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Claim for real property tax deduction on dwelling house of qualified New Jersey resident senior


Tax Deduction on Dwelling Form

1. Income of $10,000 or less (NOT including Social Security) 2. Proof of Age (65 or Older) (Birth Certificate/Driver’s License) 3. Last Year’s State and Federal Income Tax Returns 4. Resident of NJ for AT LEAST 2 Years 5. Must have ownership of Property ON OR BEFORE - October 1 of the Pre-Tax Year 6. Proof of Social Security Benefit 7. Voter’s Acknowledgement Card Board of Elections (732)745-3471



  1. Income of $10,000 or less        (NOT including Social Security)
  2. Proof of Age (65 or Older)         (Birth Certificate/Driver’s License)
  3. Last Year’s State and Federal Income Tax Returns
  4. Resident of NJ for AT LEAST 2 Years
  5. Must have ownership of Property ON OR BEFORE - October 1 of the Pre-Tax Year
  6. Proof of Social Security Benefit
  7. Voter’s Acknowledgement Card

Board of Elections (732)745-3471

Court Staff Functions | Municipal Court


  • WE CAN explain and answer questions about how the court works.

  • WE CAN tell you what the requirements are to have your case considered by the court.

  • WE CAN give you some information from your case file.

  • WE CAN provide you with guidance on how to fill out forms

  • WE CAN usually answer questions about court deadlines.

  • WE CANNOT give you legal advice. Only your lawyer can give you legal advice.

  • WE CANNOT tell you whether or not you should bring your case to court.

  • WE CANNOT recommend a lawyer.

  • WE CANNOT talk to the judge about your case.

  • WE CANNOT let you talk to the judge outside of court.

  • WE CANNOT change an order issued by a judge.

  • WE CANNOT give you an opinion about what will happen if you bring your case to court.


If you need the services of an interpreter or have a physical disability, please notify the municipal court prior to your court appearance.


  1. You are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
  2. You have the right to be informed of the charges against you.
  3. You have the right to remain silent concerning the charges against you, and anything you say may be held against you.
  4. You have the right to retain an attorney.
  5. You have the right to be assigned an attorney if the judge determines that you cannot afford an attorney, and there is a likelihood that if you are convicted, you will either go to jail, receive a substantial fine or your driver's license will be suspended.
  6. You have the right to request a reasonable postponement so that you may have an opportunity to consult with your attorney and prepare a proper defense.
  7. You have the right to testify or not to testify on your own behalf.
  8. You have the right to call or subpoena witnesses to testify on your behalf.
  9. You have the right to appeal within 20 days of any conviction.

CPR Classes – American Heart Association

CPR classes for professional rescuer, EMS, doctor, dentist, nurse and other healthcare professionals include:

Health Care Provider (BLS)
First Aid
Blood Borne Pathogens

HeartSaver/AED - General Public for job requirements, ex. Health Club Staff/Trainers, Day-care, Babysitting and any other individual who would like to learn these life-saving skills.

Why is CPR so important?
CPR is the critical link, that buys time between the first link (call 911), and the third link (using an AED).  The earlier you give CPR to a person in cardiac or respiratory arrest, the greater their chance of survival.  CPR keeps oxygenated blood flowing to the brain and heart until defibrillation and other advanced care can restore normal heart action.

Who should learn CPR?
Most often cardiac arrest occurs suddenly among middle-aged or elderly people at home.  This is why it is very important for family members and friends of people with suspected heart problems to learn CPR. Cardiac arrest is not restricted to any age group or location.  Although it is most common in the elderly, it can occur in infants, children, and adolescents.  For this reason, everyone should be prepared to respond to cardiac emergencies.  Candidates for CPR training include:

  • Responders to Workplace Emergencies
  • Health Club Staff and Trainers
  • Employers and Employees
  • Teachers and Students
  • Caretakers of Young and Old
  • Senior Citizens
  • Personal Use

First Aid:

Basic First Aid for personal use or necessary job requirement.

