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Mayor and Council Seek Public Participation in Master Plan Survey

Public Input Sought for Future Land Use, Transportation, Open Space and Recreation Plans

MONROE TOWNSHIP, May 20, 2021 – As a first step in gaining feedback from residents and businesses alike as Monroe Township updates its Master Plan, Mayor Stephen Dalina and Township Council have launched an online survey focused on future plans for land use, transportation, recreation and open space in the Township.

“Each of us have unique ideas and experiences that are very valuable to this process.  We want to hear from all of our residents as we plan for the future of our hometown,” said Mayor Stephen Dalina. “The public input survey is a first step in working together with the community at large to develop a thoughtful and strategic Master Plan.”

All residents and business owners are encouraged to complete the master plan survey at by July 1, 2021.  Residents with limited access to technology may call 732-0521-4400, Ext. 132 for assistance completing the survey.

The Master Plan effort will take place this summer and fall, and will focus on municipal land use zoning, transportation improvements, utilities, infrastructure and economic development. It will set a vision for future open space acquisitions, as well as plan for new parks and recreation opportunities.

Next steps will include community workshops and other ways to solicit community input.  Residents also will be receiving the next issue of Monroe News in the coming week that will prominently feature a link to the Master Plan survey.

All relevant documents will be posted on the municipal website,, and the Township’s Master Plan website,, for public review as the process move forward.

All media inquiries may be directed to the Monroe Township’s Public Information Officer Stacey Kennedy at 732-521-4400 or