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Monroe Taxpayers Receive Additional State Funding

August 01, 2018

By Mayor Gerald W. Tamburro

With the Governor signing a new budget on July 1, Monroe taxpayers scored an important victory with the addition of $2 million for our schools and $1.4 million dollars in the Homestead Rebate property tax relief program.

The initial state budget included only $344,000 earmarked for Monroe schools and thanks to our collective efforts, taxpayers will see that increase to $2 million in aid monies for our district.  This comes on top of the $458,000 we received last year, which I applaud our Board of Education for using for property tax relief.

I’m especially grateful to our 14th District representatives, Sen. Linda Greenstein and Assemblymen Wayne DeAngelo and Dan Benson, who have been lobbying to end school aid disparities for Monroe residents over the last several years. 

I am proud to have fought for this alongside the township council, school district administrators, board of education, and most importantly, the parents and advocates who championed our cause for so long.

Together, we wrote letters, we held petition drives, we made phone calls, we sent delegations to speak at statewide forums, and yes, we even marched on Trenton. 

While we still have a way to go to ensure we get the full amount of funding that our students deserve, this is a promising and pivotal step in the right direction.

The adopted state budget also included $1.4 million dollars in tax relief for Monroe seniors and residents who qualify for the Homestead Rebate program.  Special thanks to Assembly Speaker Craig Coughlin (Middlesex) for his hard work and commitment to restoring this funding.   Qualifying residents should see these refunds later this year. 

This is an important milestone for us as taxpayers, as we will finally see some much needed state property-tax relief. 

Since I became Mayor, two and a half years ago, I’ve made it my highest priority to ensure that our message reached lawmakers in Trenton.

I will continue to work hard with our legislators, council, school district and residents for a better Monroe Township.  This level of cooperation proves that we are more effective and stronger together, working toward a common goal.