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Library Minutes | January 17, 2023

4 Municipal Plaza • Monroe Township, NJ 08831 • (732) 521-5000 • 



January 17, 2023


Members                                                                                 Staff                           

Ben Baum                   Robert Isaacs (virtual)                        Leah Wagner

Lisa Chen                    Dr. Kelly Roselle (virtual)                    Karen Klapperstuck               

Anne Corey                 Prena Shah

Jackie D’Angelo          Bernadette Yannacci                          Friends of the Library

Dr. Marilyn Gonyo      Riya Karnik (virtual)                            Francine Kitts             



The meeting of the Monroe Township Library Board of Trustees was called to order at 6:32 p.m. by Leah Wagner, Library Director.


It was noted that this meeting was in compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act.


The members of the Library Board voted on the slate of officers presented by the Nomination Committee:

  • President: Benjamin Baum
  • Vice President: Lisa Chen
  • Secretary: Prena Shah
  • Treasurer: Robert Isaacs

There were no nominations from the floor. Anne Corey made a motion to accept the slate of officers. Jackie seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion passed.

Leah congratulated the officers and Ben Baum, President, continued the meeting.


The minutes from the December 13, 2022  meeting of the Library Board of Trustees were presented. Anne Corey asked that the title of the approved Library Personnel Manual be amended to read “Monroe Township Library Personnel and Procedure Manual: A Supplement to the Township Personnel Manual”.

Dr. Marilyn Gonyo moved that the minutes of the December 13, 2022 meeting be accepted with the above noted addition. Lisa Chen seconded. All were in favor. The motion passed.


Leah Wagner noted that in addition to her written report that she included a February Happenings where the hard work of Jennifer Rojas and the Friends of the Library is evident in all of the great programs that are upcoming.

Leah asked the Board of Trustees to approve opening the Library at 11:00 am on Tuesday, April 18 in order for the staff to have an in-service program on dealing with mental health issues, particularly when they arise with the public.

Dr. Marilyn Gonyo moved that the Library open at 11:00 am on April 18 for a staff in-service. Prena Shah seconded. All were in favor. The motion passed.

Leah informed the Board that Emily Mazzoni, Young Adult Librarian, has been asked to serve in an administrative capacity on the Michael L. Printz Award committee. This is a committee of YALSA (Young Adult Library Services Association) of the ALA (American Library Association). Marilyn Gonyo asked if Emily would be able to attend a future meeting to discuss her work on this committee.


Karen Klapperstuck updated the Board about the subscription to Microsoft 365 Business Premium to provide Microsoft Office, OneDrive and email. John Mazzola has been working with Ray Shirley to migrate the accounts to the new service. We have been able to subscribe at a much reduced rate thanks to TechSoup, a non-profit organization that helps libraries and other non-profits by providing access to donations and discounts on software, hardware, and services from major brands. If we had subscribed to MS365 without a discount, the Library would’ve paid $516 per month ($6,192/annually). Using the discount through TechSoup, the annual fee for the Library is $984 - less than what 2 months would cost without the discount.

Karen plans to distribute the 2022 Annual Report at the February Board meeting. Every department is submitting statistics and highlights from 2022.

Karen reported on appointments for AARP Tax. Scheduling for appointments will open on January 25. Bonnie Fox, AARP Site Coordinator, has been providing information about the number of appointments as she learns how many volunteers are available for our site. The service will return to in-person preparation as opposed to the drop-off method used last year. All Library staff are preparing for a hectic day on January 25 when appointments become available.


Leah Wagner discussed the current financial reports. Karen Klapperstuck explained a new line in the report: Non-Budgeted Total. This line will reflect any money moved from the Capital account that was not included in the 2023 Library Budget.


Ben Baum announced the committee assignments for Board members for the upcoming year:

  • Budget Committee: Bob, Prena, Anne
  • Personnel Committee: Lisa, Bernadette, Anne
  • Nominations Committee: Bob, Prena, Jackie
  • Policy Committee: Kelly, Bernadette, Marilyn
  • Displays Committee: Prena, Marilyn, Jackie and Francine


Dr. Marilyn Gonyo reported on items from Mayor Dalina.

The Municipal Budget process has started.

The Anchor Property Tax program has been extended. Thanks to the library staff for helping our residents with this very important tax relief opportunity

The township has experienced a 0% health care increase. Many other municipalities have gone up to 23%! Because of our administration and employees we are in a much better position than many other municipalities in the State.

