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Zoning Minutes | August 25, 2020




August 25, 2020

Meeting called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairwoman Carol Damiani who led the salute to the Flag.

Chairwoman Carol Damiani read the Sunshine Law as follows: In accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, it is hereby announced and shall be entered into the minutes of this meeting that adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by the following:

Posted on January 6, 2017 on the Bulletin Board of the Office of the Township Clerk, Municipal Complex, 1 Municipal Plaza, and remains on file at that location for public inspection;

Posted on the Bulletin Board of the Office of the Township Clerk;

Posted on the Bulletin Boards within the Municipal Complex;                           

Printed in the Home News Tribune and Cranbury Press on January 3, 2020;           

Posted on the Monroe Township website; and                         

Sent to those individuals who have requested personal notice.

MEMBERS PRESENT:      Chairwoman Carol Damiani, Vice Chairman Vincent LaFata, Mr. Louis Masters, Mr. Michael Maiolo,  Mr. Gary Busman, Alternate #1 Ms. Rajani Karuturi, Alternate#2 Mr. Donato Tanzi, Alternate #3 Mr. Richard Lans (Left early) and Alternate #4 Mr. Arnold Jaffe.  Also present for the Board were Attorney Mark Moon, Planner Mark Remsa, Engineer Mark Rasimowicz and Director of Planning & Zoning Mr. Joe Stroin.

MEMBERS ABSENT:        Mr. Marino Lupo.

A motion to approve the   July 28, 2020 Minutes made by Vice Chairman Vincent LaFata and seconded by Mr. Gary Busman and passed with Chairwoman Carol Damiani abstaining.

BA-5188-20             PDC Atlanta, LLC; Request for Preliminary and Final Site Plan;

Block 82, Lot 3.01 located on Cranbury South River Road, Docks Corner Road and Rhode Hall Road in the R-30 (Residential) Zone

Carried with notice to the September 29, 2020 regular meeting.                                    

BA-5178-19                       Dementia Home Care, LLC; Request for Use Variance with Bulk Variances; Block 42, Lot 7.02 located at 188 Prospect Plains Road R-30 (Residential) Zone

(See attached transcript.)

A motion to enter into Executive Session at 8:28 made by Vice Chairman Vincent LaFata and seconded by Mr. Gary Busman and passed unanimously by all members of the Board present.

A motion to end Executive Session at 8:56 made by Vice Chairman Vincent LaFata and seconded by Mr. Donato Tanzi and passed unanimously by all members of the Board present. 


BA-5186-20             Estate of Maria Cegielka by Tibor Hetenyi, Executor, a motion to approve made by Mr. Louis Masters and seconded by Vice Chairman Vincent LaFata and passed with Chairwoman Carol Damiani abstaining.


BA-5177-19             Goldy’s Cream, Inc., a motion to approve made by Vice Chairman Vincent LaFata and seconded by Mr. Donato Tanzi and passed with Chairwoman Carol Damiani abstaining


Ms. Michelle Arminio, asked if executive session was properly notice and a resolution read to enter into that session.  (Mr. Mark Moon stated he will not comment on that issue.)

Ms. Linda Walfish, question Market Place on Route #33 and was informed that will be heard Thursday night at the Planning Board meeting.

Ms. Donna Rittner, stated she had concerns on Marketplace and will attend Thursday.

Ms. Karen Polidoro, stated procedures should be followed and not curiosities extended to speed an application along.

Ms. Michelle Arminio, stated after her comment, she was knocked out of the meeting and had to rejoin.

Ms. Elizabeth Fagan, stated that the attorney who spoke and stated ordinances are there to be followed and not broke, agrees with.  Too many variances are being granted.  Her concern was the warehouse tonight but will attend the September meeting also.

A motion to adjourn at 9:20 p.m. made by Vice Chairman Vincent LaFata and seconded by Mr. Michael Maiolo and passed unanimously by all members of the Board present.

Respectfully submitted,