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Planning Minutes | Feb 25, 2016



February 25, 2016

Meeting called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman David Rothman who led the salute to the Flag.


Chairman David Rothman read the Sunshine Law as follows:In accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, it is hereby announced and shall be entered into the minutes of this meeting that adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by the following:


Posted on January 8, 2016 on the Bulletin Board of the Office of the Township Clerk, Municipal Complex, 1 Municipal Plaza, and remains on file at that location for public inspection;


Printed in the Home News Tribune and Cranbury Press on January 8, 2016;


Posted on January 8, 2016 on the Bulletin Boards within the Municipal complex, 1 Municipal Plaza;


Posted on the Monroe Township website; and


Sent to those individuals who have requested personal notice.




MEMBERS PRESENT:       Chairman David Rothman, Vice Chairman Len Levene, Mr. John Riggs, Mr. Andy Paluri, Mrs. Karen Polidoro, Alternate #1 Mr. Anthony Zarillo, Councilman Michael Leibowitz and Mayor Gerald Tamburro.  Also present for the Board were Attorney Jerome Convery, Planner Mark Remsa, and Engineer Mark Rasimowicz.



MEMBERS ABSENT:         Dr. Lloyd Kalugin and Mr. Louis Caron.


A motion to approve the January 20, 2016, Minutes made by Mr. Anthony Zarillo and seconded by Mr. Len Levene and passed with Councilman Michael Leibowitz abstaining.



PB-1172-15                           Mary Jo Giancola; Request for Minor subdivision with Bulk Variances; Block 106.84, Lots 1-48 (Old Forge Road); Zone: R-60 (Residential)


Applicant requested to be carried without additional notice to March 24, 2016 meeting.


A motion to approve reaffirmationfor PB-1128-13 (Block 82, Lot 2) Om Sri Sai Balaji Temple and Cultural Center, Inc.made by Councilman Michael Leibowitz and seconded by Mr. Andy Paluri and passedunanimously by all members of the Board present.


A motion to approve extension of time for PB-1151-14 (Block 35 Lots 6.01 & 6.02) Toll NJ II, LP (Phase 10) made by Mr. Anthony Zarillo and seconded by Mr. John Riggs and passedunanimously by all members of the Board present.





PB-1173-15                           Lucille and Anthony DiPasquale; Request for Minor subdivision and Bulk Variances; Block 110, Lots 1.03 ( Ave and So. Shore Blvd.); Zone: R-60, R-10 & FHC (Residential)


PB-1175-15                           Lucille and Anthony DiPasquale; Request for Minor subdivision and Bulk Variances; Blocks 109.02 / 110 / 106.89 / 106.95 / 106.46, Lots 3, 4 & 5 / 1.05 / 31 / 20 / 5-8, 9-11; (Garibaldi Ave., Ave. K, Manalapan Ave., Palm Ct., Columbus Ave.); Zone: R-60, R-10 & FHC (Residential)


Mrs. Lucille DiPasquale, applicant stated she will let her engineer explain both applications.


Mr. Sharif Aly, applicant’s Engineer, stated we can hear both applications jointly and ask for a separate vote.  The applications are six (6) parcels, totaling seventeen and a half (17.5) acres within the R-60, R-10 and FGHC zones and are environmentally sensitive areas of open space.  The receiving site is seeking the cluster option of non-continuous parcels of land with the dedication of sixteen (16) acres to open space.  The first (PB-1173-15) application is seeking to carve out the existing dwelling onto 1.32 acres and the remainder 4.86 acres will be dedicated to the Township.  There are several variances that are requested as part of this application, for lot area, frontage, width and side yard and rear yard setbacks.  Also, we are seeking design exceptions of curb and sidewalk installation along South Shore Boulevard.  There is currently curbing along Avenue K, we agree to install sidewalk only along Avenue K.  The next application (PB-1175-15) is seeking to construct three (3) single family dwellings along Garibaldi Avenue.  We are seeking the cluster option to the standards of the R-20 zone.  The remainder of block and lots will be dedicated to the Township.  We agree to all professional reports for both applications.



Mrs. Celeste Adelino asked if the roadway will be large enough to pass parked cars and asked the size of the homes to be built.


Mrs. Lucille DiPasquale stated the agree to roadway improvements as per engineer’s report and the homes will be approximately 3000-3200 square foot homes.


(Public portion closed.)


Mr. Mark Rasimowicz, Board Engineer, has no objections subject to applicant’s compliance with report dated February 25, 2016 with the exception of item “1f” for file PB-1173-15.


Mr. Mark Remsa, Board Planner, has no objections subject to applicant’s compliance with report dated February 15, 2016 for file PB-1173-15.


Mr. Mark Rasimowicz, Board Engineer, has no objections subject to applicant’s compliance with report dated February 25, 2016 for file PB-1175-15.


Mr. Mark Remsa, Board Planner, has no objections subject to applicant’s compliance with report dated February 15, 2016 for file PB-1175-15.


Motion to approve file #PB-1173-15 made by Councilman Michael Leibowitzand seconded by Mr. John Riggsand passed unanimously by all members of the Board present.


Motion to approve file #PB-1175-15 made by Mr. Andy Paluri and seconded by Mr. Len Levene and passed unanimously by all members of the Board present.






PB-1160-14               WAWA, Inc., a motion to approve made by Mr. John Riggs and seconded by Councilman Michael Leibowitz and passed unanimously by all members of the Board present.


PB-1167-15               JSM at Monroe, LLC, a motion to approve made by Mr. Andy Paluri and seconded by Mrs. Karen Polidoro and passed with Mr. Riggs, Mr. Levene and Mr. Zarillo abstaining.


PB-1174-15               Om Sri Sai Balaji Temple and Cultural Center, Inc., a motion to approve made by Mr. Len Levene and seconded by Mr. John Riggs and passed unanimously by all members of the Board present.


PB-1164 -15              Tall Oaks Real Estate, LLC, a motion to approve made by Mr. John Riggs and seconded by Mr. Andy Paluri with Councilman Michael Leibowitz and Mayor Gerald Tamburro abstaining.






A motion to adjourn at 8:30 p.m. made by and seconded by and passed unanimously by all members of the Board present.


Respectfully submitted,