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Monroe Council Minutes | 1/12/2016



The Council of the Township of Monroe met in the Municipal Building, 1 Municipal Plaza, for a Special Meeting. 

The Special Meeting was Called to Order at 8:00 p.m. by Council President Leslie Koppel with a Salute to the Flag. 

UPON ROLL CALL by the Township Clerk, Sharon Doerfler, the following members of Council were present: Councilman Michael Leibowitz, Councilwoman Elizabeth Schneider, Council Vice-President Stephen Dalina and Council President Leslie Koppel. 

ALSO PRESENT:  Mayor Gerald W. Tamburro, Business Administrator Wayne R. Hamilton, Township Attorney Joel L. Shain, Engineer Mark Rasimowicz and Deputy Clerk Patricia Reid. 

There were approximately ten (10) members of the Public present in the audience. 

Council President Koppel requested the Township Clerk to read the following SUNSHINE LAW into the record: 

In accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, it is hereby announced and shall be entered into the Minutes of this meeting that adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by the following: 

1.Posted on January 7, 2016 on the Bulletin Board of the Office of the Township Clerk in the Municipal Building, 1 Municipal Plaza and remains posted at that location for public inspection; 

2.Communicated to the CRANBURY PRESS on January 7, 2016 and printed in the HOME NEWS TRIBUNE on January 9, 2016;    

3.Posted on the Bulletin Boards within the Municipal Complex;  

4.Posted on the Monroe Township website; and 

5.Sent to those individuals who have requested personal notice. 

 In accordance with Chapter 3, Section 17 of the Monroe Township Code, Public Comment shall be limited to five (5) minutes unless further time is granted by the Council President. 

Council President Koppel announced the Special Meeting is being Called to Order for the purpose of selecting a successor to fill the Ward 2 Council seat vacancy created by operation of law, upon the swearing-in of Gerald W. Tamburro as Mayor on January 1, 2016. 

 In accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:16-11, the Monroe Township Democratic County Committee has submitted to this governing body three (3) nominees for the selection of a successor to fill the vacancy in the Ward 2 Council seat. 

 The names of the nominees are: Leonard Baskin, residing in Ward 2, District 10, Blaise Dipierro, residing in Ward 2, District 2 and Paul Onish, residing in Ward 2, District 10.  

 Council President Koppel advised the Council that Nominations are in order for the Ward 2 Council seat  

Council Vice-President Dalina nominated Blaise Dipierro, seconded by Councilwoman Schneider.  

Council President Koppel asked if there were any further Nominations and there being none, she requested a Motion to close the Nominations. 


UPON MOTION made by Councilman Leibowitz and seconded by Council Vice-President Dalina, the NOMINATION for the position COUNCIL to fill the WARD 2 COUNCIL SEAT was closed and a Roll Call Vote was taken on the NOMINATION of Blaise Dipierro to serve as Ward 2 Councilman. 

ROLL CALL:   Councilman Michael LeibowitzAye 

Councilwoman Elizabeth SchneiderAye 

Council Vice-President Stephen DalinaAye 

Council President Leslie KoppelAye 


UPON MOTION made by Councilman Leibowitz and seconded by Councilwoman Schneider, the following entitled RESOLUTION of APPOINTMENT was adopted as herein below set forth: 


ROLL CALL:   Councilman Michael LeibowitzAye 

Councilwoman Elizabeth SchneiderAye 

Council Vice-President Stephen DalinaAye 

Council President Leslie KoppelAye 


Copy of Resolution Duly Filed. 


Mayor Tamburro thanked all 3 candidates for their interest in the Ward 2 Council seat that was formally held by him and explained to those in the Public the process involved in the filling of the position.  


The Township Clerk administered the OATH OF OFFICE to Blaise Dipierro as Ward 2 Councilman. 


Council President Koppel thanked each of the three nominees, commenting that the other two nominees are stellar and thanked them for their interest in the position and looks forward to their continued involvement in the township 


Councilwoman Schneider also thanked all of the nominees and expressed her interest in working with Councilman Dipierro in the future, and sighted the long history of Blaise’s father and grandfather within the township. 


Council Vice-President Dalina thanked Mr. Baskin and Mr. Onish for their interest and asked for their continued involvement in the township.  


Councilman Leibowitz thanked the nominees for all of their hard work and involvement in the township.  


PublicNo public comment.  


UPON MOTION made by Council Vice-President Dalina and seconded by Councilwoman Schneider, the Regular Meeting was Adjourned at 8:15pm. 

ROLL CALL:   Councilman Blaise DipierroAye 

                       Councilman Michael Leibowitz  Aye 

                       Councilwoman Elizabeth SchneiderAye 

                       Council Vice-President Stephen DalinaAye 

                       Council President Leslie Koppel                               Aye 


Sharon Doerfler 

SHARON DOERFLER, Township Clerk 


Leslie Koppel 

LESLIE KOPPEL, Council President 


Minutes were adopted on February 8, 2016