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Planning Minutes | January 28, 2021




January 28, 2021

Meeting called to order at 6:30 P. M. via Zoom (Web-meeting access information  Phone #1-312-626-6799 or 1-929-205-6099; Meeting ID 830 0657 7062 by Chairman Terence Van Dzura who led the salute to the Flag.

Chairman Terence Van Dzura read the Sunshine Law as follows: In accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, it is hereby announced and shall be entered into the minutes of this meeting that adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by the following:

Posted on the Bulletin Board of the Office of the Township Clerk;

Posted on the Bulletin Boards within the Municipal Complex;                            

Printed in the Home News Tribune and Cranbury Press on January 3, 2020;                 

Posted on the Monroe Township website; and                               

Sent to those individuals who have requested personal notice.

MEMBERS PRESENT (Virtually thru Zoom):           Chairman Terence Van Dzura, Vice Chairman John Riggs, Mr. David Rothman, Mr. Andy Paluri, Mrs. Karen Polidoro, Mr. Wayne Horbatt, Ms. Roslyn Brodsky, Councilwoman Elizabeth Schneider and Mayor Gerald Tamburro.  Also present for the Board were Attorney Jerome Convery, Planner Mark Remsa, Engineer Mark Rasimowicz and Director of Planning Mr. Joe Stroin.

MEMBERS ABSENT:        Alternate #1 Mr. Norman Olinsky,


Motion to appoint Mr. Terence Van Dzura as Planning Board Chairman made by Mr. Wayne Horbatt and seconded by Mr. Andy Paluri and passed unanimously by all members of the Board present. (Nominations closed.)

Motion to appoint Mr. John Riggs as Planning Board Vice-Chairman made by Ms. Karen Polidoro and seconded by Mr. David Rothman and passed unanimously by all members present. (Nominations closed.)

Motion to appoint Mr. Jerome Convery as Board Attorney made by Mr. Andy Paluri and seconded by Ms. Roslyn Brodsky and passed unanimously by all members of the Board present. (Nominations closed.)

Motion to appoint Mr. Mark Rasimowicz as Board Engineer made by Mr. Andy Paluri and seconded by Mr. Wayne Horbatt and passed unanimously by all members of the Board present. (Nominations closed.)

Motion to appoint Center State Engineering as Engineering Consultant made by Mr. John Riggs and seconded by Ms. Roslyn Brodsky and passed unanimously by all members of the Board present. (Nominations closed.)

Motion to appoint Mr. Rob Russo as Board Planner made by Councilwoman Betty Schneider and seconded by Mr. Wayne orbattand passed with Mr. David Rothman voting no and Mr. Andy Paluri and Ms. Karen Polidoro abstaining. (Nominations closed.)

Motion to appoint Ms. Laura Zalewski as Board Secretary made by Ms. Roslyn Brodsky and seconded by Mr. Wayne Horbatt and passed unanimously by all members of the Board present. (Nominations closed.)

Motion to appoint Mr. Rob Russo as Administrative Officer made by Mr. Wayne Horbatt and seconded by Mr. Kevin McGowan and passed with Mr. David Rothman voting no and Ms. Karen Polidoro abstaining.  (Nominations closed.)

Motion to adopt the Rules and Regulations of the Planning Board made by Mr. Andy Paluri and seconded by Ms. Karen Polidoro and passed unanimously by all members of the Board present.

Motion to adopt the dates for 2020 for the Planning Board, with the elimination of the December meeting made by Mr. David Rothman and seconded by Ms. Roslyn Brodsky and passed unanimously by all members of the Board present.      

A motion to approve the December 2, 2020 Minutes made by Mr. Andy Paluri and seconded by Ms. Karen Polidoro passed unanimously by all members of the Board present.

PB-1226-20                    Old Forge Properties, LLC; Request for Preliminary Major Subdivision; Block 106.50, Lots 11-12, 21-22; Block 106.51, Lots 1-11, 21-32; Block 106.03, Lots 9-15, 20-21, 26-34; Block 106.06, Lots 1-26, 33-48; Located on Old Forge Road; In the R-60 Residential Zone with cluster option to R-20 Zone

Mr. Peter Klouser stated the application known as Old Forge Properties, LLC a/k/a Hidden Meadows, has applied for Preliminary Major Subdivision Approval with Bulk Variances for property known as Block 106.50, Lots 11, 12, 21, & 22; Block 106.51, Lots 1-12 & 21-32; Block 106.03, Lots 9-15, 20, 21, & 26-34; Block 106.06, Lots 1-26 & 33-48, located along Old Forge Road. 

