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Environmental Minutes | January 3, 2024


Meeting January 3, 2024, at 7:00 PM

1. CALL TO ORDER- Chairwoman Karen Polidoro

Pledge to Flag

2. Sunshine Law- Read into the record

3. Roll Call – (Commissioners and Associates)

_√_ Karen Polidoro (Chair), _×_ Rupa Siegal (Council Liaison)

_√_ Renee Haider, _√_ Roger Dreyling

_√_ Ken Konya, _√_ Joe Slomian

_×_ Giada Schwam (Student Liaison),

_×_ Siddhi Patil (Student Associate)

_×_ Mihir Majmundar,

_×_ John Riggs

_√_ Surabhi Agarwal

_√_ Theresa Zamorski (Secretary)

Adoption of Minutes – A Motion to approve the December 6, 2023, minutes made by Roger Dreyling and seconded by Renee Haider. All in favor.

a. Applicant A. Central Jersey Storage LLC

Speaker: Kenneth Pape, Heilbrunn Law

Lorali Totten, Crest Engineering

Use Variance & Preliminary Final Major Site Plan

Block 49 Lot 18.01

The commission had the following concerns:

· The EC would prefer that this type of property development not be in the middle of properties which are

zoned residential.

· We understand that no hazardous materials can be stored in the units and that the manager of Central Jersey

Storage LLC can inspect the units at any time.

· Consider installing solar panels on the covered parking area.

· The EC would like to see that applicant comply with conditions of the most recent version of the New

Jersey Stormwater Management regulations.

· The EC understands that any buffering landscaping on the berm that does not survive will be replanted by

The property owner. The EC requests that all buffering landscaping contain as many NJ native

flowering plants / bushes / trees as possible to encourage pollinators (bees, birds, insects, mammals, etc.)

to thrive, including a mixture of annual and perennial plantings. These buffers also act to improve local air

and water quality.

· All lighting should be LED, dark sky (downward facing), and motion sensitive to eliminate as much light

pollution as possible; and

· The EC understand that the applicant has established and filed with the County, a bridal / horse trail in the

Flood Hazard / Conservation Zone and that the applicant has no objection / approves this trail being used

by people on foot. This should be a condition of any approval of the applicant’s use of the property.

4. Committee Reports:

a. High School Student Liaison- Giada Schwam-Nothing to report.

b. Trails and Bike Paths Committee- Coordinator Karen Polidoro – Nothing to report.

c. Storm Water & Streams Committee- Coordinator Joe Slomian-

d. Energy Committee – Coordinator Ken Konya-Nothing to report.

e. Open Space- Coordinator John Riggs-Nothing to report.

f. Education Committee Report- Coordinator Renee Haider – Still working on Library programs scheduling.

g. Sustainable New Jersey – Coordinator Renee Haider- We are still trying to get in our Sustainable Jersey application. The first deadline is in February. Spoke with Harold Klein to apply for $10,000 Community Energy Planning Grant.

h. Green Fair Committee Report – Coordinator Mihir Majmundar- Nothing to report.

5. Planning Board – Nothing to report.

6. Old Business – New Business – Nothing to report.

7. Open to Public –Comments- Nothing to report.

8. Adjournment 8:27 PM MOTION: Renee Haider, Roger Dreyling Second

9. NEXT MEETING DATE: February 7, 2024