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Known Cases

New Cases



Monroe Township





(10/22 – 10/28)

127 Total

84 Long Term Care

43 Community-Wide

 PLEASE NOTE: Cases are reported as soon as the information is made available to the Township.

Four additional positive cases community-wide reported today were from June, July and August. 


As a community, we have been battling the COVID-19 pandemic together for more than seven months now.  After an initial onslaught of cases in mid-March through April that spurred widespread closures and restrictions, we successfully managed to reduce case counts and deaths in our community.

As many of those restrictions were modified and reduced, we kept those numbers going in the right direction throughout the summer - through social distancing, wearing masks and hand washing.

We went from a peak average of roughly 92 cases/week in April; to averaging roughly 16 cases/week over the Summer (July – August); to roughly 23 cases/week in September.

Over the last two weeks, however, we have witnessed a concerning up-tick in positive cases affecting every age group community-wide.  Last week Monroe Township reported 30 cases (including one from the NJ State Home for Boys) and this week we have received reports of 34 positive cases (including two from the NJ State Home for Boys.)  In fact, Middlesex County, the State of New Jersey and the entire country are seeing increases in positive case counts.

We all feel the frustration and fatigue associated with the restrictions in our battle with COVID-19.  Now is not the time to give up and we don’t want to fall back.  We must do better to hold our line in the fight against the virus and progress toward a happy and healthy future.

With Halloween festivities this weekend, Election Day next week and as you plan for your Thanksgiving celebrations, I implore you to do the right thing for yourself, your family and your neighbors.  Participation in these important events requires wide-spread adherence to the guidelines set forth by the CDC and NJDOH.

Until a vaccine is readily available, we must maintain at least 6ft. of social distance, wear masks and wash our hands.  I can’t stress enough how important it is to avoid indoor gatherings with extended family and friends.  If you must gather, please move outside wearing proper PPE when weather permits. 

This is a team effort.  We must continue to be diligent for the good of all.

~ All my best, Mayor Tamburro

 New Community-Wide Cases (10/22 – 28):  06F, 15M, 17M, 18F, 21F, (4) 22M, 23F, 24F, 25F, 36M, 37M, 44M, (2) 45M, 46F, 46M, 50M, 55F, 56M, 58F, 60F, 62M, 71F, 76M, 78F, 85F, 87F, 89M, one female with unidentified age  

New NJ State Home Case (10/22 – 28):  (2) 18M (no test dates given)



  • NJ hospitals have 1,072 COVID-19 patients: (846 confirmed positive, 226 pending test results)
  • 217 patients in intensive care; 79 ventilators in use.
  • Statewide positivity rate for all tests recorded on October 25 was 6.54%. Rate of transmission 1.25.
  • As of Tuesday, October 27, travelers to NJ from 41 states and territories are advised to observe a 14-day self-quarantine period. Visit for updates.
  • “The Second Wave of coronavirus is no longer something off in the future,” said Governor Murphy. “It’s coming now. Double-down on the practices that helped us flatten the curve last spring – social distance, wash your hands, wear a mask.” 
  • The CDC recommends getting a flu vaccine, especially this year with the seasonal flu overlapping with coronavirus. See your doctor or visit Your Flu Shot for a list of local providers.

10293FIVE DAYS TO ELECTION DAY:  According to the Governor’s office, 2,998,234 New Jerseans have already voted – 75% of total voter turnout in 2016.  Visit and click on VOTE 202010291 for polling locations, how to track your vote and much more.    

SENIOR CENTER ZOOM EXERCISES CLASSES:  Pre-registration begins Thursday, November 5 at 9am.  Call 609-448-7140 for information. 

HALLOWEEN FUN & SAFETY:  The NJ Department of Health recommends outdoor activities. Those participating in Halloween activities should practice social distancing, wear masks and wash hands frequently. Costume masks are not an acceptable substitute for cloth or disposable masks. 





Join us tomorrow for Drive-By Trick-or-Treating!10292