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Environmental Minutes | December 6, 2023


Meeting December 6, 2023, at 7:00 PM

1. CALL TO ORDER- Chairwoman Karen Polidoro

Pledge to Flag

2. Sunshine Law- Read into the record

3. Roll Call – (Commissioners and Associates)

_√_ Karen Polidoro (Chair), _×_ Rupa Siegal (Council Liaison)

_√_ Renee Haider, _√_ Roger Dreyling

_×_ Ken Konya, _√_ Joe Slomian

_×_ Giada Schwam (Student Liaison),

_×_ Siddhi Patil (Student Associate)

_×_ Mihir Majmundar,

_×_ John Riggs

_×_ Surabhi Agarwal

_×_ Theresa Zamorski (Secretary)

Adoption of Minutes–: A Motion to approve the November 1, 2023, minutes made by Joe Slomian and seconded by Roger Dreyling. All in favor.

a. Applicant A. Proposed Medical Office

Applegarth Realty, LLC

283 Applegarth Road

Block 26, Lot 20.02

Speaker: Douglas Hanley, PE

Dynamic Engineering

The commission had the following concerns:

· The EC understands the current building on the property will be razed and a new 2-story,

8,000 square foot medical office building will be constructed. The property will also be

improved with 35 paved parking stalls along with an underground detention basin,

landscaping, and a new septic system. It is our understanding that the old septic system

will be completely removed from the property.

· No medical waste, chemicals, or hazardous waste of any kind are to be discharge into the

septic system.

· All lighting both inside and outside should be LED, dark sky (downward facing), and

motion sensitive to eliminate as much light pollution as possible.

· All lighting associated with the 2’ x 4’ sign should be internally illuminated to minimize

light pollution.

· The MTEC recommends that all white pine be replaced with other species of pines with a

denser canopy since white pine tends to be too sparce and doesn’t provide suitable

buffering during the winter months when the deciduous trees lose their leaves.

· Plantings to buffer the property should contain as many New Jersey native flowering

plants / bushes / trees as possible to encourage pollinators (bees, birds, insects, mammals,

etc.) to thrive, including a mixture of annual and perennial plantings. These buffers also act to improve local air and water quality.

4. Committee Reports:

a. High School Student Liaison- Giada Schwam- Nothing to report.

b. Trails and Bike Paths Committee- Coordinator Karen Polidoro – The Watershed reached out by email to schedule the Stream cleanup dates. The dates available are April 13, 14, 20 & 21 2024.

c. Storm Water & Streams Committee- Coordinator Joe Slomian-

d. Energy Committee – Coordinator Ken Konya-Nothing to report.

e. Open Space- Coordinator John Riggs-Nothing to report.

f. Education Committee Report- Coordinator Renee Haider – January 13, 2024, we have our first Library program scheduled, no status yet for February. March 16, The Watershed will present information on Storm Water. We are still confirming April and May.

g. Sustainable New Jersey – Coordinator Renee Haider-We are planning on applying for recertification next year. Need to work on our actions. Sustainable Jesey is working on a grant to improve the bike and pedestrian paths. They are working with Rutgers Transportation Center.

h. Green Fair Committee Report – Coordinator Mihir Majmundar- Confirming our Green Fair date either September 21 or September 28, 2024.

5. Planning Board – Karen Polidoro- Planning board approved Forever Doors Business. They agreed to take the EV ready spaces and make them actual plug-in spaces.

6. Old Business – New Business – Nothing to report.

7. Open to the Public –Carol Singer, Chair of the Concordia Green Team. The Concordia Green Fair is scheduled for May 4, 2024.

8. Adjournment 8:43 PM MOTION: Joe Slomian, Roger Dreyling Second

9. NEXT MEETING DATE: January 3, 2024