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MINUTES - January 12, 2022





WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 2022 @ 6:30PM


The Township of Monroe Affordable Housing Board met virtually via Zoom at the following link

Due to technical difficulties the meeting was called to order at 6:38 p.m. by Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen with a Salute to the Flag.

Chairwoman Miriam Cohen requested the Board Attorney to read the following SUNSHINE LAW:

In accordance with the Open Public Meeting Act, it is hereby announced and shall be entered into the Minutes of this meeting that adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by the following:

  • Posted on the Bulletin Board of the Office of the Township Clerk;
  • Posted on the Bulletin Boards within the Municipal Complex;
  • Printed in the Home News Tribune on December 30, 2021; and
  • Posted on the Monroe Township website

UPON ROLL CALL by the Board Secretary Alicia Gonzalez, the following members of the Board were present via Zoom: Chairwoman Miriam Cohen, Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly, Member Hemant Patel, Board Member Kenneth Hilyard, Alternate I Board Member Andrea Pellezzi

ALSO PRESENT: Board Attorney Jerome J. Convery, Board Planner Malvika Apte, and Board Engineer Mark Rasimowicz.

ABSENT: Board Planner Robert Russo, Board Member Richard Lans and Alternate II Board Member Arnold Riback

Chairwoman Miriam Cohen confirmed that there is a five (5) minute standing rule that applies for the public portion of the meeting.

  • Member of the Public was in attendance via Zoom.


Re-Appointment of Board Attorney: Jerome J. Convery, Esq.

UPON MOTION made by Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly and seconded by Alternate I Board Member Andrea Pellezzi, the Re-Appointment of Board Attorney Jerome J. Convery, Esq. was approved.

ROLL CALL:  Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                                 Aye

                           Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                             Aye

                           Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                          Aye

                           Board Member, Richard Lans                                Absent

                           Board Member, Hemant Patel                                Aye

                           Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi         Aye

                           Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback         Absent

Re-Appointment of Board Secretary: Alicia Gonzalez

UPON MOTION made by Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly and seconded by Board Member Kenneth Hilyard, the Re-Appointment of Board Secretary Alicia Gonzalez was approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                                 Aye

                           Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                             Aye

                           Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                          Aye

                           Board Member, Richard Lans                               Absent

                           Board Member, Hemant Patel                               Aye

                           Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi         Aye

                           Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback         Absent

Re-Appointment of Board Vice-Chairman: Randy Beverly

UPON MOTION made by Board Member Hemant Patel and seconded by Board Member Kenneth Hilyard, the Re-Appointment of Board Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly was approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                                 Aye

                           Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                             Aye

                           Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                          Aye

                           Board Member, Richard Lans                               Absent

                           Board Member, Hemant Patel                               Aye

                           Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi         Aye

                           Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback         Absent

Reorganization: Appointment of Board Planning Consultant: Robert Russo, PP, of CME Associates

UPON MOTION made by Board Member Kenneth Hilyard and seconded by Alternate I Board Member Andrea Pellezzi, the Appointment of Board Planning Consultant Robert Russo, PP, of CME Associates was approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                                 Aye

                           Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                             Aye

                           Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                          Aye

                           Board Member, Richard Lans                               Absent

                           Board Member, Hemant Patel                               Aye

                           Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi         Aye

                           Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback         Absent


Reorganization: Appointment of Consulting Engineer for Affordable Housing Rehabilitation: Center State Engineering, Mark Rasimowicz, PE

UPON MOTION made by Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly and seconded by Board Member Hemant Patel, the Appointment of Consulting Engineer for Affordable Housing Rehabilitation – Center State Engineering, Mark Rasimowicz, PE was approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                                 Aye

                           Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                             Aye

                           Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                          Aye

                           Board Member, Richard Lans                               Absent

                           Board Member, Hemant Patel                               Aye

                           Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi         Aye

                           Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback         Absent

Reorganization: Appointment of Consulting Engineer for Affordable Housing Services: Center State Engineering, Mark Rasimowicz, PE