Mr. Sharif Aly, applicant’s Engineer described the site in detail.  The existing site consists of several noncontiguous parcels of land located in the northern portion of Monroe Township.  The largest parcel, which contains about 11 acres of land, is located along portions of Clinton Avenue and Pearl Street, both of which are paper streets.  A horse farm with some sheds, a pond, a paddock and woods occupy this parcel.  Another parcel fronts along a paper street Umberto Avenue.  This parcel is wooded and contains about 1.8 acres.  These two parcels are zoned R-60 Residential.  The remaining parcels of land are in the R-30 Residential zone.  The parcel bounded by unimproved Columbus Avenue, Franklin Street, Reade Street and Manalapan Avenue contains about 2.4 acres.  It is vacant and wooded.  The two remaining parcels of land are small: one contains 5,000 square feet and fronts along an unimproved section of Columbus Avenue; and the other one is a double-frontage, 40,000 square foot lot abutting unimproved sections of Franklin Street and Duane Street.  They are wooded.  The area surrounding the subject parcels of land consists of a mix of detached, single-family dwellings and wooded lands of which a significant amount is owned by Monroe Township.  We are seeking preliminary major subdivision approval to develop the site in the R-20 cluster option of the Township.  Apply a non-contiguous parcel cluster to the parcels in the R-60 and R-30 zones for 11 new lots for detached, single-family dwellings that utilize R-20 zone bulk standards on the parcel of land in Block 106.51.  Clinton Avenue would be improved with full-width pavement and curbing from Boxwood Drive to a new cul-de-sac that terminates near its intersection with Pearl Street.  Sidewalk would be provided along the western side of Clinton Avenue from Boxwood Drive to a portion of the cul-de-sac.  Pearl Street and Umberto Avenue along the subject site would remain unimproved.  A 5.77 acre parcel of land with a stormwater management basin for the housing development would be dedicated to Monroe Township for municipal purposes.  Access to the basin would be provided via an access drive that extends from the cul-de-sac around the perimeter of proposed residential Lot 31.01 to the basin.  The parcels of land in Blocks 106.03 and 106.05 would remain in their wooded state and dedicated to Monroe Township for municipal purposes.  There are several variances we are requesting in regards to open space and lot frontage and width standards.  We are also seeking design exceptions for curbing, pavement, sidewalks and street trees.

Mr. John Riggs stated the open space to be dedicated has been a targeted area.

Councilwoman Betty Schneider also stated that would be ideal open space.

Mr. Andy Paluri asked about the paper streets if they are to be improved or vacated.

Ms. Karen Polidoro suggested the applicant appear before the shade tree and environmental commissions also.


Ms. Lucille DiPasquale, 70Avenue K, stated the open space is great for the Township

Ms. Michele Arminio, 9 Nathaniel Street, asked several questions on calculations for open space, where could she find that.  Was directed to look at Chapter 108.

Mr. Gary Hipko, 5 Albert Avenue, Milltown, NJ, stated he worked with Mr. Riggs many years ago for open space; this is acquiring some of those lands that were targeted.

Mr. Larry Casey, 9 Boxwood Drive, stated he is just concerned with the amount of building.

Ms. Yvonne Zirith (Did not unmute, did not speak)

Ms. Deb Palella, 15 Louise Lane, stated that her and her neighbors are very concerned with more homes.  She likes to look at the woods and trees.  She wants that to remain and not be built on.

Mr. Michael Caprio, 8 Boxwood Drive, stated he was not sent any notice and he is directly in front of the proposed homes.  Can the infrastructure handle new homes.  Why can’t the Towns just stop building. 

Mr. Mark Rasimowicz, Board Engineer, has no objections subject to applicant’s compliance with reports dated August 13, 2020 and October 19, 2020.

Mr. Rob Russo, Board Planner, has no objections subject to applicant’s compliance with Mr. Mark Remsa’s reports dated April 24, 02020 and October 7, 2020.

Motion to approve made by Mr. John Riggs and seconded by Councilwoman Betty Schneider and passed with Mr. David Rothman voting no.

PB-1218-19                        Apple Realty, LLC; Request for Preliminary & Final Site Plan with Bulk Variances; Block 47.01, Lot 8.01; Located on Applegarth Road, in the NC (Neighborhood Commercial) Zone         

Carried without notice to the February 25, 2021 regular board meeting, due to the late hour.


(No resolutions to be adopted.)


No public wanted to be heard.

A motion to adjourn at 10:30 p.m. made by Mr. Andy Paluri and seconded by Ms. Roslyn Brodsky and passed unanimously by all members of the Board present.

Respectfully submitted,