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Library Minutes | March 21, 2023



March 21, 2023


Members Staff

Ben Baum (virtual) Robert Isaacs (virtual) Leah Wagner

Lisa Chen Dr. Marilyn Gonyo (virtual) Karen Klapperstuck

Bernadette Yannacci Riya Karnik Friends of the Library

Anne Corey Francine Kitts

The meeting of the Monroe Township Library Board of Trustees was called to order at 6:42 p.m. by Ben Baum, President.


It was noted that this meeting was in compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act.


The minutes from the February 21, 2023 meeting of the Library Board of Trustees were presented. Anne Corey asked about the date in Marilyn Gonyo’s report from Mayor Dalina. The date will be corrected in the approved minutes. Anne also noted that the words “Trade In” needed to be removed from the approved Financial Policies and Procedures document.

Bob Isaacs moved that the minutes of the February 21, 2023 meeting be accepted with the above noted corrections. Lisa Chen seconded the motion. All were in favor. The minutes were approved.


Leah Wagner shared that for the first time the Library Happenings is four pages! There are many events and programs coming in April.

Leah mentioned the Library’s 35th Anniversary. If any Board members are interested in being on the planning committee, please let Leah or Ben Baum know.

Planning for the Farmers Market has begun. Ruth Santulli has started and is working hard on the preparation of the Market. We already have 18-19 confirmed vendors.

Makerfest is scheduled for Saturday, March 25.

Leah attended a virtual workshop on “Legal Issues for Libraries: Spaces, Patrons & Collections - Part 1 - Free Speech Basics” hosted by the NJ State Library. Thomas Lipinski discussed the four types of public forums, meeting room use, issues on patron conduct, and informational space. Part 2 is scheduled for April 4 and should be just as interesting.


Karen Klapperstuck did not have a written report. She updated the Board on the migration to Microsoft 365, noting that there were a few unforeseen issues but all were being worked out.


Leah Wagner discussed the current financial reports. Leah pointed out that the supplies line is at 44% due to the one-time supply order for new toner and ink cartridges for printers. The old supply was from pre-COVID and was no longer usable. Anne Corey asked about the reduced balance in the Improvement Fund and Leah explained that it is because of the design fees paid for the Circulation area renovation.


Dr. Marilyn Gonyo informed the Board that there was no report from Mayor Dalina this month.


Francine Kitts reported that the Friends program for Women's History Month -- Alisa Dupuy portraying a Civil War spy -- will be held on Friday, March 24. Registration has been full for weeks, so they expect a good crowd.

The Friends are delighted to announce that the Scholarship Committee has selected four (4) excellent teen volunteers to receive the award. Each recipient will receive a $1,000 scholarship. We received 45 applications, which speaks volumes about Emily and her program for the teen volunteers. A lot of time was spent in selecting the recipients, and special thanks go to Marilyn for shepherding the committee so seamlessly through the elaborate process.

The Chair of the International Film series has stepped down due to personal obligations. Others are working out details to take over the position. Francine hopes to have an update by the next meeting.

The Friends semi-annual book sale will be held on Friday, May 19 and Saturday, May 20. Book donations are accepted at the circulation desk. This year the Friends will also be offering new and pre-loved jewelry and evening bags, and our event will be called "Books, Bags, and Bling!"

The Museum Pass Committee is seeking input as to which museums to add to the current offerings. If any Board members have suggestions, please let Francine know or email the suggestions to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Dr. Kelly Roselle was not in attendance but emailed the following report:

The referendum vote took place 3/14/23 and did not pass.

Board preliminary budget meeting took place 3/15/23. The final budget hearing will take place 4/26/23 at 7:00 p.m. in the High School Media Center.


Riya Karnik reported that three different MTHS clubs competed at the state level recently and some students have moved on to Nationals.

Two upcoming fundraisers are planned for student clubs at Bovine Burgers and Taco Bell.

Seniors are making college decisions. Riya has committed to Johns Hopkins University. Congratulations, Riya!


Karen Klapperstuck presented the revised Meeting Room Policy, Meeting Room Application and Exhibits Policy. All three documents were reviewed by the Township attorney and include the small suggestions she made. A few small proofreading corrections from the Board members were noted to be made to the Meeting Room Policy, as well as to correct the reference to the application to match the document name, Application for Use of Meeting Room.There was then a conversation about the insurance required and which should be mentioned specifically in the policy.

The Meeting Room Policy and Meeting Room Application were referred back to the Policy Committee for further clarification about the required insurances.

Marilyn Gonyo made a motion to approve the revised Exhibits Policy. Bernadette Yannacci seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Leah Wagner provided an update on the Construction Bond Grant. The work is so close to being completed! We are waiting to hear from the design firm about the Circulation area renovation.


Leah Wagner reminded the Board that the Library will celebrate its 35th Anniversary in 2024. She asked that a committee be assembled to make plans for the celebration. The Foundation and Friends will also be involved.

Marilyn Gonyo asked how Trustee education hours are tracked. Leah explained how she logs the hours for accurate reporting to the NJ State Library.


Bernadette Yannacci moved the payment of the bills with checks #18344 - #18371, in the amount of $426,931.20. Anne Corey seconded. All were in favor. The motion passed.


Leah asked that the Library Board go into closed session to discuss a personnel matter.

Anne Corey moved that the Board go into closed session at 7:31 p.m.

The Board members returned to open session at 7:35 p.m. No action was taken.

The next meeting of the Monroe Township Library Board of Trustees is scheduled for Tuesday, April 18 at 6:30 p.m.


There being no other business,Bernadette Yannacci moved to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 7:36 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Karen Klapperstuck