Patel and seconded by Board Member Kenneth Hilyard, the Resolution authorizing change order #1 for rehabilitation contract MT-375-22 was approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                             Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Aye

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Absent

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Aye

                        Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback        Absent

Old Business:

  • Chairwoman Miriam Cohen asked the Affordable Housing Coordinator Tanya Pannucci about the status of the Affordable Housing Rehabilitation program presentation. Tanya Pannucci stated the presentation should be ready by April/May of 2023.
  • Board Engineer stated the Veterans Housing project design is coming along as there was a delay from PSEG regarding an easement and that they anticipate breaking ground in Spring 2023.

Public Comment:

  • (0) Members of the Public present.

UPON MOTION made by Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly and seconded by Board Member Kenneth Hilyard the meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                             Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Aye

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Absent

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Aye

                        Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback        Absent



Alicia Gonzalez

Affordable Housing Board Secretary



MINUTES - October 12, 2022



WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2022 @ 6:30PM


The Township of Monroe Affordable Housing Board met in the Municipal Building, 1 Municipal Plaza, for a meeting.

The meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m. by Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen with a Salute to the Flag.

Chairwoman Miriam Cohen requested the Board Attorney to read the following SUNSHINE LAW:

In accordance with the Open Public Meeting Act, it is hereby announced and shall be entered into the Minutes of this meeting that adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by the following:

  1. Posted on the Bulletin Board of the Office of the Township Clerk;
  2. Posted on the Bulletin Boards within the Municipal Complex;
  3. Printed in the Home News Tribune on December 30, 2021; and
  4. Posted on the Monroe Township website

UPON ROLL CALL by the Board Secretary, Alicia Gonzalez, the following members of the Board were present: Chairwoman Miriam Cohen, Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly, Board Members Hemant Patel and Richard Lans, Alternate I Board Member Andrea Pellezzi and Alternate II Board Member Arnold Riback

ALSO PRESENT: Board Attorney Jerome J. Convery, Board Planner Robert Russo, and Board Engineer Mark Rasimowicz and Affordable Housing Coor./Municipal Housing Liaison Tanya Pannucci.

ABSENT: Board Member Kenneth Hilyard, Board Planner Malvika Apte

Chairwoman Miriam Cohen confirmed that there is a five (5) minute standing rule that applies for the public portion of the meeting.

(0)    Members of the Public were in attendance at the time of conveyance.


Approval of Minutes: MTAHB Meeting – July 13, 2022


UPON MOTION made by Board Member Hemant Patel and seconded by Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly, the MINUTES of the July 13, 2022 Monroe Township Affordable Housing Board Meeting were approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                             Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Absent

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Aye

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Aye





Board Attorney’s Report, Jerome J. Convery, Esq.




Board Attorney Jerome J. Convery explained that the Planning Board gave a courtesy review of the Veteran’s Housing Project at their meeting scheduled for July 28th; at the meeting Conifer Realty, LLC gave a presentation of their plan which includes 80 affordable units for veterans.


UPON MOTION made by Board Member Richard Lans and seconded by Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly, the Resolution approving additional funds for Consulting Engineer in regard to the Veteran’s housing Project was approved.

ROLL CALL: Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                              Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Absent

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Aye

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Aye



Board Attorney Jerome J. Convery explained that the Planning Board gave a courtesy review of the Veteran’s Housing Project at their meeting scheduled for July 28th; at the meeting Conifer Realty, LLC gave a presentation of their plan which includes 80 affordable units for veterans.


UPON MOTION made by Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly and seconded by Alternate I Board Member Andrea Pellezzi, the Resolution approving additional funds for Planning Consultant in regard to the Veteran’s housing Project was approved.

ROLL CALL: Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                              Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Absent

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Aye

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Aye



Board Attorney Jerome J. Convery explained that homeowner had recently passed away with 10 months remaining on the Affordable Housing Rehabilitation Agreement. The family of the deceased want to sell the home at market-rate value and pay back 50% of the contracted amount.


UPON MOTION made by Board Member Richard Lans and seconded by Board Member Hemant Patel, the Resolution approving additional funds for Planning Consultant in regard to the Veteran’s housing Project was approved.

