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Planning Minutes | Jan 20, 2016



January 20, 2016

Meeting called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman David Rothman who led the salute to the Flag.


Chairman David Rothman read the Sunshine Law as follows:In accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, it is hereby announced and shall be entered into the minutes of this meeting that adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by the following:


Posted on January 8, 2016 on the Bulletin Board of the Office of the Township Clerk, Municipal Complex, 1 Municipal Plaza, and remains on file at that location for public inspection;


Printed in the Home News Tribune and Cranbury Press on January 8, 2016;


Posted on January 8, 2016 on the Bulletin Boards within the Municipal complex, 1 Municipal Plaza;


Posted on the Monroe Township website; and


Sent to those individuals who have requested personal notice.




MEMBERS PRESENT:       Chairman David Rothman, Vice Chairman Len Levene, Mr. John Riggs, Mr. Andy Paluri, Mrs. Karen Polidoro, Mr. Louis Caron, Alternate #1 Mr. Anthony Zarillo and Mayor Gerald Tamburro.  Also present for the Board were Attorney Jerome Convery, Planner Mark Remsa, and Engineer Mark Rasimowicz.



MEMBERS ABSENT:         Dr. Lloyd Kalugin and Councilman Michael Leibowitz.





Motion to appoint Mr. David Rothman as Planning Board Chairman made by Mr. Len Levene and seconded by Mr. Andy Paluri and passed unanimously by all members of the Board present. (Nominations closed.)


Motion to appoint Mr. Len Levene as Planning Board Vice-Chairman made by Mr. John Riggs and seconded by Mrs. Karen Polidoro and passed unanimously by all members present. (Nominations closed.)


Motion to appoint Mr. Jerome Convery as Board Attorney made by Mr. Andy Paluri and seconded by Mr. Lou Caron and passed unanimously by all members of the Board present. (Nominations closed.)


Motion to appoint Mr. Mark Rasimowicz as Board Engineer made by Councilman Michael Leibowitz and seconded by Mrs. Karen Polidoro and passed unanimously by all members of the Board present. (Nominations closed.)


Motion to appoint Mr. Mark Remsa as Board Planner made by Mr. John Riggs and seconded by Mrs. Karen Polidoro and passed unanimously by all members of the Board present. (Nominations closed.)


Motion to appoint Ms. Laura Zalewski as Board Secretary made by Mr. John Riggs and seconded by Mr. Anthony Zarillo and passed unanimously by all members of the Board present. (Nominations closed.)


Motion to appoint Mr. Mark Remsa as Administrative Officer made by Mr. John Riggs and seconded by Mrs. Karen Polidoro and passed unanimously by all members of the Board present. (Nominations closed.)


Motion to adopt the Rules and Regulations of the Planning Board made by Mr. Andy Paluri and seconded by Mrs. Karen Polidoro and passed unanimously by all members of the Board present.


Motion to adopt the dates for 2016 for the Planning Board made by Mr. John Riggs and seconded by Mrs. Karen Polidoro and passed unanimously by all members of the Board present.


A motion to approve the December 2, 2015, Minutes made by Mr. Anthony Zarillo and seconded by Mr. Lou Caron and passed unanimously with Mayor Gerald Tamburro abstaining.





PB-1164-15               Tall Oaks Real Estate, LLC; Request for Minor Subdivision;

Block 68, Lot 54.01Located on Buckelew Avenue in the R-20 Zone (Residential)


Represented by Mr. Walter Toto who stated the applicant wishes that the Board reconsider the application before filing an appeal and reappearing brfore the TRC committee, before appearing at a public hearing again.


Mr. Jerome Convery, Board Attorney stated it is always best to try and avoid litigation and recommends the Board to reconsider the application.


Motion to reconsider application made by Mr. John Riggs and seconded by Mr. Anthony Zarilloand passed unanimously by all members of the Board present.




PB-1160-14                           Wawa, Inc.; Request for Amended Preliminary and Final Site Plan with Bulk Variances; Block 1.14, Lot 13.02; Located on Route #33 in the HD Zone (Highway Development)


Represented by Mr. Duncan Prime who stated this application is seeking amended preliminary and final site plan and variance approval which was created during the construction of the project.


