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Planning Minutes |November 30, 2022





November 30, 2022


Meeting called to order at 6:30 P.M. by Chairman Marc Gaffrey who led the salute to the Flag.


Chairman Marc Gaffrey read the Sunshine Law as follows: In accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, it is hereby announced and shall be entered into the minutes of this meeting that adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by the following:


Posted on the Bulletin Board of the Office of the Township Clerk;


Posted on the Bulletin Boards within the Municipal Complex;


Printed in the Home News Tribune and Cranbury Press on December 30, 2021;              


Posted on the Monroe Township website; and


Sent to those individuals who have requested personal notice.




MEMBERS PRESENT:          Chairman Marc Gaffrey, Vice Chairman Andy Paluri, Mr. David Rothman, Mrs. Karen Polidoro, Ms. Roslyn Brodsky, Mr. Kevin McGowan, Alternate #1 Mr. Manish Patel, Alternate #2 Ms. Oruj Qureshi, Councilman Terence Van Dzura and Mayor’s Representative Mr. Michael Markel.  Also present for the Board were Attorney Jerome Convery, Planner Mika Apte, Engineer Mark Rasimowicz and Acting Director of Planning & Environmental Mr. Joe Stroin.



MEMBERS ABSENT:             Mr. John Riggs.




A motion to approve the October 27, 2022 Minutes made by Mr. Kevin McGowan and seconded by Ms. Roslyn Brodsky and passed with Mr. Paluri, Mr. Patel and Mr. Markel abstaining.




PB-1248-22                            Robert and Dorene McDaid; Request for Minor Subdivision; Block 60, Lot 21.15; Located at 5 Majestic Woods Drive, In the R-30 Zone


Represented by Mr. Sal Alfieri who stated this application is seeking a minor subdivision with bulk variances for property identified as Block 60, Lot 21.15, located on Majestic Woods Drive, within an R-30 Zone.



Mr. Brian Murphy, applicant’s Engineer stated the site which is a 16.4-acre tract is located in the R-30 Residential District in the central portion of the Township. The site has frontage on Majestic Woods Drive and contains an existing residential dwelling and stormwater management basins.  The site is currently developed with single family residential use.  The site is mostly surrounded by residential development with the only exception directly west of the site is farm use.  We are seeking a minor subdivision approval with bulk variance to subdivide Lot 21.15 in Block 60 into three (3) lots.  The larger lot proposed Lot 21.16 will have 661,115 square feet and contain the existing residential dwelling.  Proposed Lot 21.17 will contain 25,627 square feet and will be accessible from Schoolhouse Road via an existing drainage easement across residential Lot 21.02.  Proposed Lot 21.18 will contain 27,671 square feet and will be accessible directly from Majestic Woods Drive.  The proposed two (2) smaller lots shall contain stormwater basins and be dedicated to the Township of Monroe. The applicant is requesting bulk variances for the two proposed lots being dedicated to the Township.  No new construction is proposed.  We are requesting minimum lot area and minimum lot depth variances.


Mr. Mark Rasimowicz, Board Engineer, has no objections subject to applicant’s compliance with report dated October 13, 2022.


Ms. Mika Apte, Board Planner, has no objections subject to applicant’s compliance with report dated November 7, 2022.


Motion to approve made by Mr. Andy Paluri and seconded by Ms. Karen Polidoro and passed unanimously by all members of the Board present.



PB-1246-22                            Apple Realty, LLC; Request for Minor Subdivision with Bulk Variances; Block 47.01, Lot 8.01; Located at 355 Applegarth Road, In the NC Zone


Represented by Rosalind Westlake who stated this application is seeking a Minor Subdivision Approval with bulk variances for property identified as Block 47.01, Lot 8.01, located on Applegarth Road, within an N-C Neighborhood Commercial District.


Mr. Matthew Wilder, applicant’s Engineer stated the subject site is developed commercial property located north of the Applegarth Road and Prospect Plains Road Intersection in the western portion of the Township and is located in the N-C Neighborhood Commercial District. The existing lot is an irregularly shaped lot identified as Block 47.01, Lot 8.01, which wraps around Lot 5 and contains approximately 3.27 acres.  The site has frontage of 701.30 feet and 140.50 feet along the eastern side of Applegarth Road and 167 feet along the northern side of Prospect Plains Road (Middlesex County Route 614).  The tract contains an existing shopping center, which consists of 3 buildings, 163 parking stalls and entrances from both roadways.  The Applicant seeks minor subdivision approval to subdivide the property into two (2) lots.  The southern lot (north of Lot 5) is to be a proposed Lot 8.03 consisting of +/- 0.566 acres in size and the northern lot, proposed Lot 8.02 consisting of +/-2.631 acres is to be the corner lot.  The proposed Lot 8.03 is to contain one (1) one-story commercial building containing several offices.  The proposed Lot 8.02 is to contain the existing two (2) one-story commercial buildings.  The site was recently approved for a 4,130 square foot addition to the southernmost commercial building per resolution PB#1218-19 memorialized on March 25, 2021. 


