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Planning Agenda |February 24, 2022


Township of Monroe Planning Board

Planning Board Meeting

 February 24, 2022

at 6:30 P.M.

Order of agenda subject to change at the discretion of the Chairman


I.                          Call to order 6:30 P. M. via Zoom

                               Web-meeting access information

                               Phone #1-312-626-6799 or 1-929-205-6099

                               Meeting ID 850 8136 5970

II.                         Salute to the Flag

III.                       ANNOUNCE SUNSHINE LAW:   In accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, it is hereby announced and shall be entered into the minutes of this meeting that adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by the following:

                                Posted on the Bulletin Board of the Office of the Township Clerk;

                                Posted on the Bulletin Boards within the Municipal Complex;

                               Printed in the Home News Tribune on December 30, 2021;               

                               Posted on the Monroe Township website; and

                               Sent to those individuals who have requested personal notice.

IV.                   Roll Call:

                          Michael Markel, Mayor’s Representative

                          Terence Van Dzura, Councilman

                          Marc Gaffrey

                          John Riggs

                         David Rothman

                         Andy Paluri

                        Karen Polidoro

                        Roslyn Brodsky

                        Kevin McGowan

                        , Alt. I

                        , Alt. II

V.                    Minutes of Regular Meeting held December 1, 2021 and January 27, 2021.

VI.                   Applications

PB-1241-21  Jonkat Construction, LLC

                          Request for Minor Subdivision, Minor Site Plan and Bulk Variances;

                          Block 62, Lots 28 and 30

                          (440 & 442 Grace Hill Road)

                          Zone: R-20

                         Represented by Walter Toto

                         Certified Complete on February 8, 2022 (Expiration date 06/08/2022)

                         Description: 2 lot subdivision.                      

PB-1239-21  Matrix 330 Applegarth, LLC

                          Request for Final Site Plan

                          Block 41, Lot 10.04

                          (326 Applegarth Road)

                          Zone: OP

                          Represented by John Michalski    

                          Certified Complete on 11/13/2021 (Expiration date 12/28/2021)

                          Consented to extension to 02/28/2022     

                          Description: 1 lot with 1 proposed structure                       

VII.                  Memorialization

                          PB-1238-21                                                               Old Forge Properties, LLC                       

VIII.                Public Portion

IX.                   Discussion Items

X.                    Correspondence

XI.                  Adjournment

Next Regular Planning Board Meeting:

March 24, 2022