ROLL CALL: Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                              Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Absent

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Aye

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Aye


Board Planner’s Report, Robert Russo, PP

Board Planner, Robert Russo, had nothing to report. Chairwoman Miriam Cohen inquired about the Affordable Housing report update to which the Board Planner stated would check with the Administrator.


Board Engineer’s Report, Mark Rasimowicz, Centerstate Engineering




Board Engineer Mark Rasimowicz stated they received two quotes and advised to award to the 2nd lowest bidder, Bogue Custom Builders, at $34,872.00. With the reason to ensure that the work was done in a timely manner since there are only two contractors submitting bids as well as increased time in acquiring supplies.


UPON MOTION made by Alternate I Board Member Andrea Pellezzi and seconded by Board Member Hemant Patel, the Resolution authorizing Award of Rehabilitation Contract for MT-377-22 was approved.

ROLL CALL: Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                              Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Absent

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Aye

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Aye




Board Engineer Mark Rasimowicz stated they received two quotes and advised to award to the lowest bidder at $38,460.00 to Icon Industries.


UPON MOTION made by Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly and seconded by Board Member Hemant Patel, the Resolution authorizing Award of Rehabilitation Contract for MT-378-22 was approved.

ROLL CALL: Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                              Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Absent

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Aye

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Aye


New Business: Board Engineer Mark Rasimowicz stated there were two rehabilitation projects that are getting ready to close out from the homes within Rossmoor that were affected by Hurricane Henri.


Old Business: Affordable Housing Coor./Municipal Housing Liaison Tanya Pannucci advised the board that the Affordable Housing Rehabilitation Flyer has been updated but wants to discuss more with Administration before having an in-person presentation. Board Engineer Mark Rasimowicz agreed to wait until at least Spring 2023 to hold any in-person presentation and to consider holding it a PRC other than Clearbrook since the Board already did a presentation there in 2019. Board Chairwoman Miriam Cohen suggested to present at one of the Mayor’s Advisory Committee meetings since a member of each PRC (Planned Retirement Community) is present and can relay the information provided to each of their communities.

Board Member Hemant Patel stated that at the most recent Board of Education meeting it was insinuated that Affordable Housing is the reason for the increased enrolled students/over population of the schools. Board Chairwoman Miriam Cohen stated that the Affordable Housing Board does not comment on Board of Education matters. Affordable Housing Coordinator Tanya Pannucci stated that if anyone wanted to view the Affordable Housing Fair Share Housing Plan and all other Affordable Housing related documents they are all on the Township website or can be accessed by calling the Affordable Housing office. Board Engineer Mark Rasimowicz stated that the required Affordable Housing units were determined by the Superior Court and the Master Plan does not and can not change the amount required.


Public Comment: At this time (0) Members of the public were in attendance.


UPON MOTION made by Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly and seconded by Board Member Hemant Patel the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                             Aye

                        Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                         Aye

                        Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                       Absent

                        Board Member, Richard Lans                            Aye

                        Board Member, Hemant Patel                           Aye

                        Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi       Aye



Alicia Gonzalez

Board Secretary



MINUTES - July 13, 2022





WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 2022 @ 6:30PM


The Township of Monroe Affordable Housing Board met in the Municipal Building, 1 Municipal Plaza, for a meeting.

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen with a Salute to the Flag.

Chairwoman Miriam Cohen requested the Board Attorney to read the following SUNSHINE LAW:

In accordance with the Open Public Meeting Act, it is hereby announced and shall be entered into the Minutes of this meeting that adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by the following:

  • Posted on the Bulletin Board of the Office of the Township Clerk;
  • Posted on the Bulletin Boards within the Municipal Complex;
  • Printed in the Home News Tribune on December 30, 2021; and
  • Posted on the Monroe Township website

UPON ROLL CALL by the Affordable Housing Coor./Municipal Housing Liaison Tanya Pannucci, the following members of the Board were present: Chairwoman Miriam Cohen, Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly, Board Members Hemant Patel and Richard Lans, Alternate I Board Member Andrea Pellezzi and Alternate II Board Member Arnold Riback

ALSO PRESENT: Board Attorney Jerome J. Convery, Board Planner Malvika Apte, and Board Engineer Mark Rasimowicz.

ABSENT: Board Member Kenneth Hilyard, Board Engineer Mar Rasimowicz and Board Secretary Alicia Gonzalez.

