Expanded Income Limits for New Jersey Senior Freeze Program
As you know, we continue to fight for affordability and property tax relief both at the state level and here in Monroe. Last year, with my strong urging, the Governor and state legislature increased the income eligibility for the New Jersey Senior Freeze program for the 2024 filing season, which takes effect this year. I am writing today to make sure our residents who may qualify now for Senior Freeze are aware of the program rules and expanded opportunity.
The New Jersey Senior Freeze program provides state-funded checks to offset, or “freeze” increases in property taxes for eligible senior
citizens and people with disabilities on their principle homes each year.
Beginning with the 2024 filing season, the Senior Freeze program has broadened its qualifying income limits and is now accepting individuals with incomes up to $163,050. The State has also reduced the residency requirement from 10 to 3 years. These adjustments open the doors to more Monroe residents who may have previously been ineligible for the Senior freeze program.
To qualify you must meet all the state requirements including:
- You must be age 65 or older on December 31, 2022 or receive Social Security disability payments on December 31, 2022. You must own and have lived in your home since December 31, 2019 or earlier and still live in and own that home on December 31, 2023.
- Annual income must be $150,000 or less in 2022 and $163,050 or less in 2023. (Note: All gross income must be taken into account, including Social Security, pension, IRA distributions, etc.)
- All 2022 property taxes must have been paid by June 1, 2023 and all 2023 property taxes by June 1, 2024.
- The Deadline to apply is October 31, 2024
Applications for the current 2024 Senior Freeze program have been mailed to previous applicants at the address from which taxpayers filed. However, if you have not yet received a booklet, there’s no need to worry. Simply reach out to the New Jersey Division of Taxation’s Information Line for assistance at 1-800-882-6597.
In addition to traditional mail-in applications, qualifying residents now have the option to apply through a new direct online service at njportal.com/taxation/ptr. This user-friendly platform allows you to complete your application from the comfort of your home, eliminating the need for paper forms and postage.
While many of our residents will complete the process on their own, we are here to help if needed.
Tax Collector’s office
Please complete the top portion of the Homeowners Verification of Property Tax form and the Tax Collector’s office will certify that taxes were paid. The Tax Collector’s office will help fill out the bottom portion of the “homeowners verification form”. You may contact the Tax Collector’s office at 732-521-4400.
Monroe Senior Center
Should you require assistance with completing the remainder of the application, you can then make an appointment with our Senior Services staff members at 609-448-7140 to assist you.
Of course, our municipal representatives will do their best to assist, but please be mindful that some circumstances require the state to be involved.
To learn more about the Senior Freeze Program and how to apply, visit NJ.gov/treasury. This website provides comprehensive information about the program’s eligibility requirements, application process, and other resources.