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Library Minutes | April 18, 2023



April 18, 2023


Members Staff

Ben Baum Robert Isaacs Leah Wagner

Lisa Chen Dr. Marilyn Gonyo (virtual) Karen Klapperstuck

Bernadette Yannacci Riya Karnik

Anne Corey Prena Shah Friends of the Library

Jackie D’Angelo Francine Kitts

The meeting of the Monroe Township Library Board of Trustees was called to order at 6:31 p.m. by Ben Baum, President.


It was noted that this meeting was in compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act.


The minutes from the March 21, 2023 meeting of the Library Board of Trustees were presented.

Marilyn Gonyo moved that the minutes of the March 21, 2023 meeting be accepted. Lisa Chen seconded the motion. All were in favor. The minutes were approved.


Leah Wagner reported on the success of Makerfest. Over 1,000 people attended and visited with 25+ vendors and exhibitors. Twenty-seven (27) new library cards were issued during the event!

Leah discussed the planning for the Farmers Market with new Library staff member, Ruth Santulli. There are currently 21 confirmed vendors.

Leah provided the Board with an overview of what was covered at the Staff In-Service on April 18. Students from the TCNJ Nursing School presented a program on Mental Health issues.

Leah shared an update from the Bookmobile about services and stops. The Bookmobile started Bundles of Joy, a delivery service for new parents.

Marilyn Gonyo thanked Leah for the report from the Bookmobile. She also asked how Leah’s visit with the Greenbriar Indo-American Club went. Leah said it went well and she discussed some of the services and programs of which the attendees may not be aware, even as active Library patrons.


Karen Klapperstuck did not have a written report. She shared information from Ray Santirley on two new pieces of equipment for patron use at the Library.

The Library received a donation of a DaVinci Pro HD OCR from a homebound patron and her son. The DaVinci Pro HD OCR is a desktop magnifier with a 3-in-1 camera which not only magnifies text but also uses text to speech (OCR Mode). OCR (Optical Character Recognition) Mode allows the text from a book or document to be captured and read aloud as needed. It allows patrons to view text in different modes (near, far, and self-modes) as well as magnifies text in assorted colors and contrasts for patrons.

In addition, the library has received an AIO (All in One) computer from a company called Purple Communications at no cost to the library from funding provided through the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). This P3 Videophone is only for use by patrons who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. The videophone uses the P3 app to use a Video Relay Service (VRS) to call through the P3 app or any phone number. The caller will be assigned a sign language interpreter who will translate speech for the caller using sign language. English and Spanish interpreters are available.


Leah Wagner discussed the current financial reports. Leah said that she will continue to keep an eye on the supplies line and reminded the Board of the one-time supply order for new toner and ink cartridges for printers. The old supply was from pre-COVID and was no longer usable.


There were no committee reports.


Dr. Marilyn Gonyo shared news and updates from Mayor Dalina:

It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of the honorable Councilwoman, Elizabeth "Betty" Schneider. Betty served the community in a number of roles for many years – her love to serve the public will sorely be missed. The Council will appoint a new Ward 1 Council member at the May 1st meeting.

The Township Budget will be introduced at the May 1st meeting. The Township Administration is hoping to keep the Municipal tax rate even and will see some of the other tax rates (Fire districts/County/School) come in over the next few weeks.

The Mayors Wellness Campaign is in full swing. A Zumba class was held this past weekend. The next event is a Bike ride on 4/28 – 6p at Veterans Park. The Mayor is looking forward to Chair Yoga on May 15th AT THE LIBRARY!!

Thank you to everyone who participated and supported the Makerfest – fantastic event YET AGAIN!!!!


Francine Kitts reported on the Friends of the Library. On May 17th at 4:00 p.m., local artists, Fran Gunther and Audrey Roth, will share their insights on the creative process behind their artwork, with a discussion and demonstration. The program is designed for adults, and middle school and high school students, so please spread the word. Registration is required. Fran Gunther's art exhibit will be on display in the Fine Arts Gallery during the months of May and June.

