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Monroe Township Council Reorganizes for 2020

Mayor Gerald W. Tamburro, Councilman Stephen Dalina and Councilwoman Miriam Cohen Sworn in; Council Chair and Vice-Chair Appointed  

MONROE TOWNSHIP – January 7, 2020 – Mayor Gerald W. Tamburro took the oath of office to begin his second term as Mayor of Monroe Township at the Township Council’s Re-organization Meeting at the Senior Center on January 1.   

Mayor Tamburro welcomed family, friends, dignitaries and residents in attendance and thanked them for entrusting him with the honor of serving as Mayor.  “I am both humbled and excited to stand before you today and take the oath of office as your Mayor,” he said. “I have worked each and every day to live up to the faith and confidence that you have bestowed upon me.” 

During the reorganization meeting, the Township Council unanimously elected Councilwoman Miriam Cohen as Council President and Councilwoman Elizabeth “Betty” Schneider as Council Vice President.  This decision marks the first time in the Township’s history that two women lead the Council in their respective roles. 

“I support the Council’s decision 100 percent and have the utmost faith that Council President Cohen will lead this body with professionalism and decorum,” said Mayor Tamburro.  “Council Vice President Schneider has proven her value to this Council time and time again over the years, having attended just about every Township event that is planned.  The Council is in good hands with these superb public servants at the helm and I look forward to working closely with them in the years ahead.”

Together, as a community, Mayor Tamburro said the Township has accomplished important achievements, including the second lowest tax rate in Middlesex County, the lowest water and sewer rates in the region, a AA+ bond rating, significant progress toward open space preservation goals and the safest community in Middlesex County. 

He pledged to continue with a plan of fiscal responsibility, low debt and superb services while acknowledging the “great challenge” created by state court ordered affordable housing mandates resulting from the Mount Laurel court decision.

 “While we fought extremely hard, and were successful in eliminating thousands of proposed units by the court, the impact of the Mount Laurel decision – which represents 96 percent of the new construction going forward in Monroe over the next 20 years – is significant,” said Mayor Tamburro.  “But I am not afraid to push back when we can, and we are doing that.” 

For example, Mayor Tamburro noted current legal battles with “The Bald Eagle Developer” at Route 33 and Applegarth Road and the Monroe Park developer. He also touted a recent veterans housing project that will add 43 affordable units for veterans while saving the Township 172 new homes.  

“I love Monroe.  We have so much to be proud of,” he concluded.  “All of our success is the result of your support and dedication to our Township.  I would like to congratulate my two running mates, Council President Miriam Cohen and Councilman Stephen Dalina on their re-election and I look forward to a great four years ahead for Monroe Township residents.”

Following the Mayor’s address, Councilman Dalina and Council President Cohen were sworn in to their Council-at Large seats.  Each addressed the crowd with gratitude and a dedication to transparency. 

“It has been a pleasure to serve the Township of Monroe as Council President for the past three years,” said Councilman Dalina.  “I would like to thank the residents of Monroe, my friends and family for your support in the recent election.  In the coming year, I look forward to reevaluating the Township’s Master Plan and making sound, informed decisions in the best interest of our wonderful community.” 

“Working together for the common good has been my top priority since I was appointed to my seat on Monroe Township Council three years ago,” added Council President Cohen.  “Together we will accomplish great things for Monroe Township.  My sincere gratitude goes out to my family, friends and all residents for your confidence and support.  It is my honor to serve on the Township’s governing body and I will continue to work toward the common good at every turn.”   

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All media inquiries may be directed to the Monroe Township’s Public Information Officer Stacey Kennedy at 732-521-4400 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..