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PRESS RELEASE: Mayor Dalina Introduces 2023 Municipal Budget with No Tax Increase

Mayor Dalina Introduces 2023 Municipal Budget with No Tax Increase

In Third Year in Office, Mayor Continues Focus on Affordability and Property Tax Relief

Municipal Portion Represents 20% of Property Tax Bill 

MONROE TOWNSHIP – May 8, 2023 – At the May 1st Township Council meeting, Monroe Mayor Stephen Dalina introduced a 2023 municipal budget that keeps the municipal tax rate flat at $.489 per $100 assessed value, the same rate as 2022. 

This would be the third consecutive year without an increase to the municipal tax rate and continues Mayor Dalina’s focus on affordability, property tax relief, and ensuring Monroe remains with the second lowest overall effective tax rate in Middlesex County for the coming year. 

A public hearing is set for May 31st. As part of the new spending plan, residential water and sewer rates will remain flat and continue to be among the lowest in the entire region. 

“With growing inflation and ongoing economic uncertainty, many residents including myself have had to tighten their belts, and my job as Mayor is to do the same to keep our community affordable,” Mayor Dalina said. “This is my third budget as your mayor, and our team has worked very hard to develop a responsible budget proposal that continues to provide excellent services but keeps municipal taxes flat at .489 per $100."

Among the factors that led to a flat tax rate are:

  • Successful contract negotiations with all Township unions resulting in important, mutually agreeable, healthcare changes and savings. The township’s healthcare expense line item is a 0% increase in the 2023 budget, compared with other towns in the state health care plan that increased approximately 23%.

Mayor Dalina expressed “a big thank you to our unions and all employees who worked together this past year to make this savings happen.”

  • With a strong AA+ bond rating, the Township has refinanced much of existing debt over the past few years, saving several million dollars. As a result, debt service is down again in 2023.
  • The Township once again aggressively pursued federal CARES Act funding, American Recovery Act Funding, as well as State grant funding, which has helped keep tax rates flat.
  • Monroe has also expanded shared services efforts. Last year was the first full year as part of the county-wide radio system network, which has significantly reduced both the capital and operating expenses compared to managing its own radio network.
  • Commercial ratables continue to be added, thus stabilizing residential municipal taxes for future years.

“Monroe residents deserve credit for our budget success,” Mayor Dalina said.

“Despite the challenges many of our residents faced these three years, remarkably, the township again achieved a more than 99% tax collection rate, which helps keep taxes low and stable. I would also like to thank the Township Council for their partnership in managing this and previous Township budgets, as the municipality remains on solid financial footing.”


All media inquiries may be directed to Monroe Township’s Public Information Officer Stacey Kennedy at 732-521-4400 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..