Mayor's Column - The Joy of Baseball
For baseball fans like me, it’s a magical time of year.
The baseball field, to me, is where spring arrives first. I fondly remember as a young first baseman, playing for the Fords Clara Barton Little League, those first few days of spring practice.
I would shiver from the cold, as I fielded groundballs in early March. Sometimes there would still be snow on the muddy infield, as our parents would patiently wait in their heated cars for the coach to end practice as day fell into night.
Those early spring days showed so much promise of what would soon come: Warm winds, sunshine, late-night ice cream cones and months of glorious weather in which I could play baseball until mom demanded I come home.
The first days of spring were perfect for an 11-year-old kid like me, happy to be with his well-worn glove, his buddies and big dreams that this would be a big year for the New York Mets.
It was no surprise to anyone that, when I moved to Monroe in 1998, I was immediately drawn to volunteering for the Monroe Township Baseball Association. It was a natural fit for my sons and me; I met so many people and eventually became president of the organization.
It’s possible that my time spent volunteering with MTBA, working side-by-side with more and more families in Monroe through the years, may have set my course toward running for Township Council and proudly serving as your mayor. It certainly enhanced my love for my town and the people in it.
I can’t begin to tell you the joy and honor I feel each spring when I get to throw out the ceremonial first pitch of the season for Monroe’s baseball and softball teams.
As a town leader, I remain focused on ensuring Monroe has the highest quality fields for baseball and any other sport or recreational activity. For example, we keep making improvements to James Monroe Park on Dey Grove Road, where the baseball association hosts many of its games.
Besides traditional Little League, we want to make sure every single child in Monroe has a chance to experience what I had. We have “Buddy Ball,” for children with disabilities, as well as Tee ball and travel ball. We even live stream many of the games these days, so grandparents can cheer from wherever they may be.
While my baseball career was cut short in high school, after some nagging injuries from all those days and nights on the field, my heart fills each spring when I see Monroe’s boys and girls rush onto the field each year with aspirations of a great season ahead.
It is a beautiful thing to witness and I’m so very proud that our Township leaders continue to support our youth as they pursue their dreams on and off the field.
Play ball, Monroe!