The town council is moving forward with an ordinance regarding car theft. We are adding an additional financial penalty for those bad actors who try to steal any vehicles on private property.  Car theft is on the rise in the state.  We are still very much below the statewide average but we need to do as much as we can to punish those who commit these crimes.

The Mayor also wished a Happy New Year to all!!!


Francine Kitts reported that the Friends will have three programs in February for Black History Month, 2 live and one virtual.

The Friends are looking to add museum passes to three more museums: The Aviation Hall of Fame at Teterboro Airport, Thomas Edison Museum in Menlo Park and the Montclair Art Museum. The Friends also plan to add the brand new Indian-American American Girl Doll, complete with a Bollywood costume and a Bitty Baby American Girl Doll. Both the museum passes and American Girl Dolls will be voted on at the next Friends meeting.

The Friends have created an ad hoc committee, chaired by Marilyn Gonyo, to review and update current levels of membership. Proposals will be brought to the Friends Board next week.


Dr. Kelly Roselle reported that the School Board had their reorganization meeting on January 3. Chrissy Skurbe is President and Karen Bierman is Vice President.

There will be a special election for a referendum on March 14. More information can be found on the Township School District website ( The website also includes a referendum calculator for specific tax impact for residents.


Riya Karnik reported that numerous student groups are hosting fundraisers in the coming weeks. The Science National Honor Society is hosting an event on Thursday, January 15.

Marilyn asked that Riya spread the word about the Friends of the Library scholarship opportunity.


Leah Wagner reported that the Foundation elected new officers at their January meeting. The officers are as follows:

  • President - Alaine Nesti
  • Vice President - Richard Kitts
  • Secretary - Claudia Homoki
  • Treasurer - Bob Isaacs

The Foundation is moving some of their money into a CD to get a better return. Donation levels have been updated because costs have increased to have the plaque removed and engraved. The cost of bricks will remain the same for now but a new vendor is being used.

The next Foundation meeting is scheduled for June 12, 2023.


Leah Wagner provided an update on the Construction Bond Grant. There has been a problem with the new boiler which resulted in a change order for $588 to add a release valve.

Leah presented the 2023 Plan of Service, which acts as a roadmap for what the Library staff would like to accomplish or move towards in the coming year.

Anne Corey moved to approve the 2023 Plan of Service. Bernadette Yannacci seconded the motion. All were in favor.


Leah Wagner presented Finance Policies and Procedures for Board review. The Trustees had numerous comments, questions and edits. Leah will review notes from the Board with Library Bookkeeper Jennifer Slavicek and bring a revision to be voted on at the February Board meeting.

Leah presented the Proposed Transfer Year End 2022 as follows:

  • $614.00 to be moved from Programs to Books
  • $565.00 to be moved from Contractual to Automation
  • $974.00 to be moved from Maintenance Supplies to Supplies
  • $258.00 to be moved from Digital Content to AV

Prena Shah made a motion to approve the Year End transfers. Lisa Chen seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Leah Wagner presented three purchasing resolutions for 2023:

Whereas the Monroe Township Public Library Board of Trustees wishes to purchase materials from the Baker & Taylor Company,

And whereas the Baker & Taylor Company has established competitive prices with State Contract #A41949,

Now, therefore, does the Monroe Township Public Library Board of Trustees agree to purchase materials from the Baker & Taylor Company in 2023 in an amount not to exceed $250,000.

Whereas the Monroe Township Public Library Board of Trustees wishes to purchase hardware from the Dell Company,

And whereas the Dell Company has established competitive prices with State Contract #A81247,

Now, therefore, does the Monroe Township Public Library Board of Trustees agree to purchase hardware from the Dell Company in 2023 in an amount not to exceed $50,000.

Whereas the Monroe Township Public Library Board of Trustees wishes to contract with LMxAC to provide automation services,

Now, therefore, does the Monroe Township Public Library Board of Trustees agree to contract for automation services with LMxAC in 2023 in an amount not to exceed $122,000.

Bob Isaacs made a motion to approve the purchasing resolutions for 2023 with Baker & Taylor, Dell Company and LMxAC. Lisa Chen seconded. All were in favor. The motion passed.


Bernadette Yannacci  moved the payment of the bills with checks #18275-#18300, in the amount of $622,166.35. Prena Shah seconded. All were in favor. The motion passed.


The next meeting of the Monroe Township Library Board of Trustees is scheduled for Tuesday, February 21 at 6:30 p.m. Leah reminded the Board that they may want to pick up their packets in case of a mail delay due to Presidents Day on 2/20.


There being no other business, Anne Corey moved to adjourn the meeting. Prena Shah seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 7:59 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Karen Klapperstuck