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Planning Minutes | Jul 23, 2015



July 23, 2015

Meeting called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman David Rothman who led the salute to the Flag.

Chairman David Rothman read the Sunshine Law as follows:In accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, it is hereby announced and shall be entered into the minutes of this meeting that adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by the following:


Posted on January 2, 2015 on the Bulletin Board of the Office of the Township Clerk, Municipal Complex, 1 Municipal Plaza, and remains on file at that location for public inspection;


Printed in the Home News Tribune and Cranbury Press on January 2, 2015;


Posted on January 2 2015 on the Bulletin Boards within the Municipal complex, 1 Municipal Plaza;


Posted on the Monroe Township website; and


Sent to those individuals who have requested personal notice.




MEMBERS PRESENT:       Chairman David Rothman, Vice Chairman Len Levene, Mr. John Riggs, Dr. Lloyd Kalugin, Mr. Len Levene, Mr. Andy Paluri, Mrs. Karen Polidoro, Mr. Louis Caron, Councilman Michael Leibowitz and Mayor Richard Pucci.  Also present for the Board were Attorney Jerome Convery, Planner Mark Remsa, and Engineer Mark Rasimowicz.



MEMBERS ABSENT:         Alternate #1 Mr. Anthony Zarillo.


A motion to approve the May 28, 2015, Minutes (with corrections to members present) made by Mr. John Riggs and seconded by Mr. Len Levene and passed with Mr. Lou Caron abstaining.






PB-1165-15                           Hometech Homes, LLC; Request for Minor Subdivision with Bulk Variance; Block 49, Lot 12 (Located on Hoffman Station Road); Zone: R-30 (Residential)



Represented by Jeffrey Chang of Heilbrunn Pape Law Firm. He stated this application is seeking minor subdivision approval to create 3 residential lots in the R-30 zone. The land had previously been subdivided.


Mr. Sharif Aly, applicants Engineer, stated the land is approximately 8.7 acres and is currently a wooded lot.  There are regulated wetlands on the property.  There was a previous approval for 4 lots and a roadway granted in 2004 for preliminary and final was in 2005.  All outside agencies have reviewed and approved the plan.  The zone requires 30,000 square foot lots. We are proposing a 30,000 square lot, a 1 acre lot and a 7 acre lot.  We agree to reports except conditions #1D and #1S.  If approval is granted we will file be deeds. 

Mr. John Riggs asked about the stormwater to the property to the South.  This will not add to the problem that exists out there now.


Mr. Sharif Aly stated that Sunrise Acres has their own basin and across is natural wetlands.


Mr. John Riggs stated he is not comfortable with just piping to be done.  There is an ongoing problem and if homes are added, this needs to be addressed.


Mr. Mark Rasimowicz, Board Engineer, asked where the problem is located.  He stated a swale is provided.

Mr. Andy Paluri stated he has a problem with the driveway and people backing out onto this busty road.  What are the widths and the 3 driveways are all located within 100 feet of each other.  Stated he feels this is a dangerous situation.


Mr. Sharif Aly stated the driveways are all between 121 and 15 feet and are at same point of view, the proposed lot 12.02 he feels can be flipped if the board requires.


Mrs. Karen Polidoro stated 2 major concerns have been raised and feels they need to be addressed before she feels comfortable voting on this application.



Linda Monguet, (resides at Block 49, Lot 13) stated her concerns are the properties currently underwater and eroding away.  The slightest rain it floods across street from site and no help downstream.  The amount traffic is not safe with 3 added driveways.


Darren Kutz, 297 Buckelew Avenue, stated he has witnessed the water flood right across the road.  Asked about buffer and conservation easement and who would have ownership, the homeowner?


Jeff Horsch, stated he disagrees that it is in keeping with the rural character.

Public portion closed.


Mr. Mark Rasimowicz, Board Engineer, stated he will need to do more research on the roadway flooding.  He suggested to meet the applicants Engineer onsite.


Mr. Mark Remsa, Board Planner, stated the driveways could be installed with a turn around, so the cars are not backing out on road.


Motion to table made by Mr. John Riggsand seconded by Mr. Andy Paluri and passed unanimously by all members of the Board present.





PB-1166-15                           Matrix 259 LCE F, LLC; Request for Preliminary and Final

                                                            Site Plan with Bulk Variance; Block 56, Lot 9.04 (Prospect

                                                            Plains Road); Zone: OP (Office Professional)



Represented by Mr. Glenn Pantel who stated this application is seeking approval for renovation of an existing, vacant building in the campus.  The building is referred to as Building F in the Matrix Corporate Campus.  We are seeking waiver of parking space size requirement to allow 9x18 to be installed.  We are seeking a design waiver of curbing. And slope of pavement. We will maintain existing conditions. Also, up for discussion is the preservation of a tree, and loss of parking space.  We will do what this board requires.


Mr. Ken Griffin, Principal of Matrix Developers, (Exhibit A1) described the overall site in detail and informed the Board the tenant is present and eager to relocate his business into Monroe.


Mr. William Doran, applicant’s Architect described the existing structure (Exhibit A2) and then detailed the proposed changes (Exhibit A3).  The height of the building will remain the same.  We plan to enclose the mechanical equipment.


Mr. Robert Michael McKenna, Applicant’s Engineer and Planner, described existing details (Exhibit A4) and the proposed details (Exhibit A5).  The parking area is newly restriped and we are updating handicap access currently because it does not meet code.  We are proposing metal halo lighting, not LED, so we are consistent with the existing park lights.  We are seeking waiver for installed parking size to be reduced from 10x20 to 10x18. We are reducing pavement for less ground water recharge.  Explained the proposed signage (Exhibit A6) in detail.  The existing 17,799 square foot building is located on lot 9.04 in block 56 in the Office Professional (OP) zone of the Township.



Mr. John Riggs asked if the applicant could look into the LED lights.


Councilman Michael Leibowitz asked if there was a conflict, since the proposed tenant and himself had done business over 20 years ago. 


Mr. Jerome Convery, Board Attorney, stated it was put on record and no conflict.


No public wanted to be heard. Public portion closed.


Mr. Mark Rasimowicz, Board Engineer, has no objections subject to applicant’s compliance with report dated July 127, 2015 with exceptions to items 5e and 5f and also noted that items 3h, 5d and 6b are not applicable.


Mr. Mark Remsa, Board Planner, has no objections subject to applicant’s compliance with report dated July 7, 2015 with the agreement that certain tree replacement be done, rather than tree relocation.


Motion to approve made by Mr. Andy Paluriand seconded by Councilman Michael Leibowitzand passed unanimously by all members of the Board present.







PB-1128-13               Om Sri Balaji Temple andCultural Center, Inc.a motion to approve made by Mr. Len Levene and seconded by Dr. Lloyd Kalugin and passed with Mr. Lou Caron abstaining.








Mr. Darren Kutz stated that Majestic Woods is clear cutting trees and no earth and berm were left.


Mr. Mark Rasimowicz stated he will look at the signed plats and inform Darren what is required.


Mr. Armhad submitted a letter in regards to XXXIII Associates and stated he wants that part of the file.







Mark Remsa and John Riggs presented targeted areas to be acquired for Open Space.   This matter was carried from last meetingfor Proposed Revision of Open Space Element of the Master Plan.  Motion to approve made by Mrs. Karen Polidoro and seconded by Mr. Len Leveneand passed unanimously by all members of the Board present.




A motion to adjourn at 9:15 p.m. made by Mr. John Riggs and seconded by Mrs. Karen Polidoroand passed unanimously by all members of the Board present.



Respectfully submitted,