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Environmental minutes | March 6, 2024


Meeting March 6, 2024, at 7:00 PM

1. CALL TO ORDER- Chairman, Mihir Majmundar

Pledge to Flag

2. Sunshine Law- Read into the record

3. Roll Call – (Commissioners and Associates)

_√_ Mihir Majmundar (Chair), _√_ Miriam Cohen (Council Liaison)

_×_ Renee Haider, _√_ Roger Dreyling

_√_ Ken Konya, _×_ Joe Slomian

_×_ Giada Schwam (Student liaison)

_×_ John Riggs

_√_ Surabhi Agarwal

_√_ Theresa Zamorski (Secretary)

Adoption of Minutes–: Approval of February 7, 2024, minutes will be approved at April 3, 2024, meeting.

Applicant A. Proposing Front Gate 6” tall and fence surrounding property

6 Elm Court

Block 33 Lot 6.05

Speaker: Concept Engineering Consultants

Jasleen Singh

Sukhminder Kaur, Owner of property

The commission had the following concerns:

The above-referenced application was reviewed at the Monroe Township Environmental Commission (MTEC) held on March 6, 2024. The MTEC understands that the applicant seeks site plan approval from the MT Zoning Board to add a front gate 6 feet tall and fence surrounding property.

· Plantings to buffer the property with neighboring properties should contain as many New Jersey native flowering plants / bushes / trees as possible to encourage pollinators (bees, birds, insects, mammals, etc.) to thrive, including a mixture of annual and perennial plantings. These buffers also act to improve local air and water quality.

· The MTEC recommends that all outdoor lighting be LED, dark sky, and motion sensitive, to eliminate as much light pollution as possible during the evening hours.

· All proposed plantings should be reviewed and approved by the Township arborist.

· MTEC recommend the width of the gate should be wide enough to allow access to the detention basin by Township and County equipment.

· Because of the steep slope on the south side of the septic system, MTEC recommend, and the applicant agreed to install, a concrete corner marker at each of the three angle points in the Conservation Easement Line where it is closest to the south side of the septic system.

Committee Reports:

a. High School Student Liaison- Giada Schwam-



· Submitted a proposal for the 2024 grant cycle for installing six more refillable water

stations so people will have more access to clean drinking water in all areas of the school.

· Beginning stages of the 2023 $2k grant to refurbish the greenhouse in the back of the

school - take inventory of flowers, plants, & other items to be purchased. A new

greenhouse will be purchased due to irreparable storm damage.


· The EcoNight Event Team began planning for the 5th Annual EcoNight that will be taking

place at MTHS on Tuesday, April 16th @ 3:30pm this spring, which will include niche

environmental exhibits, panelists, food, games, and more for all who attend.

· Members are now working on their exhibits and tracking their progress to be ready for the

event. The panel committee is brainstorming this year's topic and reaching out to people to

speak on the panel.

b. Trails and Bike Paths Committee- Coordinator Karen Polidoro – Nothing to report.

c. Storm Water & Streams Committee- Coordinator Joe Slomian- Nothing to report.

d. Energy Committee – Coordinator Ken Konya-

· Discussion on Energy Savings. New Jersey, New York, New York State and Connecticut have already been approved on new construction. The whole country will eventually be going to Energy Savings.

e. Open Space- Coordinator John Riggs-Nothing to report.

f. Education Committee Report- Coordinator Renee Haider – Joe Harvie Scholarship will be decided by March 11, 2024.

g. Sustainable New Jersey – Coordinator Renee Haider-Sustainable New Jersey Actions were submitted, the deadline was 02/25/24.

h. Green Fair Committee Report – Coordinator Mihir Majmundar- Green Fair is scheduled for September 21, 2024, at the high School. Need to finalize security guard with Administration. Also, the Green Team will start working on Green Tip Books.

4. Planning Board – Nothing to report

5. Old Business – New Business – Nothing to report.

6. Open to Public –Comments- Nothing to report.

7. Adjournment 8:33 PM MOTION: Roger Dreyling Second: Surabhi Agarwal

8. NEXT MEETING DATE: April 3, 2024