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Planning Minutes |October 27, 2022





October 27, 2022


Meeting called to order at 6:30 P.M. by Chairman Marc Gaffrey who led the salute to the Flag.


Chairman Marc Gaffrey read the Sunshine Law as follows: In accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, it is hereby announced and shall be entered into the minutes of this meeting that adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by the following:


Posted on the Bulletin Board of the Office of the Township Clerk;


Posted on the Bulletin Boards within the Municipal Complex;


Printed in the Home News Tribune and Cranbury Press on December 30, 2021;              


Posted on the Monroe Township website; and


Sent to those individuals who have requested personal notice.




MEMBERS PRESENT:      Chairman Marc Gaffrey, Mr. David Rothman, Mr. John Riggs, Mrs. Karen Polidoro, Ms. Roslyn Brodsky, Mr. Kevin McGowan, Alternate #2 Ms. Oruj Qureshi, Councilman Terence Van Dzura and Mayor Stephen Dalina.  Also present for the Board were Attorney Jerome Convery, Planner Mika Apte, Engineer Mark Rasimowicz and Acting Director of Planning & Environmental Mr. Joe Stroin.


MEMBERS ABSENT:                     Vice Chairman Andy Paluri and Alternate #1 Mr. Manish Patel.



A motion to approve the August 25, 2022 Minutes made by Councilman Terence Van Dzura and seconded by Mr. John Riggs and passed unanimously by all members present.



Chairman March Gaffrey stated no applications are scheduled and we will have the final presentation of the Master Plan.


Councilman Terence Van Dzura stated this has been done in the Mayors direction and we engaged the public, really an extensive public input and outreach for 18 months.  The Master Plan is the road map for the next 10 years.  This is something that we would be guided by but every time we should also keep in mind it's kind of like it's a living breathing document.  It should change when people continue to be revisited if necessary.  So, if something we have in here may not be perfect, we could always revisit them down the road, but at least it gives us an idea of where we've going the next 10 years.  What's best about our Master Plan, the recommendations came out of ideas and comments directly from the residences.  It wasn't something that just the planning board did behind closed doors or not an executive session.  We had thousands of residents who participated in our community workshops that we had around town.  Information sessions, the public survey that that have posted literally provided over 80,000 responses and comments to help drive our amendments to the plan.  So, under our Mayors leadership that they feel that the Township went above and beyond the statutory requirements.   We're trying to create a fair open transparent process to amend the master plan and that's what continues tonight so thank you Mr. Chairman.


Mayor Stephen Dalina thanked Council Van Dzura.  Stated, yes, 18 months, but a good 18 months.  We had great public input with the surveys to multiple town hall meetings and even last month when we had the open session for public input information and then even the follow up one after that at the library, that's all good.  We did what we needed to do to make a decision-making process.  The planning board members to spearhead the Master Plan and look forward to this evening’s hearing.


Chairman Marc Gaffrey then turned it over H2M Associates, Paul Cancilla and Jennifer Beam (see attached Master Plan).



Mr. Roger Dreyling, Perrineville Road spoke on wildlife.


Ms. Linda Bozowski, 388A Orington Lane,spoke about schools.


Mr. John Katerba, 153 Union Valley Road, spoke mainly about utility.


Mr. Procep – 4 Jay Place, spoke about pathways.


Ms. Michele Armino – 9 Nathaniel Street, spoke about open space.


Mr. Michael DiPasquale and Mr. Mark Remsa, 45 Lower Matchaponix Avenue, spoke about rezoning of this area.


Resident, 283 Moring Glory Drive, spoke about recycling.


Mr. Mike Olesky, 50 Mayberry Avenue, spoke about all areas of Master Plan.


Ms. Chrissy Skurbe, 21 Preakness Drive, spoke about schools.


Mr. Brain Fabiano, 19 Patricia Place, spoke about Board of Ed looking into future and planning like this Board does.


Motion to close the public portion mad by Mr. John Riggs and seconded by Mr. Kevin McGowan and passed unanimously by all members of the board present.


Motion to approve with two (2) changes: one to look at rezoning of Lower Matchaponix Avenue and the other to add wording regarding utilities in the Master Plan made by Mr. David Rothman and seconded by Mr. John Riggs and passed unanimously by all members of the board present.





A motion to adjourn at 8:25 p.m. made by Mr. Kevin McGowan and seconded by Mr. John Riggs and passed unanimously by all members of the Board present.


Respectfully submitted,