Blood Borne Pathogens: (BBP)

This course is for anyone who comes in contact with blood or potentially infectious materials.

There are several courses offered, at a variety of levels, tailored to each student's need.  The above courses describe how you can help individuals select the appropriate course for themselves and/or a group.  Please contact the training center for further information regarding course dates, locations, costs and/or arranging a class at your location for 6 or more students.

Crime Rate

Middlesex County Crime Statistics

Uniform Crime Rate Ranking

MIDDLESEX COUNTY 2015 CRIME RATE PER 1,000 in Population 

Municipality Crime Rate per 1,000
Monroe Twp. 3.8
Helmetta Boro 4.9
Plainsboro Twp. 6.3
Middlesex Boro 6.9
Dunellen 7.4
Spotswood Boro 7.9
South Brunswick Twp. 8.8
Sayreville Boro 9.1
South River Boro 9.3
Jamesburg Boro 9.5
Cranbury 10.1
Old Bridge Twp. 10.4
South Amboy City 11.2
Carteret 11.6
Edison Twp. 11.8
Piscataway Twp. 12.1
Highland Park Boro 12.5
Milltown Boro 13.1
Metuchen Boro 13.2
East Brunswick Twp. 15.4
North Brunswick Twp. 15.7
Woodbridge Twp. 18.0
South Plainfield Boro 18.1
Perth Amboy City 19.3
New Brunswick Twp. 35.2

Source: New Jersey State Police

The most recent available data as of 7/28/20

The Uniform Crime Report (UCR) is a system where Local, County and State Law Enforcement Agencies report to the New Jersey State Police on violent and non-violent crime. Once all crimes are reported the State Police analysis the data, compile the total number of crimes and determine the total number of crimes per 1,000 residents.

Curbside Recycling Guidelines


NEW YARD WASTE ORDINANCE: Yard waste must be placed in a brown biodegradable bag which may be obtained from the Department of Public Works. Sweeping, raking, blowing or otherwise placing uncontainerized yard waste at the curb or along the street is prohibited.

Brown recycling bags can be picked up at the Monroe Recycling Drop-Off Center Monday through Friday: 7:00 a.m. - 2:45 p.m.; Saturday: 8 - 11:30 a.m.  


GLASS/PLASTIC/ALUMINUM/TIN (Co-mingled) : Glass - Remove the lid from jar/bottle and place in the regular trash then rinse off the bottles/jars (e.g., juice, soda, beer and liquor bottles and mayonnaise and spaghetti sauce jars) and place in recycling bucket.

Metal - Tin steel, aluminum and bimetal (e.g., soda, beer, canned pet food, soup and tuna cans. Rinse the the can and crush them to maximize capacity. We take the lids. too.

Plastic - #1 PETE and #2 HDPE containers (e.g. milk and juice jugs, water bottles and laundry detergent, shampoo and soda bottles). Check bottom of the container to make sure the plastic is either #1 PETE or #2 HDPE. Remove and place caps in the trash and then rinse and crush containers for recycling.

NEWSPAPER : Clean newsprint and newspaper inserts only. Tie the newsprint with sturdy string or cord in bundles no higher than 12 inches. Place the bundles at the curb next to your recycling bins. 

Junk mail and mixed paper must be separated from your newspapers because these materials are sent to different processors to be recycled.

MIXED PAPER : All other paper goes into the square mixed paper container. Examples: computer paper, magazines, junk mail, cereal and other food boxes, greeting cards, gift boxes, super market bags, wrapping paper, phone books, office paper, file folders, hard and soft cover books. Do not include Christmas wrapping papers with your mixed paper.


Department of Public Works, located at 76 Gravel Hill-Spotswood Road, accepts newspapers tied in bundles, mixed paper, cardboard, glass bottles, aluminum/steel/tin cans, #1 PETE and #2 HDPE plastic containers, motor oil, antifreeze, auto batteries, scrap metal and broken or outdated consumer electronic items . The hours of operation are Monday through Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 2:45 p.m.; Saturday, 8 - 11:30 a.m. It is closed Sundays and holidays. Proof of residency is required.

