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Planning Minutes | Sep 24, 2015



September 24, 2015

Meeting called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman David Rothman who led the salute to the Flag.


Chairman David Rothman read the Sunshine Law as follows:In accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, it is hereby announced and shall be entered into the minutes of this meeting that adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by the following:


Posted on January 2, 2015 on the Bulletin Board of the Office of the Township Clerk, Municipal Complex, 1 Municipal Plaza, and remains on file at that location for public inspection;


Printed in the Home News Tribune and Cranbury Press on January 2, 2015;


Posted on January 2 2015 on the Bulletin Boards within the Municipal complex, 1 Municipal Plaza;


Posted on the Monroe Township website; and


Sent to those individuals who have requested personal notice.




MEMBERS PRESENT:       Chairman David Rothman, Vice Chairman Len Levene, Dr. Lloyd Kalugin, Mr. Len Levene, Mrs. Karen Polidoro, Mr. Louis Caron, Alternate #1 Mr. Anthony Zarillo and Councilman Michael Leibowitz.  Also present for the Board were Attorney Jerome Convery, Planner Mark Remsa, and Engineer Mark Rasimowicz.




MEMBERS ABSENT:         Mr. Andy Paluri, Mr. John Riggs and Mayor Richard Pucci




A motion to approve the July 23, 2015, Minutes made by Mrs. Karen Polidoro and seconded by Mr. Lou Caron and passed with Mr. Anthony Zarillo abstaining.



PB-1165-15                           Hometech Homes, LLC; Request for Minor Subdivision with Bulk Variance; Block 49, Lot 12; Located on Hoffman Station Road in the R-30 Zone (Residential)


Represented by Mr. Jeffrey Chang who stated this application is for a three (3) lot subdivision.  There was a previous approval for four (4) lots and a roadway to be installed.  This application was carried from the last meeting to meet with the Township Engineer on site to determine the stormwater runoff. 


Mr. Sharif Aly, applicant’s Engineer, stated they have met with the Township Engineer and proposed to clean the existing ditch.  They have contacted the County and informed them that it looks like the ditch is not being maintained.  The County agreed and stated they have not maintained it in a long time.  They will be out there in the future to do their part of the maintenance.  We have reduced the number of lots and the roof drains will be to rear property. The driveways are proposed with a turn around, so they are not backing out onto the road.



  1. Monquet resides next door, stated that 3 driveways with 80 feet is unsafe and the land is saturated there.


Public portion closed.


Mr. Mark Rasimowicz, Board Engineer, has no objections subject to applicant’s compliance with report dated July 17, 2015.


Mr. Mark Remsa, Board Planner, has no objections subject to applicant’s compliance with report dated June 16, 2015.


Motion to approve made by Councilman Michael Leibowitz and seconded by Dr. Lloyd Kaluginand passed unanimously by all members of the Board present.




PB-1168-15                           Scott Krywinski (Irwin & Marsha Newman); Request for Minor Subdivision with Bulk Variance; Block 160.20, Lot 15.02; Located on Matano Court in the R-7.5 Zone (Residential)


Mr. Scott Krywinski, 175 Rochelle Avenue, Rochelle Park, NJ, stated he is the applicant. He grandparents are the owners.


Mr. Sharif Aly, applicant’s Engineer, stated this is a minor subdivision application with variances.  The applicant is present and the owners are present.  We are seeking to divide an oversized lot into 2 lots.  We are seeking variances for lot frontage, width and depth. They proposed to build a new residential dwelling on the new lot and the other is to remain with a house.


Mr. Bourgeau stated there are wet basements there in the area.  Where will the runoff go.


Mr. Roger Hanos, 3 Matano Court, stated the gas line runs thru his property to service that lot and also has concerns regarding the drainage at the entrance of his driveway. It puddles there now.


Ms. Jamie Sininski, 32 Nelson Avenue, has major concerns with the drainage and flooding.


Ms. Terry Cannon also stated concerns over drainage.


Mrs. Joyce Bourgeau also has concerns about a basement and the water.


(Public portion closed.)


Mr. Anthony Zarillo asked what steps are being done in regards to the water.


Mr. Mark Rasimowicz, Board Engineer, stated that there are laws that must be followed and they cannot increase the runoff to neighboring property owners.