UPON MOTION made by Board Member Hemant Patel and seconded by Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly, the Appointment of Consulting Engineer for Affordable Housing Services – Center State Engineering, Mark Rasimowicz, PE was approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                                 Aye

                           Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                             Aye

                           Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                          Aye

                           Board Member, Richard Lans                               Absent

                           Board Member, Hemant Patel                               Aye

                           Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi         Aye

                           Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback         Absent

Reorganization: Appointment of Administrative Agent for Affordable Housing: Piazza & Associates

UPON MOTION made by Board Member Hemant Patel and seconded by Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly, the Appointment of Administrative Agent for Affordable Housing – Piazza & Associates was approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                                 Aye

                           Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                             Aye

                           Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                          Aye

                           Board Member, Richard Lans                               Absent

                           Board Member, Hemant Patel                               Aye

                           Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi         Aye

                           Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback         Absent


Approval of Minutes: MTAHB Meeting – October 13, 2021

UPON MOTION made by Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly and seconded by Alternate I Board Member Andrea Pellezzi, the MINUTES of the October 13, 2021 Monroe Township Affordable Housing Board Meeting were approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                                 Aye

                           Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                             Aye

                           Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                          Aye

                           Board Member, Richard Lans                               Absent

                           Board Member, Hemant Patel                               Abstain

                           Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi         Aye

                           Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback         Absent



Board Attorney’s Report, Jerome J. Convery, Esq.:


Board Attorney Jerome J. Convery stated he had no report and would defer to Engineering regarding the revised rehabilitation contract.

Board Planner’s Report, Malvika Apte, PP:

Board Planner Malvika Apte stated she will be preparing the annual Midpoint Review. Board Member Hemant Patel asked what information would be in the Midpoint Review. Board Planner Malvika Apte stated it reviews how the Affordable Housing Trust Fund is being spent and an update to the number of projects completed and projects that remain open.


Board Engineer’s Report, Mark Rasimowicz, Centerstate Engineering:




Board Engineer Mark Rasimowicz stated the homeowner wanted the contract revised to remove the work that was already done by their own contractor. The original contract was in the amount of $78,540.00 and with the revised scope of work and contract still being awarded to New Venture Construction but in the amount of $56,520.00. Board Member Kenneth Hilyard questioned what work was done that decreased the amount in such a large amount and what happens if a homeowner wants an upgraded item. Board Engineer Mark Rasimowicz stated he did not have the previously awarded contract to comment as to what work was done by the contractor hired by the homeowner but that if the homeowner wants an upgrade to certain items the homeowner would be responsible for paying the difference in cost. Board Member Hemant Patel inquired as to the amount of what the lien will be. Board Engineer Mark Rasimowicz stated the amount of the lien will determined once the work is complete.


UPON MOTION made by Board Member Kenneth Hilyard and seconded by Board Member Hemant Patel, the Resolution authorizing the award of revised rehabilitation contract for MT-360-21 was approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                                 Aye

                           Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                             Aye

                           Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                          Aye

                           Board Member, Richard Lans                               Absent

                           Board Member, Hemant Patel                               Aye

                           Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi         Aye

                           Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback         Absent


New Business:

  • None

Old Business:

  • Board Engineer Mark Rasimowicz updated the board regarding the rehabilitated projects progress as of January 7th is as follows:

             23 Units Total with 15 units being 90% completed, 5 units 75% completed, 3 units work has not started, 1 unit contract was recently signed, 1 unit contract was being discussed and 1 unit is approved for the homeowners to live in but are having appliance/supply issues.

Public Comment:


  • (1) member of the Public was present via Zoom.


UPON MOTION made by Board Member Hemant Patel and seconded by Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly the meeting was adjourned at 7:01 p.m.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                                 Aye

                           Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                             Aye

                           Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                          Aye

                           Board Member, Richard Lans                               Absent

                           Board Member, Hemant Patel                               Aye

                           Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi         Aye

                           Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback         Absent


Alicia Gonzalez

Affordable Housing Board Secretary