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Zoning Agenda | November, 26 2019


Township of Monroe Zoning Board

Zoning Board Meeting

  November 26, 2019

at 7:00 P.M.

Order of agenda subject to change at the discretion of the Chairman

I. Call to order  7:00 P. M.

II. Salute to the Flag

III.  ANNOUNCE SUNSHINE LAW:   In accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, it is hereby announced and shall be entered into the minutes of this meeting that adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by the following:

Posted on the Bulletin Board of the Office of the Township Clerk;

Posted on the Bulletin Boards within the Municipal Complex;

Printed in the Home News Tribune and Cranbury Press on January 4, 2019;                   

Posted on the Monroe Township website; and                                

Sent to those individuals who have requested personal notice.

IV. Roll Call

                        Carol Damiani, Chairwoman

                        Vincent LaFata, Vice Chairman

                        Dhaval Patel

                        Marino Lupo

                        Henry Sloan

                        Jennifer Hluchy

                        Michael Maiolo

                        Louis Masters, Alternate #1

                        Gary I. Busman, Alternate #2

                        Rajani Karuturi, Alternate #3

                        Donato Tanzi, Alternate #4

V. Minutes of Regular Meeting held October 29, 2019.

VI. Applications


BA-5164-18              Rishrah Properties, LLC c/o Jighya Patel 

                                    Request for Preliminary & Final Site Plan with Bulk & Use Variances 

                                    Block 26, Lot 20.03 (Applegarth Road)

                                    Zone: R-30 Residential

                                    Represented by Walter Toto

                                    Certified Complete on 11/15/2019 (Expiration date 03/15/2020)

                                    Description: Convert existing residence into medical office.

BA-5168-18              PDC Atlanta, LLC

                                    Request for Bulk & Use Variances

                                    Block 82, Lot 3.01 (Cranbury South River Road)

                                    Zone: R-30 (Residential)

                                    Represented by Bob Smith

                                    Certified Complete on 11/15/2019 (Expiration date 03/15/2020)

                                    Description:Warehouse Development

VII.                  Memorialization


                        BA-5172-19              Applegarth Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses


VIII.                 Discussion Items


Appointment of Attorney in the matter known as Black Rock Enterprises, LLC vs. Monroe Township Zoning Board.

 IX. Public Portion

 X. Correspondence

 XI. Adjournment


                                                           Next Regular Zoning Board Meeting:

January 28, 2020