Mr. Mark Whittaker, applicant’s Engineer, stated the variance was created during the construction and the Board had granted a variance for parking within 10 feet of the building and it was constructed at 7 feet with in the building.


Mr. Robert Freud, applicant’s Planner, stated the building requirements have changed for WAWA over the years and it was not picked up until time of CO issuance.  So here we are today.  We have also looked at the entrance off Butcher Road which was brought to out attention through this process and have restriped the lanes.  We have also added signage directing trucks to Route #33.


Mayor Gerald Tamburro stated that the driveway is a dangerous lane and was almost in a head on collision there.


Mr. Mark Rasimowicz, Board Engineer, stated that the applicant has worked with us for a better solution. There will be more striping and signs posted redirecting truck traffic to use exit on Route #33.


Mr. John Riggs stated the berms are inadequate.


Mr. Anthony Zarillo stated he feels it is a blatant disregard of the variance previously granted.


Mr. Lou Caron stated he has concerns of the signage.


Mr. Andy Paluri asked why our Engineer wants to eliminate striping.


Mr. Mark Rasimowicz stated he feels they will follow the lane outside.



Mr. Ciro Rubino stated he has many concerns on the applicant.  The booming of the trucks when they hit the grates, the headlights shining into his house. The proximity of the entrance in front of his house.


Mr. Mark Rasimowicz, Board Engineer, has no objections subject to applicant’s compliance with report dated December 18, 2015.


Mr. Mark Remsa, Board Planner, has no objections subject to applicant’s compliance with report dated March 16, 2015.


Motion to approve made by Mr. John Riggsand seconded by Mr. Lou Caron and passed unanimously by all members of the Board present.




PB-1174-15                           Om Sri Sai Balaji Temple and Cultural Center, Inc.; Request for Final Site Plan; Block 82, Lot 2 (Browns Corner Road); Zone: R-30 (Residential)


Represented by Mr. Kevin Asadi who stated he will turn the presentation over the applicant’s Engineer, Sam Chung. Chung, applicant’s Engineer, stated the application is seeking final approval.  He described in detailed a brief over view of the changes since preliminary approval. A key change was ADA compliant and fire lanes provided throughout the entire site.  Widening and turn radius as well as curbing details.       


Mr. Mark Remsa, Board Planner, stated Phase I supports septic, but once Phase 2 constructed, sewer available to property.  The mining permit eliminated.


Mr. Mark Rasimowicz, board Engineer, stated the square footage details on plans need to be squared up.  Asked the applicant to put them on record, because the maps reflect different numbers.


Mr. Sam Chung stated Phase 1 is 20,017 square foot Sai Temple and Phase 2 includes 7,596 Parsonage, 22,017 square foot Balaji Temple and 4,471 square foot Atrium.


Mayor Gerald Tamburro asked if sewer w2as available.


Mr. Mark Rasimowicz described how thru Lennar it will become available.


Mr. John Riggs stated they must appear at Shade Tree Commission.


Mr. Andy Paluri asked if the soil was tested.  (Yes.)


(No Public wished to be heard.)


Mr. Mark Rasimowicz, Board Engineer, has no objections subject to applicant’s compliance with report dated January 11, 2016.


Mr. Mark Remsa, Board Planner, has no objections subject to applicant’s compliance with report dated January 7, 2016.


Motion to approve made by Mr. Anthony Zarilloand seconded by Mr. Len Leveneand passed unanimously by all members of the Board present.




PB-1167-15                           JSM at Monroe, LLC; Request for Amended Preliminary and Final Site Plan with Bulk Variances; Block 54, Lot 3 and 4 (Mounts Mill & Spotswood Englishtown Roads); Zone: VC-1 (Village Overlay Zone)



(See attached transcript.)







PB-1164-15               Tall Oaks Real Estate, LLC, will not be acted on, since application will be reconsidered at the Planning Board.







A motion to adjourn at 11:10 p.m. made by Mrs. Karen Polidoroand seconded by Mr. Andy Paluriand passed unanimously by all members of the Board present.


Respectfully submitted,