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Mayor Dalina Congratulates Monroe Fire Districts #2 and #3 for Each Winning $75K American Rescue Plan Firefighter Grant

$150K Total State Grant Awards To Purchase Protective, Cleaning and Sanitization Equipment for Monroe Firefighters

MONROE TOWNSHIP – March 21, 2024– Mayor Dalina congratulated Monroe Township Fire Districts #2 and #3 as they announce their success in each securing $75,000 grants, for a total of $150,000, as part of the state of New Jersey’s $20 Million American Rescue Plan (ARP) Firefighter Grant Program.

“Safety comes first in Monroe Township and that includes making sure that our first responders are outfitted with the equipment necessary to safely perform their duties every single day,” said Monroe Township Mayor Stephen Dalina. “I would like to commend both fire districts #2 and #3 for securing these funds from this State sponsored grant program that will help purchase this important equipment.”

Monroe Township Fire Districts #2 and #3 were awarded the maximum amount possible for this grant. The funds can be used to cover the costs of various equipment items such as personal protective equipment, advanced cleaning equipment, oxygen equipment, and other equipment approved by the Division of Local Government Services.

“This grant award is a major step toward ensuring the safety of our firefighters by covering the costs of many personal protective equipment items that are often used to keep our residents safe,” said Jason Martin, Chairman of Fire District #2 Board of Fire Commissioners.

“Our fire district is pleased to be one of the 353 fire departments in the state to receive this important grant award,” said Les Barta, Chairman of Fire District #3 Board of Commissioners. “These funds will ensure that our personnel have the equipment necessary to ensure their safety as they answer the call of duty to our community each day.”

To qualify for grant funding, each eligible applicant had to describe the intended use of the funding, list the key personnel and/or outside consultant that will be managing the grant funds and purchase of equipment, and submit a governing body resolution acknowledging and approving any grant application and the proposed plan to use funds for the purchase of approved items. Grant applications were reviewed based on the following criteria:

· Scope of fire department need as demonstrated by equipment need, number of service calls, number of active firefighters, distressed city rating, and population of service area.

· Level of commitment to protecting firefighters as demonstrated by the local match to the grant funding and other grants for protective equipment or other firefighting projects.

All local and regional fire departments in New Jersey were eligible to apply. The American Rescue Plan Firefighter Grants are reimbursement-based. There is no advance payment or drawdown of grant funds. Eligible costs are reimbursed to the fire department when it submits evidence of payment of qualifying expenses to DCA.

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All media inquiries may be directed to the Monroe Township’s Public Information Officer Stacey Kennedy at 732-521-4400 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..