Mr. John Taikina, applicant’s Planner stated the site plan approval was not perfected.  We are requesting several variances from the Monroe Code for Minimum Lot Area, Minimum Lot Width, Minimum Lot Frontage, Minimum Lot Depth, Minimum Rear Yard Setback, Minimum Side Yard Setback, and Maximum Percent Total Lot Cover.  Also, Parking in Front Yard and Minimum Parking Spaces.


Mr. Mark Rasimowicz, Board Engineer, has no objections subject to applicant’s compliance with report dated November 3, 2022.


Ms. Mika Apte, Board Planner, has no objections subject to applicant’s compliance with report dated September 21, 2022.


Motion to approve made by Mr. Michael Markel and seconded by Mr. David Rothman and passed unanimously by all members of the Board present.



PB-1247-22                            Farrington Boulevard, LLC; Request for Preliminary and Final Site Plan with Bulk Variances; Block 8, Lot 2.09; Located on Farrington Boulevard, In the HD Zone


Represented by Dave Lonski who stated this application is seeking Preliminary and Final Major Site Plan Approval with bulk variances for property identified as Block 8, Lot 2.09, located on Farrington Boulevard, within a H-D Highway Development District.


Mr. Richard Hernandez described the family-owned business, tile works and landscaping.


Ms. Lorali Totten, applicant’ Engineer described the site in detail.  The site is identified as Block 8, Lot 2.09 and is located in the southeastern portion of the Township.  The site is a corner lot consisting of 7.00 acres (304,921 square feet) and located along Farrington Boulevard and Perrineville Road.  The property is constrained with several easements on site including conservation easement near the center of the Perrineville Road frontage, shade tree easement, common access easement and an existing stormwater basin.  The site is located in the H-D Highway Development District,  The site is bordered to the east by a recreation center, to the north by vacant land and single-family residences, to the south by vacant land, and to the west (across Perrineville Road) by a Make-a-Wish Foundation of New Jersey facility/office.  We are seeking preliminary and final major site plan approval to construct a two-story 13,880 sq.ft.  contractor storage building with 28 associated parking spaces (including an Electric Vehicle charging space) and 3 loading spaces on a 7-acre tract in the H-D Highway Development District with frontage on Perrineville Road (Middlesex County Route 625) and Farrington Boulevard.  The proposed site will be occupied by Tile Works by Rich & Sons, Inc. and Hernandez Landscaping.  Access to the proposed site is through an existing 50 feet wide Common Access Easement which straddles the lot line between the subject lot and Lot 2.10 containing Monroe 33 Tennis, Basketball and Sports Center.  The site contains documented wetlands and a stormwater management basin.  There are several variances requested as follows: Minimum Lot Width, Minimum Landscape Buffer Width From Right of Way, Parking Stall Size, Loading Stall Size, Parking from Outer Wall of Structure, Number of Monument Signs and Monument Signs in Buffer Area.             


Based upon the testimony provided, the Board finds that these bulk variances can be granted without substantial detriment to the public good and will not substantially impair the intent or purpose of the zoning plan or zoning ordinance.


We are requesting the following design exceptions: Off Street Parking Improvements, Minimum Lighting Level, Fence location, Sheet Size, Tree Location and Size, Landscaping Buffer around Refuse Area  Required and Headwalls at Storm Pipe Terminations  and Retaining Wall Height from Building                    


Based upon the recommendations of the Township Engineer and the Board Planner the Board is granting these design exceptions and finds that the proposed site plan can be approved without full compliance with the technical requirements of the Ordinance.


Steve Radousti, applicant’s Architect, described in detail the building.  (see exhibits A2, A3, A4 and A5).


Mr. Jay Trautman, applicant’s Traffic Engineer was present if the Bord had questions.


Mr. Mark Rasimowicz, Board Engineer, has no objections subject to applicant’s compliance with report dated November 18, 2022.


Ms. Mika Apte, Board Planner, has no objections subject to applicant’s compliance with report dated November 14, 2022.


Motion to approve made by Mr. Andy Paluri and seconded by Mr. David Rothman and passed unanimously by all members of the Board present.






(No resolutions to be adopted.)








(No one wished to be heard.) 


A motion to close the public portion made by Mr. McGowan and seconded by Councilman Terence Van Dzura and passed unanimously by all members of the Board present.


A motion to adjourn at 8:45 p.m. made by Mr. McGowan and seconded by Ms. Karen Polidoro and passed unanimously by all members of the Board present.


Respectfully submitted,