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Zoning Minutes | November 30, 2021




November 30, 2021

Meeting called to order at 6:30 P.M. by Chairman Vincent LaFata who led the salute to the Flag.

Chairman Vincent LaFata read the Sunshine Law as follows: In accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, it is hereby announced and shall be entered into the minutes of this meeting that adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by the following:

Posted on January 1, 2021 on the Bulletin Board of the Office of the Township Clerk, Municipal Complex, 1 Municipal Plaza, and remains on file at that location for public inspection;

Posted on the Bulletin Board of the Office of the Township Clerk;

Posted on the Bulletin Boards within the Municipal Complex;                                 

Printed in the Home News Tribune and Cranbury Press on January 1, 2021;             

Posted on the Monroe Township website; and                  

Sent to those individuals who have requested personal notice.

MEMBERS PRESENT:          Chairman Vincent LaFata, Vice Chairwoman Carol Damiani, Mr. Marino Lupo, Mr. Louis Masters, Mr. Donato Tanzi, Alternate #1 Mr. Richard Lans, Alternate #2 Mr. Arnold Jaffe, Alternate #3 Mr. Nicholas Morolda and Alternate #4 Mr. Manmeet Singh Virdi.  Also present for the Board were Attorney Peter Vignuolo, Planner Rob Russo, Engineer Mark Rasimowicz and Director of Planning & Zoning Mr. Joe Stroin.

MEMBERS ABSENT: Mr. Gary Busman and Ms. Rajani Karuturi.

A motion to approve the October 26, 2021 Minutes made by Mr. Richard Lans and seconded by Mr. Donato Tanzi and passed with Chairman LaFata abstaining.

BA-5185-20                            Monique Smith; Request for Bulk Variance; Block 34, Lot 4; Located at 621 Buckelew Avenue, In the R-3A Zone

Mr. Peter Vignuolo, Board Attorney clarified some issues that are taking place this evening.  First application, Ms. Smith informed him she did receive the completeness determination but there was some confusion over the notice requirements, about who was required to prepare the notices and send them out.  So, she’s asking to be carried to the next available meeting, so she has time to properly notice the application for January 25, 2022.  We would place her on the agenda for that meeting and he would work with her on the notices because she doesn’t have counsel.  The Board does not have to vote to carry it because no jurisdiction because she did never notice.  It will be carried to the January 25, 2022 meeting. 

BA-5210-21                            Guru Nanak Sikh Heritage Inc. (Phase II); Request for Preliminary and Final Site Plan with Bulk Variance; Block 13, Lot 2; Located on Wyckoff’s Mill Road, In the R-60 Zone

Mr. Peter Vignuolo, Board Attorney stated Mr. Smith, attorney for the applicant informed the Board the applicant was requesting to be carried to the January 25, 2022 meeting.  So that they had time to address the concerns of the Board’s professionals.  He did indicate that the applicant would re-notice the application for the January 25, 2022 hearing.    

BA-5213-21                            Royal Real Estate Holding, LLC; Request for Preliminary Major Subdivision with Use Variance and Bulk Variances; Block 35.07, Lots 20.01 & 20.02; Located at 202 Mounts Mills Road, In the R-30 Zone

Mr. Peter Vignuolo, Board Attorney stated Mr. Sachs is also requesting an adjournment to carry this application to the January 25, 2022 meeting with additional notice.  They received the report from Mr. Rasimowicz last week.  There are a number of issues they need to address with the engineering review.  They plan on doing that over the next month or so.   


BA-5204-21                CT07 Shared Commercial, LLC and DT07 Shared Commercial, LLC, a motion to approve made by Mr. Marino Lupo and seconded by Vice Chairwoman Carol Damiani and passed unanimously by all members of the Board present.


Tim Eosso, 2 Allison Court spoke on behalf of a lot of members of residences who are looking for these meetings to be conducted on Zoom.  He requested that this be noted in the minutes.  As a taxpayer, he is looking for these meetings to be telecast on Zoom.  They can be for a later date, as well.  It’s just a lot of people really want to get involved, but don’t want to come here because they are nervous about Covid or they just can’t get here at this time of night because of kids, or what have you.  Please note in the minutes that he, as a taxpayer, is requesting that the Zoning board Meetings be on Zoom.  We will take that under advisement and pass it on to the appropriate powers that be to evaluate whether or not we can pursue that.  At present, because the municipality has the ability to conduct the meetings in a room of this size with social distancing and masks, if necessary, there is no ability for the municipality to conduct them remotely.  Essentially, because the state of emergency under which most of the municipalities were proceeding has expired.  It expired in June so a number of places have continued because there are practical difficulties with them proceeding with an in person meeting.  There is enough room in here for social distancing.  If there is a problem with the nature of a meeting they can conceivably they can call in.  We have 40,000 residents and we have three people here.  A lot of people can’t come if they have kids or they are also nervous about Covid.  He understands all that.  Mr. Eosso requests that as a taxpayer, this be put into the minutes.  The attorney responded that the municipal law doesn’t allow for Zoom meetings. The Board doesn’t necessarily allow for that discretion.  The Zoom meetings exist because of an amendment during the state of emergency.  During the absence of a state of emergency, you don’t have the ability to do that.  Mr. Eosso asked to have the municipal land use law to be sent to him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..    He’d like a legal explanation.  We will talk to the Chairman as to what we want to do or not do.  It will be taken under advisement. 

Tom Selansky is the owner of the property next to the Guru Nanak Sikh Heritage Temple.  He was wondering if it’s possible to see the proposed site plan that they have for it.  (Yes, it is available at the office if you come to the municipal building, you should be able to have access to view that.  8:30-4:30 Monday through Friday, we’re downstairs.)  The neighbor also said they were surveying for water lines for service on the street at Wykoff Mills Road. 

Chairman LaFata stated that’s one thing we can’t discuss at the public section the discussions of those applications will happen during a hearing.   So, certainly where the plans are is different from the meat and potatoes of what’s going on.

Motion to close the public portion of the meeting made by Mr. Marino Lupo and seconded by Mr. Louis Masters and passed unanimously by all members of the Board present.

A motion to adjourn at 6:40p.m. made by Mr. Marino Lupo and seconded by Mr. Arnold Jaffe and passed unanimously by all members of the Board present.

Respectfully submitted,