Residents can pick up a set of recycling containers from the Public Works/ Recycling Center. Wednesdays after 12:30 is a good time to pickup the containers.

Curbside Recycling Bins

Curbside Recycling Schedule



Curbside Recycling in Monroe Township is handled by Middlesex County.

If a pick-up is missed, IWS will try to come back within 24-hours so please leave recycling at the curb once placed there on your scheduled date.

Please contact the MCIA Recycling Hotline at (800) 488-MCIA (6242) for any recycling issues.

2025 Curbside Collection Schedule






Bordered by Helmetta, East Brunswick and South Brunswick on the north; Old Forge Road and Perrineville Road on the east; Cranbury Station Road and Union Valley Road on the south and South Brunswick and Cranbury on the west.


8 • 22
5 • 19
5 • 19
2 • 16 • 30
14• 28
11 • 25


9 • 23
6• 20
3 • 17 
1 • 15 • 29
12 • 26
10 • 24 

THURSDAYS - Zone 1 and 4

Bordered by Erickson Road on the north; Matchaponix Brook on the east; Manalapan and Route 33 on the south and Perrineville Road on the west.


9 • 23
6 • 20
6 • 20
3 • 17
1 • 15 • 29
12 • 26


10 • 24
7 • 21
4 • 18
2 • 16 • 30
13 • 27* (pickup Saturday 11/29)
12 • 25* (pickup Saturday 12/27)

FRIDAYS - Zone 2 and 5

Zone 2: Bordered by Helmetta and Spotswood on the north; Monmouth Road on the east; Pergola and Matchaponix Avenues on the south and Old Forge Road on the west.

Zone 5: Bordered by Cranbury Station Road and Union Valley Road on the north; Perrineville Road on the east; Disbrow Hill Road and Millstone on the south and Windsor, Wyckoff's Mills Road and Haley---- Reed Road on the west.


10 • 24
7 • 21
7 • 21
4 • 18
2 • 16 • 30
13 • 27


11 • 25
8 • 22
5 • 19 
3 • 17 •31
14 • 28
12 • 26

Recycling Collection Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. If your collection day falls on any of these holidays, collection is rescheduled for the following Saturday.

Note: Municipal Public Works holidays do NOT affect the recycling collection schedule.

Important Phone Numbers
(732) 656-4575
Director of Recycling, Gregory Slavicek, CPWM, CRP, CCCC

Recycling Hotline
(800) 488-MCIA (6242)
Curbside Recycling Collection, Service Matters & Information

Weather Emergencies
Changes in collection schedules due to weather emergencies or other emergency situations will be announced on the following radio stations: WCTC (1450 AM) and WMGQ (98.3 FM). You may also check for changes on the web site at or by calling (800) 488-MCIA (6242) for specific information.

Special Items
Monroe's Recycling Drop-Off Center, located at 76 Gravel Hill-Spotswood Road, accepts newspapers tied in bundles, mixed paper, cardboard, glass bottles, aluminum/steel/tin cans, #1 PETE and #2 HDPE plastic containers, motor oil, antifreeze, auto batteries, scrap metal and broken or outdated consumer electronic items. The hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. - 2:45 p.m., Saturday, 8 - 11:30 a.m. It is closed Sundays and holidays. Recyclables must be separated prior to drop-off. 

