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Clerk's Office of Monroe

The Municipal Clerk, by virtue of the position, serves as liaison officer between the governing officials and the public.

The Clerk Serves as:

  • Secretary to the Governing Body
    Prepare Council Meeting Agenda's
    Prepare and retain original copies of all Minutes, Ordinances and Resolutions
    Administer and record Oaths of Office

  • Secretary to the Municipal Corporation
    Custodian of the Municipal Seal
    Maintain custody of all Minutes Books, Bonds, Contracts and Archival records
    Attest to the signatures of municipal officers and officials

  • Chief Elections Officer
    Certify vacancies at the local level
    Maintain receipt of nominating petitions
    Certify to the County Clerk the local candidates nominated by petition
    Maintain receipt of election results
    Suggest Polling Places to be used during elections

  • Chief Registrar of Voters in the municipality
    Voter Registration Forms
    Party Affiliation Declaration Forms
    Vote by Mail Ballot Application Forms

  • Records
    Pursuant to the Open Public Records Act (OPRA), a Records Request Form is available and
    may be downloaded here. Some records are immediately available during normal business
    hours and some records may require additional time. Copy fees are in accordance with
    N.J.S.A. 47:1A-5 and are reflected on the Records Request Form. If your request has been denied click here.

Election Information

Voter Registration, Mail-in Ballot and Party Affiliation Declaration Forms may be obtained from the Township Clerk's Office or downloaded.

Voter Registration

If you are unable to print or need a "no postage neccessary" application for the vote by mail ballot, they are available at the clerk's office.

Middlesex County residents should mail Voter Registration Forms and Party Affiliation Declaration Forms to:

Middlesex County Board of Elections

26 Kennedy Blvd STE B.  East Brunswick, NJ 08816

Vote by Mail Ballot Application should be mailed to:

Middlesex County Clerk, Middlesex County Administration Bldg., P.O. Box 1110, New Brunswick, NJ 08903-1110.

Passport Applications and information are also available in the Township Clerk's Office or can be obtained at the following web-site: . This web-site has detailed information on the requirements for adult and child passports as well as the appropriate fees and timelines.

The Township Clerk's Office also provides the following:

  • Dog/Cat Licenses
  • Food Licenses
  • Liquor Licenses
  • Taxi/Limousine Licenses
  • Raffle/Bingo Licenses
  • Wrecker Licenses
  • Peddling/Soliciting Permits

The Township offers a FREE Rabies clinic once a year, the first Saturday in March at the Monroe Township Community Center

Vital Registrar Services

  • Marriage Applications
  • Remarriage/Reaffirmation of a Civil Union
  • Civil Union Applications
  • Domestic Partnership Applications

Click here to print forms, permits, and applications from the Clerk's office

All completed forms, permits and applications must be mailed to the Township Clerk's Office or submitted in person with the appropriate fee(s)

Township of Monroe Clerk's Contact Info

Phone: (732) 656-4573 | Fax: (732) 521-3190

Township Clerk | Christine Robbins, RMC, CMR

Deputy Clerk | Tanya Pannucci, RMC, CMR

Deputy Clerk | Cassandra Achille,  MPA, RMC, CMR

Office Coordinator| Lorena Thompson, RMC,  CMR

Confidential Assistant | Mounia Vergeon, CMR 

Other Links

Council Meeting Agendas
Monroe Township Code Book & Ordinances
Public Bids Advertisements