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Planning Minutes | March 28, 2019




March 28, 2019

Meeting called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman David Rothman who led the salute to the Flag.

Chairman David Rothman read the Sunshine Law as follows: In accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, it is hereby announced and shall be entered into the minutes of this meeting that adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by the following:

Posted on the Bulletin Board of the Office of the Township Clerk;

Posted on the Bulletin Boards within the Municipal Complex;                                  

Printed in the Home News Tribune and Cranbury Press on January 4, 2019;                   

Posted on the Monroe Township website; and                                   

Sent to those individuals who have requested personal notice.

MEMBERS PRESENT:     Chairman David Rothman, Vice Chairman Terence Van Dzura,  Mr. Andy Paluri, Mrs. Karen Polidoro, Mr. Louis Caron, Ms. Roslyn Brodsky, Alternate #1 Mr. Norman Olinsky, Alternate #2 Mr. Jay Brown, Councilwoman Elizabeth Schneider and Mayor Gerald Tamburro.  Also present for the Board were Attorney Jerome Convery, Planner Mark Remsa, Engineer Mark Rasimowicz and Planning Administrator Robert Hudak.

MEMBERS ABSENT:        Mr. Wayne Horbatt.


A motion to approve the February 28, 2019 Minutes made by Mr. Andy Paluri and seconded by Mr. Lou Caron and passed unanimously by all members present.

PB-1214-19          EL at Monroe, LLC; Request for Amended Preliminary and Amended Final Site Plan with Bulk Variances; Block 54, Lot 3 (Section 1, Phase III); Located on Mounts Mill Road and Spotswood Englishtown Road, in the VC-1 (Village Center Overlay) Zone

Applicant requested to be carried to the April 25, 2019 meeting.  Notice will be provided.


PB-1207-18          Maria Celeste Adelino and Fernando Adelino; Request for Minor Subdivision with Bulk Variances; Block 109.01, Lots 18, 19 & 20; Located on Garibaldi Avenue, in the R-60 (Residential) Zone

Represented by Mr. Peter Klouser who stated this application is seeking minor subdivision approval with bulk variances.  The property is known as block 109.01 and lots 18 thru 20, located on Garibaldi Avenue.  The zone is R-60, but the proposed is consistent with the R-20 zone, which surrounds the property.  If the R-20 standards apply, no variances would be requested. 

Mr. Sharif Aly, applicant’s Engineer, stated the property is located off Old Forge Road, where Spring Street turns into Garibaldi Avenue.  Garibaldi is fully developed by the applicant when they build their home.  The property currently is approximately 1.38 acres.  There is sewer, water and all utilities available.  We are creating two lots.  We propose one lot for the existing dwelling and shed to remain that will contain 34,000 square feet, and the other for a new dwelling on 26,000 square feet.  There are single-family residential dwellings and vacant lots exist around the site.  We are requesting variances of lot area, frontage and width.  We are seeking waiver of installing curbing and sidewalk and understand we pay a fee in lieu of.  The applicant’s, Adelino put money in for underground detention roof drainage into inlets.  We are providing a turn around on the property for mail or emergency vehicles.

Mr. John Chadwick applicant’s Planner, stated the reasons why the variances could be granted. Based upon his expert testimony provided, in favor of C.(2) variances, in particular the changing character of this neighborhood.

Mr. Terry Van Dzura asked the requirements of the R-60 and R-20 zone.

Mr. Andy Paluri stated the zone is R-60 and the lots proposed are much smaller.

Ms. Karen Polidoro asked the square footage of each lot.



Ms. Lucille DiPasquale stated she does not agree with comments made and she has built the homes in that area and improved the roadway and ran utilities.

Mr. Michael Petito stated he welcomes the new neighbors and that Adelinos have been great neighbors.

Mr. Leonard Ostrosky stated he has no objections to this application as a neighbor.

Mr. Mark Rasimowicz, Board Engineer, has no objections subject to applicant’s compliance with report dated February 18, 2019.

Mr. Mark Remsa, Board Planner, has no objections subject to applicant’s compliance with report dated January 18, 2019.

Motion to approve made by Mr. Lou Caron and seconded by Mr. Norman Olinsky and passed with Mr. Andy Paluri voting no.

PB-1208-18          DJC Capital Holdings, LLC; Request for Preliminary and Final Site Plan; Block 40, Lot 1; Located on Prospect Plains Road, in the NC (Neighborhood Commercial) Zone

Represented by Mr. David Lonski who stated this is an application for a 2600 square foot addition to the daycare with an increase of employees.  We are seeking to increase the student enrollment also.  The daycare is in a NC zone located on Prospect Plains Road.

Mr. Ronald Sadowsky, applicant’s Engineer state the site contains about 1.90 acres, is located in the western portion of the township.  It has about 349 feet of frontage along Prospect Plains Road.  A one-story, 5,668-square foot building that houses the Kiddie Corral Learning Center and a parking lot exist on the site.  The site has access from a one-way driveway.   Vehicles exit the site via a driveway on adjoining Lot 2.02 in Block 40.  There are railroad tracks farther away of site. 

Mr. William Doran, applicant’s Planner stated there is a mix of commercial uses located adjacent to the site as well as residential uses and vacant land. The property is zoned neighborhood commercial.  We propose to construct a 2,660-square foot addition to the existing building.  To construct the addition some of the existing enclosed play area must be modified.  Two new classrooms and a multipurpose room are proposed.  The expansion of the existing use, a childcare facility, is permitted in the NC zone.

Ms. Margaret Charleson, DJC stated the daily routines of the daycare and all the safety precautions.  Went over the flow of drop off and the busing of students to school.

Mayor Gerald Tamburro stated he seemed like he was just at the ribbon cutting.  He supports the addition and commended them on all they do to keep the children safe.

Councilwoman Betty Schneider stated she has passed by and seen the way the traffic flows and stated it works.

Ms. Roslyn Brodsky asked for more detail on safety of entering the building.

Ms. Margaret Charleson stated ID card swipe.

Mr. Andy Paluri stated “Ms. Maggie” was a teacher in Town and it nice to see someone who lives here also, to open up a much needed business in Town.

(No public wished to be heard on this application.)

Mr. Mark Rasimowicz, Board Engineer, has no objections subject to applicant’s compliance with report dated March 19, 2019.

Mr. Mark Remsa, Board Planner, has no objections subject to applicant’s compliance with report dated March 9, 2019.

Motion to approve made by Mr. Andy Paluri and seconded by Ms. Roslyn Brodsky and passed unanimously by all members of the Board present.


PB-1213-18              Countryside Developers, Inc., a motion to approve made by Mr. Terry Van Dzura and seconded by Mr. Lou Caron and passed with Mr. Andy Paluri and Mr. Norman Olinsky abstaining.


A motion to Recommend Amendments Chapter 97 entitled “Tree Preservation” (Ordinance No. #0-3-2019-010) to Township Council made by Ms. Karen Polidoro seconded by Councilwoman Betty Schneider and passed unanimously by all members of the Board present


A motion to adjourn at 9:00 p.m. made by Mr. Andy Paluri and seconded by Ms. Karen Polidoro and passed unanimously by all members of the Board present.

Respectfully submitted,