Bulky waste items, such as appliances and furniture, propane tanks (barbeque type), freezers and refrigerators (doors must be removed per state law), may be brought to the Department of Public Works Yard, located at 76 Gravel Hill-Spotswood Road. The hours of operation are Monday - Friday, 7 a.m. - 2:45 p.m.; Saturday, 8 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Bulky Waste Items NOT accepted:
 hazardous materials, chemicals, paint, paint-related materials, driveway sealers, pesticides, tires, utility poles, railroad ties, construction materials, tree stumps, sod, dirt, stones, food, concrete, asphalt, bricks, roofing material, pallets or asbestos, cardboard or computers. Unacceptable items are in violation of Chapter 63 of the Monroe Township Code.
Monroe CC
Bulky Pickup Appointments: Bulk pickups are scheduled by appointment on Wednesdays and Thursdays between April 1 through November 1. Residents can cancel a scheduled date one time only. We do not book ahead of date we are scheduling. Bulk should be placed cubside no sooner then one day before collection. 

Bulky Pickup Items NOT accepted: hazardous materials, chemicals, paint, paint-related materials, driveway sealers, pesticides, tires, utility poles, railroad ties, construction materials, tree stumps, sod, dirt, stones, food, concrete, asphalt, bricks, roofing material, pallets or asbestos. Banned items are in violation of Chapter 63 of the Monroe Township Code.

Tire Recycling – Residents should use the East Brunswick Reclamation Center located at 357 Dunhams Corner Road. Hours are Monday through Saturday, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Closed Sundays and holidays.

Leaves, Brush & Grass-
Leaves placed in brown recycling bags* will only be collected curbside from April 2 through December 7.
No loose leaves will be picked up

Brush is collected curbside only. Tree parts must be no more than 5 inches in diameter and must be cut and tied with string or cord into lengths no longer than 4 feet. Brush will be collected from April to December.

Grass placed in brown recycling bags* will be collected curbside from April-December (weather permitting). Grass in plastic bags or containers will not be picked up.

*Brown recycling bags can be picked up at Monroe Recycling Drop-off Center, Monday – Friday, between 7 a.m. – 2:45 p.m., and Saturday between 8 a.m. –- 11:30 a.m.

CLIPPINGS, YARD WASTE AND GRASS must be brought to the Recycling Drop-off Center either loose or bagged in paper or plastic. Residents must empty grass clippings that are in plastic bags into the specified area. Residents may keep plastic bags for reuse or place them in the separate trash container.

Description of Monroe Twp. Zones

If you are unable to determine what Zone your address is in, go to Recycle Coach on the website to type your address or contact DPW at 732-656-4575.

Zone 1
From the corner of Elmer and Adams Place. All of Monmouth Road and all east of Monmouth Road. All of Texas Road to the corner of Texas Road and Spotswood-Englishtown Road. All of Spotswood-Englishtown Road from Texas Road to Buckelew Avenue (also known as Route 522) including the small section of Buckelew at the Englishtown boundary.

Zone 2
From Spotswood boundary on Spotswood-Englishtown Road. Everything west of Monmouth Road. All of Spotswood-Englishtown Road to Texas Road. All of Pergola Avenue/Matchaponix Road to Jamesburg boundary on west side of Mott Ave. from Jamesburg boundary to Helmetta boundary.

Zone 3
From boundaries of Helmetta and South Brunswick south to include all of Cranbury Station and Union Valley Road at Perrineville Road.

Zone 4
All of Perrineville Road from Jamesburg boundaries south to Federal Road. East of Federal Road to Tracy Station Road to Englishtown boundary and section of Tracy Station to Buckelew Road also known as Route 522.

Zone 5
Includes everything south of Cranbury Station Road and Union Valley Road to Perrineville Road. Everything south of Federal Road to boundaries of Manalapan, Millstone, and East Windsor which includes the section of Route 33 from Perrineville Road west to East Windsor boundary.

Frequently Asked Questions | Taxes

Who should I contact about my ANCHOR program benefit?

You should contact the State Department of Treasury. You can visit it online at or by calling the ANCHOR Hotline at 1-888-238-1233 from 8:30am - 4:30pm, Mon. - Fri.

When are tax bills due?

Tax bills are paid quarterly and are due at the tax collectors office by Feb. 1, May 1, Aug. 1, and Nov. 1.