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Library Minutes | February 21, 2023



February 21, 2023


Members Staff

Ben Baum Prena Shah Robert Isaacs (virtual) Leah Wagner

Lisa Chen Anne Corey Dr. Marilyn Gonyo (virtual) Karen Klapperstuck Jackie D’Angelo Bernadette Yannacci Dr. Kelly Roselle (virtual) Friends of the Library

Francine Kitts

The meeting of the Monroe Township Library Board of Trustees was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Ben Baum, President.


It was noted that this meeting was in compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act.


The minutes from the January 17, 2023 meeting of the Library Board of Trustees were presented. Bob Isaacs noted that the word “service” on page 2 should be “serve” and asked the minutes be corrected.

Dr. Marilyn Gonyo moved that the minutes of the January 17, 2023 meeting be accepted with the above noted correction. All were in favor. The minutes were approved.


Leah Wagner included a Year-End Report for Board review in relation to the strategic plan.

Leah informed the Trustees about progress on the interior renovations including a new staff desk for the Young Adult area. More information about the Circulation renovations will be available at the March meeting.

Leah recommended that the Board formalize the hiring of Ruth Santulli as part time Events Coordinator.

Bob Isaacs moved to approve the new employee. Lisa Chen seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Leah and Lynnette Fucci, Head of Youth Services, have been working on creating a more inviting space in the Early Literacy Corner to which Dr. Marilyn Gonyo has generously donated.


Karen Klapperstuck presented the 2022 Annual Report. The report will also be shared with Mayor Dalina and the Township Council Members. The report is available electronically on the Library’s website.

Karen reported on appointments for AARP Tax. All appointments are currently full. There were over 400 appointments available this year, as compared with just over 250 in 2022.


Leah Wagner discussed the current financial reports. Leah explained that everything is where it should be for this early point in the year. She also noted that most of the Periodicals budget is expended at the beginning of the year when most of the magazine and newspaper renewals take place.


Dr. Marilyn Gonyo reported on items from Mayor Dalina.

Monroe Twp (Town Hall) hosted a press event on 2/10 – Monroe will be part of a regional southern Middlesex County flood mitigation survey. Senator Robert Menendez and Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman were in attendance to discuss the federal funds for the much needed survey.

The Township Police held 2 informational sessions to make citizens aware of recent regional crime trends and how to protect yourself. The presentation is available on Facebook as well as the Township webpage.

The Mayor’s Wellness campaign has started up for the new year. The first event was Chair yoga at the Senior Center. There are many other programs on tap throughout the next few months. Please visit the township website for more information.

Read across America will be taking place on Friday March 3rd and Mayor Dalina is looking forward to participating.


Francine Kitts reported that the Friends had two very successful programs for Black History Month. Both had about 75 in attendance. We also had a Zoom presentation, which they felt was not as successful. Our Black History Month display is in the lobby display case.

On Friday, March 24th, (March is Women's History Month), the Friends are sponsoring a program with Alisa Dupuy presenting a live portrayal of Elizabeth Van Lew, a spy who built and operated an extensive spy ring for the Union Army during the Civil War.

The Friends have donated two new American Girl Dolls, complete with carrying cases on wheels, clothing, and books. Kavi Sharma, the new Indian-American doll comes with her Bollywood costume and Bitty Baby is our first baby doll.

Our International Film series continues to be successful with patrons watching the movie at their leisure for free on Kanopy and joining in the Zoom discussion on the second Thursday of the month.

Three new museum passes have been added -- the Thomas Edison Museum in Menlo Park, the Aviation Hall of Fame at Teterboro Airport, and the Montclair Museum. Marilyn Gonyo and staff member Donna Rogers do a great job working together to keep us updated on the passes.

The Friends Scholarship Committee is gearing up to select up to three $1,000 recipients for deserving Monroe Township HS students who have applied to post-secondary programs of study and have volunteered at our library.

Our jigsaw puzzle table is very popular. Emily Mazzoni, Young Adult Librarian, reported to Francine that a family of 4 sat at the table working together for a long time a few weekends ago.


Dr. Kelly Roselle reminded the Board members that a special election for the referendum will be held on March 14. More information can be found on the Township School District website ( The website also includes details about information sessions for residents.

The next Board of Education meeting will be on March 15 and will include a preliminary budget hearing.


Leah Wagner presented the revised Financial Policies and Procedures document.

Lisa Chen made a motion to approve the Financial Policies and Procedures document as revised. Prena Shah seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Leah provided an update on the Construction Bond Grant. The boiler is working and has not shut down again. The manufacturer has been out to check the installation. The fire panel remains the last part of the project but has yet to arrive.


Karen Klapperstuck presented the Board with updated versions of the Meeting Room Policy, the Meeting Room Application and the Exhibits policy. The Trustees discussed a few points that needed further clarification or correction. Karen will bring the revised versions to the March Board meeting for approval.

Leah Wagner introduced Emily Mazzoni, Young Adult Librarian, to the Board of Trustees.

Emily shared with the Trustees that she has 65 active teen volunteers. She informed the Board about the President’s Volunteer Service Award and asked if the Board would support her moving forward to participate and recognize the teen volunteers. This year approximately 11 teens would be eligible for the Bronze level and 3-4 would be eligible for the Silver level. Emily explained that it would cost around $100 to get the awards.

Dr. Marilyn Gonyo made a motion to become officially certified to participate in the President's Volunteer Service Award program. Bob Isaacs seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Emily also discussed with the Board an incident with 4 teens on February 14 which resulted in a telephone call to the Monroe Township Police Department.

Prena Shah made a motion to send the letter detailing next steps, including a 30-day denial of access for further discipline issues, along with the Policy on Acceptable Library Conduct to the parents of the disruptive teens. Lisa Chen seconded the motion. All were in favor.


Bob Isaacs moved the payment of the bills with checks #18301-#18343, in the amount of $112,288.72. Bernadette Yannacci seconded. All were in favor. The motion passed.


Leah asked that the Library Board go into closed session to discuss a personnel matter.

Anne Corey moved that the Board go into closed session at 8:17 pm.

The Board members returned to open session at 8:23 pm. No action was taken.

The next meeting of the Monroe Township Library Board of Trustees is scheduled for Tuesday, March 21 at 6:30 p.m.


There being no other business, Prena Shah moved to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 8:24 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Karen Klapperstuck