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Proudly Honoring the Veterans in Our Community

Proudly Honoring the Veterans in Our Community

November 11, 2018

By: Mayor Gerald W. Tamburro

Each November 11, we pause to honor and thank those soldiers who have served and protected our country in wartime and in peace. Originally known as Armistice Day, the date marked the signing of the agreement that ended World War 1 in 1918. Changed to Veterans Day in 1954, it became a day to honor all the men and women who have served in the armed forces of the United States.

Monroe Township is fortunate to count hundreds of veterans among its residents. From 99-year-old WWII veterans to our newest high school graduates headed off to the Coast Guard Academy and Navy Medical Corp, we rely on their leadership, skills and training in many ways throughout our community.

There is never enough that can be done to show our appreciation to these brave individuals, but here in the township, we strive to recognize their sacrifice and help them in return when we can.

You may have noticed purple Combat Veteran parking spaces at some of our municipal facilities that have been installed to make life a little bit easier.

Veterans are also eligible for a $250 tax reduction. If you are not already taking advantage of these savings, contact our Tax Collector for additional information.

Additionally, Monroe Township has been honoring Vietnam Veterans with a special commemorative pin to thank them for their service. This recognition is part of a larger national campaign to recognize those who served between 1955 and 1975. Please contact my office to set up an appointment.

I am pleased to announce a major initiative that I hold close to my heart, Monroe is in the planning process for a new Veteran Housing Complex, to be constructed on Cranbury Half Acre Road. This concept will bring together affordable housing units geared specifically for veterans with the medical, dental, social, mental health and transportation services they might need. I look forward to sharing additional information with you later this fall.

Our traditional remembrance ceremony and wreath laying will begin at 9:00am on November 11, beginning at the Monroe Township Municipal Building.

Finally, I would like to invite all our resident veterans and their families to lunch! We will be hosting a special Veteran Appreciation Lunch on November 9, 11:30am-1:30pm at the Monroe Township Senior Center.  Drop in for grilled hot dogs, music and laughter on us. For more information, please call 732-521-4400 ext 114.

I close with, a thank you. Thank you to all who have served our country and their families. Your sacrifice can never be repaid.