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Environmental Minutes | May 4, 2022



Meeting May 4th, 2022

1. CALL TO ORDER- Chairwoman Karen Polidoro

                                       Pledge to Flag

2. Sunshine Law- Read into the record

3. Roll Call – (Commissioners and Associates)

                   __ Karen Polidoro (Chair)

                   __ Renee Haider

                 __ Roger Dreyling

                __ Ken Konya

               _X_ Joe Slomian

              __ Giada Schwam (Student Liaison)

              __ Daria Ludas

              __ Mihir Majmudar

              __ John Riggs

             _X_ Lucille di Pasquale

            _X _ Surabhi Agarwal

            _X_ Irene Goldberg

            __ Theresa Zamorski (Seceretary)

          Adoption of Minutes:  Karen moved to approve April minutes, All in favor

 4. Applications: Dynamic Engineering


                                  Joan Warren Way BA-5204-21

                                 Block 4.01 Lot 15.01

                 a. Speaker: Richard Ortiz

                 b. The commission had the following concerns:

  • The proposed shrub plantings should be maintained at the height to shield light coming from the cars queued in the proposed Starbucks drive through from the neighboring properties.
  • Additional evergreen trees should be planted between the shade and ornamental trees around the entire property to buffer the building from neighboring properties and all the existing wet pond.
  • Additional landscaping is recommended along the northeast property border as much as can be installed without impacting the underground utilities.
  • The grease pit is adjacent to the proposed Starbucks drive thru. Any vent from the grease trap should be installed such that no odors are detected, especially from those queued in the drive thru.
  • The MTEC recommends that all lighting be LED and downward shining so as not to interfere with neighboring properties. The MTEC recommends bollards around the proposed Starbucks outdoor seating area and along the southern side of the proposed loading zone for safety
  • The MTEC is encouraging all applicants to landscape and create buffers between the proposed development and roadways and or neighboring properties with as many native flowing plants/bushes as possible to encourage pollinators (bees, birds, insects, mammals, etc.) to thrive, including a mixture of annual and perennial plantings.
  • The MTEC recommends that any plantings as part of the application approval be native NJ shrubs, trees, etc. and inspected and approved by the Monroe Township Forester and
  • Planning Board Engineer before final planting.
  • The MTEC is encouraging all applicants to schedule meetings with and seek recommendations from, the MTEC prior to seeking Zoning and / or Planning Board approval in all future applications submitted.

5. Committee Reports:

   a. High School Student Liaison- Giada Schwam-

  • Monroe Township High School Green Team-The $2000.00 and $10,000.00 Sustainable Jersey Grants were submitted on April 8. The two grant members worked diligently and efficiently towards successfully completing this grant. We are now working to get the project approved by the BOE in case we receive any of the grants.
  • 3rd Annual Eco night- Eco night was a great success, over 115 people viewed the exhibits on our website and around 75 participants attended the panel. Questions ranging from how Covid19 affected the panelists work to how their childhood had impacted their environmental careers engaged the audience with their insightful responses. Live questions from the audience also sparked more conversation and interesting viewpoints from the panelist. The panel was recorded during the event, and this recording has been uploaded to the EAC’s YouTube account. Overall, the Eco night 2022 exhibits and panel made a positive impact on everyone who attended and introduced them to new experiences and environmental justice issues.
  • Clean Ocean Action Asbury Park Beach Cleanup- On April 9, about 30 members participated in beach cleanup that was coordinated by the Clean Ocean Action organization at the Asbury Park. Each volunteer collected an abundance of trash, ranging from balloons to plastic straws.
  • Earth Day Collage- We asked all members to send in any pictures they may have of nature, such as flowers, animals, sky, beach, etc. to combine them in a collage that was posted on the EAC’s Instagram account.
  • End of Year Plans- As the end of the year approaches, we will begin to open applications for positions on the MTHS Green Team, EAC podcast, and Secretary & Vice President positions on the executive board.

  b. Trails and Bike Paths Committee- Coordinator Karen Polidoro -Nothing to report

  c. Storm Water & Streams Committee- Coordinator Joe Slomian- The Watershed Clean up was a success, we had 53 people who volunteered and, they collected 225lbs of garbage and recycling.

  d. Energy Committee – Coordinator Ken Konya- Congress has officially eliminated incandescent lamps, everything is starting to go all LED. For those who are using Solar, they will still be charged the delivery fee to deliver the energy, it will be a monthly bill.

  e. Open Space- Coordinator John Riggs-No Status on Masterplan.

  f. Education Committee Report- Coordinator Renee Haider –Nothing to report.

  g. Sustainable New Jersey – Coordinator Renee Haider- Work continues collecting the documentation for

Our Sustainable Jersey recertification application. Renee plans to mee with Harold Klein on May 13th to gather information on the town’s energy efficiency upgrades. Karen agreed to send along information for the green infrastructure and innovative community project actions. Mihir said he is working on the Green Challenges action. The certification process involves 3 rounds of application submission and review. The submission deadlines are May 22, August 28, and November 20. If we achieve certification after the 2nd round the municipality will be recognized at Sustainable Jersey Annual Luncheon on November 15 at the NJ League of Municipalities Conference. The green team meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7:00 PM in training room of the municipal building.  The focus of the activities is working on additional actions we need to complete to achieve silver certification and planning for the October 15th Green Fair. 

The third in our series of educational programs at the library is on May 21 at 11:00 AM. The session, entitled Composting Basics, will be presented by representatives of from the NJ
Organics Recycling Foundation. The April 9 session on Pollinators and Bee Hotels presented by Surabhi Agarwal was big hit with a total of 25 people participating live and virtually.

Renee thanked everyone who participated in our Reusable Bag Giveaway Event at Stop n Shop April 30 and May 1. Over 1,000 bags were distributed. The May 7 giveaway was cancelled due to inclement weather.

  • Green Fair Committee Report – Coordinator Mihir Majmundar- Green Fair is scheduled for October 15, 2022. At the next meeting we will discuss on having a cultural showcase table on sustainability, education etc. We will discuss where to post our flyers so we can have more tables join the Green Fair. 

6. Planning Board – Planning Board meeting was cancelled this month. Nothing to report.

 7. Old Business – New Business – Nothing to report

8. Open to Public –Daria Ludas Jamesburg Council, Meet with Mosquito control to get permission to clean out the debris in Wigwam Pond that flooded at the last storm. They will start the cleanup in 2-3 weeks.

We will be getting together with the superintendent of the schools in Jamesburg to put up a pollinator garden.  We are also going to help Helmetta, start their own green team.

9. Adjournment 9:08 pm MOTION: Karen Polidoro              Second: Renee Haider

10. NEXT MEETING DATE: June 1, 2022