Mrs. Karen Polidoro asked what happens to the gas line with the neighbor.


Mr. Mark Remsa, Board Planner, stated during construction, they would most likely cap that line and run new line.


Mr. Lou Caron asked if wetlands on property.


Mr. Mark Rasimowicz, Board Engineer, has no objections subject to applicant’s compliance with reports dated August 4, 20115 and August 12, 2015.


Mr. Mark Remsa, Board Planner, has no objections subject to applicant’s compliance with reports dated July 6, 2015 and August 25, 2015.


Motion to approve made by Mr. Anthony Zarilloand seconded by Mrs. Karen Polidoroand passed unanimously by all members of the Board present. 




PB-1170-15               Gregory Jolley; Request for Minor Subdivision with Bulk Variance;

Block 20, Lots 25.02 & 25.03; Located on Federal Road in the RR-FLP Zone (Rural Residential / Farmland Preservation Dist.)


Represented by Mr. Gregg Pesciotta who stated this application is seeking a minor subdivision approval for three (3) lots with frontage, width and setback variances.


Ms. Lorali Totten, applicant’s Engineer, stated the property is located in the RR-FLP zone of the Township.  The property contains more than 26 acres.  We are proposing three lots: the existing dwelling will remain on 6 acres, another lot will be 7.6 acres and the remaining lot will be 13.64 acres.  We are proposing 2 new homes.  We are requesting waivers of installation of curbing, sidewalks and street trees.  We are requesting a waiver of full topography, but to be provided at issuance of building permit.


Mrs. Karen Polidoro asked about wetlands.  Are they designated.


Dr. Lloyd Kalugin stated this was a well presented application.


(No public was heard.)                                


Mr. Mark Rasimowicz, Board Engineer, has no objections subject to applicant’s compliance with report dated September 11, 2015.


Mr. Mark Remsa, Board Planner, has no objections subject to applicant’s compliance with report dated August 31, 2015.


Motion to approve made by Mr. Len Leveneand seconded by Mrs. Karen Polidoro and passed unanimously by all members of the Board present.



PB-1164-15               Tall Oaks Real Estate, LLC; Request for Minor Subdivision;

Block 68, Lot 54.01Located on Buckelew Avenue in the R-20 Zone (Residential)


Represented by Mr. Walter Toto who stated this application is seeking a minor subdivision approval to create a new building lot.  The property is 310 Buckelew Avenue in the R-20 zone of the Township.


Mr. Eric Boe, applicant’s Engineer, presented the subdivision plan.  He explained the difference between the July plan and the September plan.  Questioned access restriction on both lots.  Also, the roof drains. 



Mr. Brian Fletcher, 14 Little Brook Lane asked if they can turn this into another group home. There are loud shouts from the existing facility and understands that goes with the disease.  The buffer will be removed once the house is built.


Mr. John Scherer also stated he would not want another group home there.  The woods will be gone.


Mr. Scott Volkmann, 23 Little Brook Lane, asked if they can be assured of no group home at the new site.


Ms. Colleen Genovese also has concerns about what the future might be for the new home.


(Public portion closed.)


Chairman David Rothman stated several issues have been raised and not agreed upon in regards to rood drains and the access restrictions.  Feels this matter should be tabled for 30 days.


Mr. Mark Rasimowicz, Board Engineer, has issues with the drainage of rood drains


Mr. Mark Remsa, Board Planner, raised an issue with the access restrictions and feels that needs to be addressed.


Motion to table made by Chairman David Rothman and seconded by Councilman Michael Leibowitz and passed unanimously by all members of the Board present.





PB-1166-15               Matrix 259 LCE F, LLC, a motion to approve made by Councilman Michael Leibowitz and seconded by Mrs. Karen Polidoro and passed unanimously by all members of the Board present.






A motion to approve request for additional funds for Attorney in the matter known as Matrix Realty, Inc. vs. Monroe Township Planning Board made by Mr. Anthony Zarillo and seconded by Mr. Len Levene and passed unanimously by all members of the Board present.




A motion to adjourn at 10:00 p.m. made by Mr. Len Leveneand seconded by Mrs. Karen Polidoroand passed unanimously by all members of the Board present.



Respectfully submitted,