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Monroe Township Council Reorganizes for 2020

As you may be aware, I took the oath of office to begin my second term as Mayor of Monroe Township at the Township Council’s Re-organization Meeting at the Senior Center on January 1.

I would again like to express my appreciation to my family, friends, dignitaries and residents in attendance and thank all residents for entrusting me with the honor of serving as your Mayor.  I was both humbled and excited to take the oath of office as your Mayor – an oath I hold very dear.  I have worked each and every day to live up to the faith and confidence that you have bestowed upon me and I intend to do the same in 2020 and beyond.

 During the reorganization meeting, the Township Council also unanimously elected Councilwoman Miriam Cohen as Council President and Councilwoman Elizabeth “Betty” Schneider as Council Vice President.  This decision marks the first time in the Township’s history that two women lead the Council in their respective roles. 

I support the Council’s decision 100 percent and have the utmost faith that Council President Cohen will lead our governing body with professionalism and decorum.  Council Vice President Schneider has proven her value to the Council time and time again over the years, having attended just about every Township event that is planned.  The Council is in good hands with these superb public servants at the helm and I look forward to working closely with them in the years ahead. 

I would like to take a moment to acknowledge Councilman Stephen Dalina for his years of outstanding service to this council and our community as council president.  Thank you.