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Environmental Minutes | December 7, 2022




Meeting Date: December 7th, 2022


  • CALL TO ORDER- Chairwoman Karen Polidoro

Pledge to Flag

  • Sunshine Law- Read into the record
  • Roll Call – (Commissioners and Associates)

                    _√_ Karen Polidoro (Chair), _√_ Rupa Siegal (Council Liaison)

                    _√_ Renee Haider, _√_ Roger Dreyling

                    _√_ Ken Konya, _√_ Joe Slomian

                    _√_ Giada Schwam (Student Liaison)

                     _√_ Mihir Majmundar, __ John Riggs

                     __ Lucille di Pasquale, _√_ Surabhi Agarwal

                     __ Irene Goldberg, _√_ Theresa Zamorski (Secretary)

Adoption of Minutes: A Motion to approve the October 5th, 2022, minutes made by Joseph Slomian and seconded by Roger Dreyling. All in favor.


 Application A.   No Applicants to report                  

  • Committee Reports:
  • High School Student Liaison- Giada Schwam-

General Member Meeting

  • Informed new and returning members of the requirements, Green Team Grant, leadership and volunteer opportunities, and upcoming events.
  • The trip to Thompson Park was unexpectedly canceled, but another similar field trip is planned some time in the spring of next year.

Monroe Township Highschool Green Team

  • During the meetings last month, the Green Team has been working on a survey about the variety of clubs the school offers for the School Culture & Climate Needs Assessment action that will be sent out to the students.
  • Began updating past actions to ensure we can submit the renewed actions for Sustainable Jersey.

Preschool Collab

  • In early February, EAC will work with the Falcon’s Nest staff and teachers to create an activity to educate the students in the environmental concepts and sustainability. The Club will create a committee of 3 students to organize and plan activities, coordinate with Falcon’s Nest, and oversee the completion of the project.

Haunted High School

  • EAC’s haunted high school theme was “Clean Earth” and had games such as trash toss for kids during the event on October 25th.

Sustainable Jersey Grant

  • The final report for the grant project is planned to be completed before the end of December.
  • The Green Team will begin to brainstorm actions and ideas to plan out for the new grant cycle in March.
  • Trails and Bike Paths Committee- Coordinator Karen Polidoro – Nothing to report
  • Storm Water & Streams Committee- Coordinator Joe Slomian
  • Olivia Spildooren reached out about a stream clean up date. The dates that we can choose from are 4/15, 4/16, 4/22 & 23.
    • Energy Committee – Coordinator Ken Konya-
  • Demonstration of how the Panasonic Whisper air filters the room without any noise, filtering the air.
    • Open Space- Coordinator John Riggs-No Status on Masterplan.
    • Education Committee Report- Coordinator Renee Haider –
  • There are going to be some more programs at the library starting January 21, 2023.Bee, Keeping for everyone, Dep Climate change, EAC, Gardening and rain gardening.
    • Sustainable New Jersey – Coordinator Renee Haider- The Monroe Township received Silver Certification
  • Renee Spoke with Harold Klein concerning the Community solar. The Township is not going to be too aggressive, because it might cause some confusion for the residents.
    • Green Fair Committee Report – Coordinator Mihir Majmundar- Nothing to report                          
  • Planning Board – Nothing to report
  • Old Business – New Business – Nothing to report.
  • Open to Public – Discussions
  • Roger Dreyling informed us that the State of NJ is proposing storm water management regulations. They are proposing stricture rules for hazard and flood areas.
  • Surabhi Argarwal would like to ask the Township if we can Plant milk weeds to help save the Monarch butterflies. Also plant more trees and installing more bee hotels wherever we can.
  • Adjournment 8:43pm Motion: Renee Haider Second: Joseph Slomian


  • NEXT MEETING DATE: January 4, 2022