Chairwoman Miriam Cohen confirmed that there is a five (5) minute standing rule that applies for the public portion of the meeting.

  • Members of the Public were in attendance at the time of conveyance.


Approval of Minutes: MTAHB Meeting – April 13, 2022


UPON MOTION made by Vice-Chariman Randy Beverly and seconded by Board Member Hemant Patel, the MINUTES of the April 13, 2022 Monroe Township Affordable Housing Board Meeting were approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                                 Aye

                           Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                             Aye

                           Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                          Absent

                           Board Member, Richard Lans                               Abstain

                           Board Member, Hemant Patel                               Aye

                           Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi         Aye

                           Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback         Aye


Approval of Minutes: MTAHB Emergency Meeting – May 11, 2022


UPON MOTION made by Vice-Chariman Randy Beverly and seconded by Board Member Andrea Pellezzi, the MINUTES of the May 11, 2022 Monroe Township Affordable Housing Board Emergency Meeting were approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                                 Aye

                           Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                             Aye

                           Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                          Absent

                           Board Member, Richard Lans                               Abstain

                           Board Member, Hemant Patel                               Abstain

                           Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi         Aye

                           Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback         Abstain



Board Attorney’s Report, Jerome J. Convery, Esq.




Board Attorney Jerome J. Convery explained that the Planning Board is giving a courtesy review of the Veteran’s Housing Project at their meeting scheduled for July 28th; at the meeting Conifer Realty, LLC will give a presentation of their plan which includes 80 affordable units for veterans.


UPON MOTION made by Board Member Richard Lans and seconded by Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly, the Resolution appointing Jerome Convery as the Attorney in regard to the Veteran’s housing Project was approved.

ROLL CALL: Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                                  Aye

                           Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                             Aye

                           Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                          Absent

                           Board Member, Richard Lans                               Aye

                           Board Member, Hemant Patel                               Aye

                           Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi         Aye

                           Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback         Aye


Board Planner’s Report, Malvika Apte, PP

Board Planner Malvika Apte quickly updated that the Annual Report is currently under review by the Township’s Administration and once approved will be made available to the Board members and posted on the Township’s website.


Board Engineer’s Report, Mark Rasimowicz, Centerstate Engineering




Board Attorney Jerome J. Convery gave a quick overview of the Change Order #1 and Final Payment requested for Rehabilitation Contract MT-369-21 explaining that this Change Order #1 decreases the contract by $8,640.00, with the Final Payment being $1,300.00 for a Contract Total of $43,200.00.


UPON MOTION made by Alternate I Board Member Andrea Pellezzi and seconded by Board Member Hemant Patel, the Resolution authorizing Change Order #1 and Final Payment for Rehabilitation Contract MT-369-21 was approved.

ROLL CALL: Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                                  Aye

                           Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                             Aye

                           Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                          Absent

                           Board Member, Richard Lans                               Aye

                           Board Member, Hemant Patel                               Aye

                           Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi         Aye

                           Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback         Aye


New Business: None.


Old Business: None.


Public Comment: At this time (1) Member of the public was in attendance.

Michele Arminio, 9 Nathaniel St. – Mrs. Arminio asked if there was an update on the Veteran’s Housing Project; Board Attorney Jerome J. Convery stated that there will be 80 units and a courtesy review is being done by the Planning Board at their July 28th meeting where Conifer Realty, LLC will be giving a presentation.

Mrs. Arminio asked if there was an update on the number of affordable housing units approved and being built and if the issue with the market units being built ahead of the affordable units addressed with the one developer; Board Attorney Jerome J. Convery and Chairwoman Miriam Cohen answered that the issue with building has been addressed and resolved. Mrs. Arminio asked about obtaining the settlement order signed by Judge Wolfson to which Affordable Housing Coor./Municipal Housing Liaison Tanya Pannucci responded that she would email it to her by the end of the day tomorrow.



UPON MOTION made by Alternate I Board Member Andrea Pellezzi and seconded by Board Member Hemant Patel the meeting was adjourned at 6:46 p.m.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                                  Aye

                           Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                             Aye

                           Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                          Absent

                           Board Member, Richard Lans                               Aye

                           Board Member, Hemant Patel                               Aye

                           Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi         Aye

                           Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback         Aye


Tanya Pannucci

Affordable Housing Coor./Municipal Housing Liaison