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Zoning Minutes | Nov 28, 2017



November 28, 2017

Meeting called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairwoman Carol Damiani who led the salute to the Flag.

Chairwoman Carol Damiani read the Sunshine Law as follows: In accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, it is hereby announced and shall be entered into the minutes of this meeting that adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by the following:

Posted on January 6, 2017 on the Bulletin Board of the Office of the Township Clerk, Municipal Complex, 1 Municipal Plaza, and remains on file at that location for public inspection;

Printed in the Home News Tribune and Cranbury Press on January 6, 2017;

Posted on January 6, 2017 on the Bulletin Boards within the Municipal complex, 1 Municipal Plaza;

Posted on the Monroe Township website; and

Sent to those individuals who have requested personal notice. 

MEMBERS PRESENT:       Chairwoman Carol Damiani, Mr. Marino Lupo, Mr. Dhaval Patel, Mr. Mark Klein, Mr. Henry Sloan and Alternate #1 Mr. Stanley Teller.  Also present for the Board were Attorney Karl Kemm, Planner Mark Remsa, and Engineer Mark Rasimowicz.

MEMBERS ABSENT:         Vice Chairman Vincent LaFata, Mr. Joseph W. Gurney, Alternate #2 Ms. Jennifer Hluchy and Alternate #3 Mr. Louis Masters

A motion to approve the October 31, 2017, Minutes made by  and seconded by and passed unanimously by all members present.

BA-5146-17                           Applegarth Estates, LLC (Gardens @ Monroe);Request for Use Variance; Block 15, Lot 10.03; Located on Applegarth Road, In the R-60 (Residential) Zone

To be carried to the January 30, 2018 meeting with notice.

BA-5121-16                           Love’s Tree Removal; Request for Use Variance; Block 32, Lots 14.01 & 15.01 located on Buckelew Avenue in the RR-FL(Rural Residential / Farmland Preservation Dist.) Zone

Applicant requested to be removed from Agenda in order to submit revised plans.

BA-5152-17                           Guru Nanak Sikh Heritage Inc.;   Request for Use Variance and Preliminary and Final Site Plan; Block 13, Lot 2 located on Wyckoff’s Mill Road in the R-60 (Residential) Zone

Represented by Mr. Bob Smith who stated this application is seeking Use Variance and Preliminary and Final Site Plan for a House of Worship, to construct a Sikh Temple, located on Wyckoff’s Mills Road, known as Block 13, Lot 2 in the residential zone.  There are four (4) witnesses to testify tonight.  We have provided a copy of the notice and believe that Board has jurisdiction to hear the application.

Mr. Singh, Board of Trustees of the temple, stated the daily activity in detail in regards to the Temple.  The hours and time of worship are Friday afternoon/evening and it is estimated that approximately 15-20 families will attend, and, Sunday morning and it is estimated that approximately 25-30 families will attend.  The temple and other structures on the property will also be used for other religious events.  There are no outside activities.   Families usually come together in one (1) car.  The building is designed to accommodate 150 people.  The worship area does not have seats or pews, worshippers sit on the floor, with the exception for the elderly.  No plans for, any live-in religious leader, congregants or others.  The building also contains a full kitchen and a full bath which is used for weddings and like celebrations.  We do plan for further development of the Property.  We will comply with all professional reports.

Mr. Bhaskar Halari, applicant’s Engineer, described the project in detail.  The Property is located on Wyckoff’s Mill Road in the R-60 Zone of the Township and it is irregularly shaped and contains approximately about 20.1 acres.  The property is vacant and contains open farmlands, woodlands and wetlandsand power lines.   We are proposing a house of worship, a Sikh temple for 150 congregants.  Worship will occur in new structure of 4,712 square feet of gross floor area that will be built in the northwestern portion of the site. Access will be gained from a new entrance off of Wyckoff’s Mill Road.  Fifty (50) parking spaces will be provided.  The Applicant will also construct a rain garden to manage the stormwater. The proposed house of worship, a Sikh temple, is not a permitted use in the Zone.  We are also seeking bulk variances for parking in the front yard, parking close to a building and parking stall size.  We are also seeking design exceptions for curbing, sidewalk and driveway width.  The worship area will be approximately 1,862 square feet.  We do plan for further development of the Property and will return to this Board for further approvals.  Approximately seven (7) acres of the property contains wetlands.  We only intend to develop about 10% of the property.  We have provided for septic system should we not be unable to obtain sewer service.

Ms. Monica Arajani, applicant’s Architect described the building in detail.  We are also installing a vinyl fence along the property near Lot 3.  We will also remove the “gravel drive” on the property and only use the new entrance as depicted on our plans.

Ms. Allison Coffin, applicant’s Planner, stated they have met the positive and negative criteria and have shown special reasons for the Use Variances required for this Application, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70(d)(1).  The proposed use, a house of worship (a Sikh temple), is a recognized inherently beneficial use.  The use advances the public interest as it provides religious services for the Applicant’s congregation.  The temple is also open to members of all faiths and the temple also engages in volunteer work which benefits the community.  Additionally, the temple use is appropriate for a site which is constrained by an electric line easement, and wetlands and associated buffers. There are minimal negative impacts of the proposed use which are more a result of site design which are ameliorated by the proposed landscaping and other design features.  Finally, we have demonstrated that on balance the use will not have a substantial detriment to the public good or a substantial detriment to the public good, on the zone plan, or the Master Plan.  The Use Variance are equally applicable to and justify the Bulk Variances requested and that the benefits of the Application far outweigh any detriments.  Preliminary and Final Major Site Plan is in substantial compliance with applicable Township Ordinances, and advances sound land use principals.  The requested design exceptions are reasonable and within the general purposes and intent of the Ordinances. 

Mr. Mark Rasimowicz, Board Engineer, has no objections subject to applicant’s compliance with report dated October 30, 2017.

Mr. Mark Remsa, Board Planner, has no objections subject to applicant’s compliance with report dated November 6, 2017.

Motion to approve made by Mr. Dhaval Pateland seconded by Mr. Mark Kleinand passed unanimously by all members of the Board present.


BA-5132-16               Next Generations TS FBO Robert H, Goodman IRA 2661, a motion to approve made by Mr. Dhaval Patel and seconded by Mr. Henry Sloan and passed unanimously by all members of the Board present. 

A motion to adjourn at 8:30 p.m. made by Mr. Henry Sloanand seconded by Mr. Dhaval Pateland passed unanimously by all members of the Board present.

Respectfully submitted,