The FOL semi-annual book sale will be held on Friday, May 19th and Saturday, May 20th during normal library hours. This time around the Friends will also feature pre-loved jewelry and evening bags. Everything will be very reasonably priced. The event is called Books, Bags, & Bling. The Friends hope to see many of the Board members in attendance!

On Sunday, July 16th at 3:00, the Friends will partner with the Library to present a musical program. The Raritan Valley Trombone Quartet will present "Trombones at the Movies" and will feature music from films such as The Pink Panther, West Side Story, the Wizard of Oz. The program is intended for all ages

An Ad Hoc Youth Services Committee has been formed with Marilyn Gonyo as Chair. The Friends will work with Lynnette Fucci, Emily Mazzoni, and two members of the Teen Advisory Board to see how the Friends can work with Youth and Teen Services. Our first meeting is May 16th.


Dr. Kelly Roselle was not in attendance.


Riya Karnik reported EcoNight is happening at the High School at the same time as the Board meeting. She invited the Board to stop by after the meeting as the event is scheduled until 8 or 8:30 p.m.

Riya provided information for a fundraiser at Panera on April 28 organized by MTHS Rho Kappa and HOSA on behalf of Kind Deeds Ukraine. The flyer will be shared with all of the Board members.

Riya reminded the Board members that it is AP testing season and students will be using the library for prep books and study rooms.


There was no report from the Foundation.


Karen Klapperstuck presented the revised Meeting Room Policy and Meeting Room Application. Both documents reflect the changes discussed at the March Board of Trustees meeting.

Marilyn Gonyo made a motion to approve the revised Meeting Room Policy and Application for Use of Meeting Room. Prena Shah seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Leah Wagner provided a construction update. The fire panel has been installed and some equipment has been connected while other equipment still needs to be connected. Then the final step will be to have the installation and equipment inspected. Leah and Karen had a meeting yesterday with Soyka Smith Designs and Arcari & Iovino regarding the circulation desk area renovation. The Township has asked for signed/stamped architectural drawings for permits and construction. Leah is estimating that the work may not begin until August or September.

Anne Corey asked about the total cost of the HVAC and other work included in the Construction Bond grant. Leah said that there will be approximately $26,000-$27,000 additional in change orders.. Once all of the work is completed and inspected, we will submit for reimbursement from the State Library for the original amount of the grant.

Leah Wagner reminded the Board that the Library will celebrate its 35th Anniversary in 2024. A committee is being formed to brainstorm ideas for how to celebrate. Committee members include Library Department Heads, Ben Baum, Marilyn Gonyo, Anne Matisoff (FOL) and Prena Shah. Leah will also ask for representation from the Foundation.


Leah Wagner wanted to discuss the meeting room occupancy with the Board. During COVID, occupancy was limited. Now that the pandemic restrictions have eased, capacity can be increased to 100 attendees with the possibility of going slightly over that for Library events.


Bob Isaacs moved the payment of the bills with checks #18372 - #18399, in the amount of $254,632.68. Bernadette Yannacci seconded. All were in favor. The motion passed.


Leah asked that the Library Board go into closed session to discuss a personnel matter.

Jackie D’Angelo moved that the Board go into closed session at 7:17 p.m.

The Board members returned to open session at 7:40 p.m.

Lisa Chen made a motion to approve a pay supplement of $500 each for the six Library staff members who are non-union, part time professionals who did not automatically receive the pay supplement. Bernadette Yannacci seconded the motion. A Roll Call vote was conducted:

Anne Corey - Yes Bob Isaacs - Yes

Jackie D’Angelo - Yes Bernadette Yannacci - Yes

Ben Baum - Yes Marilyn Gonyo - Yes

Lisa Chen - Yes Prena Shah - had to leave meeting before vote

The motion passed.

Leah thanked the Board members.

The next meeting of the Monroe Township Library Board of Trustees is scheduled for Tuesday, May 16 at 6:30 p.m. The Exhibits Committee will meet after the Board meeting.


There being no other business, Lisa Chen moved to adjourn the meeting. Bob Isaacs seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 7:43 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Karen Klapperstuck