Zoning Board
The Zoning Board of Adjustment is a quasi-judicial, seven-member and four alternate Township Council appointed board that enforces compliance with the Township zoning ordinances that limit and regulate buildings and structures according to types and use.
The Board also regulates the nature and use of land for trade, industry, residence, open space and any other purposes. The height of buildings, the number of stories permitted, the size of buildings, lot size compliance and open space requirements are also regulated by zoning ordinances.
If you would like to view the meeting via YouTube please click on the following link: https://www.youtube.com/@monroetownship
The Zoning Board also:
- Maintains the standards for planned developments.
Hears and decides requests for interpretation of zoning maps and ordinances. - Grants relief from provisions of positions of the Municipal Land Use Law due to the exceptional shape of the topography of a piece of property.
- Grants variances from the zoning laws.
Click here for forms, permits, and applications for Planning and Zoning
Click here for Zoning Board Meeting Materials
Meeting: Last Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm in the Municipal Building Court Room. No November meeting. The December meeting will be held on December 2nd.
2025 Zoning Board Meeting Dates
All meetings are subject to change, so please check the website's meetings calendar for possible last minute changes.
January 28 | July 29 |
February 25 | August 26 |
March 25 | September 30 |
April 29 | October 28 |
May 27 | November (no meeting) |
June 24 | December 2 |
Please check the Township's calendar for possible date changes.
Zoning Board Agendas & Minutes
There shall be a public portion at all meetings of the Zoning Board during which the public will be invited to speak on any subject matter for a period not to exceed three minutes per person. Under exceptional circumstances, and at the sole discretion of the Chairperson, said period may be extended for an additional two minutes, if necessary to complete the public statement.
Agendas | Minutes |
Zoning Board Information
CALL, VISIT OR WRITE: Township of Monroe Members
Vincent LaFata, Chairperson |
Board Attorney Board Planner Malvika (Mika) Apte, PP, AICP Board Secretary Director