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Limit trips for food and medicine only

 “As if we need further proof that the threat of the Coronavirus to our community is real, we are receiving daily updates from the Governor of how the virus is spreading throughout the state.  This threat is real to each of us and it is in Monroe Township,” said Mayor Gerald W. Tamburro.  “At this critical time, it is vital that we each maintain social distance to protect ourselves and our neighbors.  I can’t stress enough the importance of staying home as much as possible.  We are in this together and owe this to our fellow residents.”

Mayor Tamburro thanked the first responders, essential grocery and pharmacy, gas station and other key employees helping us in these challenging times.          



Monroe Township was notified earlier today by the Middlesex County Department of Health of the third Township resident testing positive for the COVID-19 Coronavirus.  

The patient, in their seventies, is under home-quarantine.  The resident is a family member of a student at Woodland Elementary School.  

The County Health Department is the lead in the investigation of the case and is responsible for all notifications.  

Updates will be provided as they are available and allowed under federal and state privacy laws.  Names, addresses and personal identifying information of patients cannot be released or shared with the community. 


STATE UPDATE:  The latest statistics related to the COVID-19 Coronavirus from Governor Murphy’s office this afternoon includes 162 new positive test results in New Jersey for a statewide total of 427.  Middlesex County now has 21 new positive cases and with a total of 42 countywide.   


MAYOR ORDERS FIELDS AND RECREATIONAL EQUIPMENT CLOSED - PARKS REMAIN OPEN FOR INDIVIDUAL ACTIVITIES:  Mayor Tamburro issued the following statement earlier today closing the Township’s fields and recreational equipment:  “Despite the spring-like weather, we must discourage our residents from congregating in groups.  Naturally our parks are attractive places to visit but in this unprecedented health emergency, they could pose unforeseen danger,” said Mayor Tamburro.  “We can’t have people congregating in groups or using equipment where the virus may live for days and contribute to its spread. Maintain social distancing.  Use of the park equipment is prohibited.” 

ALL TOWNSHIP PUBLIC MEETINGS CANCELLED – VIRTUAL SOLUTION TO BE IMPLEMENTED FOR APRIL COUNCIL MEETING:  In the best interest of the health and safety of our entire community, all public meetings have been cancelled until further notice, including Budget Workshops scheduled for March 24 and March 25; and Planning Board and Zoning Board meetings. The Township is working to develop a remote access solution for the April 6thTownship Council meeting. Additional information will be shared when available.  

MONROE TOWNSHIP SCHOOL DISTRICT: At the request of Dr. Dori Alvich, Superintendent of Monroe Township Public Schools, please be advised that the in-person Board of Education meeting previously scheduled for this evening 7:00PM will be conducted virtually via Webex. The BOE is required to submit their preliminary budget to the state by March 20. The agenda and all budget presentations and handouts are available on the district website.

To log into the virtual board meeting, please use the link: . You will be asked to enter your name and email address. Once you enter the meeting, you will be muted. The BOE will open up the microphones during public forums. 

HOW TO DO BUSINESS WITH THE TOWNSHIP DURING CLOSURES:  In order to help residents continue to conduct business with the township during closures, the following resource guide has been created for your reference:

COPING WITH SOCIAL DISTANCING AND ISOLATION:  The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) may be stressful for people. Fear and anxiety about a disease can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in adults and children. Everyone reacts differently to stressful situations.  People who may respond more strongly to the stress of a crisis include:

  • Older people and people with chronic diseases who are at higher risk 
  • Children and teens 
  • People who are helping with the response to COVID-19, like doctors and other health care providers, or first responders 
  • People who have mental health conditions including problems with substance use 

The CDC and the New Jersey Department of Health offer good advice on how to deal with heightened emotions. If you or someone you care about are need assistance, call the SAMHSA Disaster Distress Helpline, 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746 (TTY 1-800-846-8517). 

The Middlesex County Office of Human Services also offers the following mental health services directory: