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Environmental Minutes | June 7, 2023


Meeting June 7, 2023 at 7:00 PM

1. CALL TO ORDER- Chairwoman Karen Polidoro

Pledge to Flag

2. Sunshine Law- Read into the record

3. Roll Call – (Commissioners and Associates)

_√_ Karen Polidoro (Chair), _√_ Rupa Siegal (Council Liaison)

_√_ Renee Haider, _√_ Roger Dreyling

_×_ Ken Konya, _×_ Joe Slomian

_×_ Giada Schwam (Student Liaison),

_×_ Siddhi Patil (Student Associate)

_×_ Mihir Majmundar,

_×_ John Riggs

_√_ Surabhi Agarwal

_√_ Theresa Zamorski (Secretary)

Adoption of Minutes–: A Motion to approve the May 3, 2023, minutes made by Karen Polidoro and seconded by Renee Haider All in favor.

Applicant A. Preliminary and Final Site Plan Application

Monroe Logistics Center II

Block 82 Lots 2.02, 4.01, 4.02

Block 85.15 Lots 19-42

A Portion of Block 19 Lots 2, 3.01, 3.02

Speaker: Kristen Roslund, P.E

Alan Arico, LSRP Senior Project Manager

Langan Engineering

The commission had the following concerns:

· Please provide a copy of the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) prepared for this development that was referenced in the EIS, including a summary of all environmental conditions (RECs, CRECs, and HRECs) discussed in the Phase I ESA and a summary of any follow up media sampling conducted at these RECs. The MTEC will review the Phase I ESA and provide additional comments.

· Based on a review of historical aerial photographs and our discussion during the meeting, we understand that the property has been used as a tree farm. Due to the historical farming on the property, the MTEC recommends that historic pesticide sampling be conducted in accordance with the most recent version of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection’s Historically Applied Pesticide Technical Guidance document. The testing should include the portion of the property proposed for development, not just the area farmed. The sampling methodology and results should be submitted to the MTEC and Zoning Board for review.

· We understand that there are Deed restricted areas on the property (Block 82, lot 4.02 and the northeast corner of Block 82.15) which are areas that will remain undeveloped. The MTEC is recommending that the Deed restriction include

both the 150-foot buffer established when the first warehouse was approved plus a new buffer comprised of all of the land south of a new line running from the northwest end of the existing 150-foot buffer to the northeast corner of the land being retained by Regina Peters-Bryant. The MTEC recommends that the applicant transfer ownership of the buffer area via a deed to either Monroe Township or Middlesex County, so that it can be used by the public as an adjunct to the County owned Jamesburg – Helmetta Park or the buffer area be provided as a recordable conservation easement to the Township of Monroe; • The MTEC is recommending that the landscaping be maintained and dead or dying tress / landscaping bushes, shrubs, etc. be replaced by the property owner as needed to maintain a vibrant visual buffer between the roadway and the warehouse building;

· The MTEC recommends that an 8-foot-high board on board fence be provided on top of the berm, be installed prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. Also, the property owner needs to acknowledge its responsibility for any and all necessary future maintenance of the fence.

· The MTEC recommends that all outdoor lighting be LED, dark sky, and motion sensitive, to eliminate as much light pollution as possible during the evening hours.

· The MTEC recommends that landscaping to act as buffers between neighboring properties and roadways include as many New Jersey native flowering plants / bushes / evergreen trees (except for white pine) as possible to encourage pollinators (bees, birds, insects, mammals, etc.) to thrive, including a mixture of annual and perennial plantings. These plants, bushes, and trees also act to improve local air and water quality.

· The Monroe Township Environmental Resources Inventory (MT ERI) was last updated in 2020 and can be found on the Monroe Township website under the Planning / Zoning Board or the Environmental Commission webpages. Figure 22 (NJDEP Landscape Project) in the MT ERI indicates that there is a potential vernal habitat area on or very close to the planned development. Figure 23 (Natural Heritage Plant Grid) indicates a hashed area on the planned development property which is a potential area of selected rare species of plants as defined in the MT ERI and on Figure 23. Figure 24 of the MT ERI is a map showing Environmentally Critical Areas. The planned development location is within a Rank 3 Habitat and mapped as Core Forest. The MT ERI maps and planned development drawings should be superimposed for comparison and an updated EIS should be prepared discussing the results and any modifications to the development that may be necessary to protect the mapped habitat areas.

· Sound barriers have been designed as part of the development. The MTEC recommends that an acoustic study be conducted once the building is partially and fully operational to ensure that it is operating as designed and not impacting nearby residents.

· Please consider incorporating as many of the attached eco-friendly design options as possible; and

· The MTEC is encouraging all applicants to schedule meetings with, and seek recommendations from, the MTEC prior to seeking Zoning and / or Planning Board approval in all future application submittals.

4. Committee Reports:

a. High School Student Liaison- Giada Schwam-

EcoNight Recap for April

· The 4th Annual Econight event took place at the Monroe Township High School on April 18, 2023. Overall, the actionable conversation panel, trivia, refreshments, environmental exhibits, and games were a success, and this was a great turn out.

· Actionable Panelist contact information:

o Ashlyn Spector (Environmental Analysis Communication Group and New Jersey Climate Change Resource Center)

o Kathleen Parrish (Program Coordinator, Office of Climate Action & Megalopolitan Coastal Transformation Hub at Rutgers) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

o Christopher Sikroski (District Recylcing Coordinator for office of Health Services, Division of Solid Waste) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

· Brynn Mosello (Sustainability and Communications Director at Mazza Recycling This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

· Monroe Township Green Team

· 2023 sustainable Jersey Grant- The Monroe Township High school Grant Team won the $2k grant to refurbish the greenhouse in the back of the school. The project will also include educating club members on various plants, flowers, and other greenery in coordination with the special education students.

· Refillable Water Stations – EAC will purchase interchangeable signs that will be installed next to each water station that will recognize the club, the grant sponsors, and include an environmental fact or quote of inspiration that the club could change each month.

· New GT & EBoard Members- These leadership positions will get a head start for the next school year and get our school on track for certification.

· June BOE Meeting- The Monroe Township High School Green Team will be recognized at this month’s BOE meeting for the $2K grant.

b. Trails and Bike Paths Committee- Coordinator Karen Polidoro – Nothing to report.

c. Storm Water & Streams Committee- Coordinator Joe Slomian- Nothing to report.

d. Energy Committee – Coordinator Ken Konya-Nothing to report.

e. Open Space- Coordinator John Riggs-No Status on Masterplan.

f. Education Committee Report- Coordinator Renee Haider – Nothing to report.

g. Sustainable New Jersey – Coordinator Renee Haider-Nothing to report.

h. Green Fair Committee Report – Coordinator Mihir Majmundar-

5. Planning Board – Nothing to report

6. Old Business – New Business – Nothing to report.

7. Open to Public –Comments- Nothing to report.

8. Adjournment 8:27 PM MOTION: Renee Haider, Karen Polidoro Seconded.

9. NEXT MEETING DATE: August 2, 2023