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Mayor Tamburro's Letter to Governor Murphy and Freeholder Director Rios Regarding COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Monday, March 2, 2020

Re: COVID-19 Coronavirus Impact Monroe Township, Middlesex County


Dear Governor Murphy and Freeholder Director Rios:

The potential of an outbreak of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) in New Jersey has caused a significant public health concern.  The CDC reports, there is increased concern for people with compromised immunity and advanced age.  I am concerned that Monroe Township could be significantly impacted by the Coronavirus because of our large senior community.  I ask that you carefully consider this unique demographic and allocate appropriate resources should this hit NJ in the coming days. 

In Monroe Township (Middlesex County,) 35.5% of our residents are aged 65 or older.  We have 14 senior-specific communities and several nursing and ambulatory care facilities.

Through our OEM, we have shared information with residents regarding preparation via all possible outreach channels and we are working with state and county emergency management partners and health officials to closely monitor all developments of the COVID-19 virus in New Jersey.        

Of course, we will make every possible effort to minimize the reach of this virus within our community and respond to any outbreak to the absolute best of our ability.    We ask that your offices carefully consider the unique population of Monroe and the potential for significant impact here and support our community as necessary. 

Please accept my advanced appreciation for your prompt attention.  We welcome any additional discussion you require.  Don’t hesitate to contact me directly at 732-521-4400. 


Gerald W. Tamburro