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Library Minutes | May 16, 2023



May 16, 2023


Members Staff

Ben Baum Robert Isaacs Leah Wagner

Lisa Chen Dr. Marilyn Gonyo Karen Klapperstuck

Bernadette Yannacci Jackie D’Angelo

Anne Corey Riya Karnik Friends of the Library

Francine Kitts

The meeting of the Monroe Township Library Board of Trustees was called to order at 6:34 p.m. by Ben Baum, President.


It was noted that this meeting was in compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act.


The minutes from the April 18, 2023 meeting of the Library Board of Trustees were presented. Two typographical errors were pointed out.

Bob Isaacs moved that the minutes of the April 18, 2023 meeting be accepted with the 2 typographical errors to be corrected. Marilyn Gonyo seconded the motion. All were in favor. The minutes were approved.


Leah Wagner provided a construction update. The final inspection of the Construction Bond work has happened. Paperwork will be finalized and submitted for reimbursement. Leah reminded the Board that she applied for this grant in 2020 while the Library was initially closed for COVID!

Leah informed the Board that the Personnel Committee met to discuss premium pay for non-union staff. This will be discussed with the whole Board during New Business.

Leah shared news about the Library having a safety review with Peter Piro and Lt. Jangols from the Monroe Township Police Department. Library staff will meet again with the representatives

from the MTPD to update the Emergency Action Plan and receive training. During a walk through it was discovered that the Library’s panic buttons were not working properly but have now been upgraded and are fully functional.

Leah reminded the Board that the New Jersey Library Association Annual Conference is coming up and that several staff members would be attending. She also mentioned that the Bookmobile and Library staff would be marching in the Memorial Day Parade.


Karen Klapperstuck updated the Board on the progress of the grant received from AARP to implement the Reading2Connect Library Program, which includes a collection of age/dementia friendly books and training for staff and volunteers. Donna Rogers (Outreach Department) and Karen have been trained by Susan at Reading2Connect. Donna is now working to revitalize and update our Spark Kits to include the materials provided by the grant funding.

Karen informed the Board that the previously backordered handheld DLA equipment for the RFID project had been canceled when there was no timeframe for availability. But the Library has now received the last piece of equipment in the original planned RFID project. The funds for this equipment were included in Phase I and Phase II, was approved at the June 2021 Board meeting and an official resolution passed at the September 2021 Board meeting.

Karen shared that Music Jar Productions LLC has filmed scenes for their upcoming movie, Love Lives On. The first day of filming was May 8 and scenes were filmed in the YA area and in one of the study rooms. The production crew plans to return to film a classroom scene in the Meeting Room late in June. They have also asked about filming outside. Lenny Gatto (owner, director and producer) is a resident of Monroe and has been thrilled to work with the Library.


Leah Wagner discussed the current financial reports. Leah said that all is in order and as expected.


There were no committee reports.


Dr. Marilyn Gonyo shared news and updates from Mayor Dalina:

Mayor Dalina presented the budget at the Council meeting on May 1. It will be voted on at the May 31 meeting.

The municipal tax rate will be flat at $.489 per $100 assessed value, the same rate as 2022.

This would be the third consecutive year without an increase to the municipal tax rate and continues the Mayor’s focus on affordability, property tax relief, and ensuring Monroe remains the second lowest overall effective tax rate in Middlesex County for the coming year.

A public hearing is set for May 31. As part of the new spending plan, residential water and sewer rates will remain flat and continue to be among the lowest in the entire region.

The Mayor was happy to hold his latest Mayors Wellness event, Chair Yoga, this past Monday at the Library. There was a great turnout.

The Monroe Township Memorial Day ceremony will be held at Veterans Park (on Ave K) at 9:30 a.m.

The Mayor is looking forward to the Farmers Market next month in the Library lot.

Michael Markel was appointed to fill the Ward 1 unexpired term left vacant with the passing of Councilwoman Schneider.


Francine Kitts reported on the Friends of the Library. The International Film Discussion will return soon. Alberta Mandelblatt will now co-chair with Miriam Monterro.

The Friends are hosting a program tomorrow (May 17) with Fran Gunther, whose artwork is on display in the Library gallery.

The FOL semi-annual book sale will be this coming Friday and Saturday, May 19-20, during normal library hours. This time around the Friends will also feature pre-loved jewelry and evening bags. Everything will be very reasonably priced. The event is called Books, Bags, & Bling. The Friends hope to see many of the Board members in attendance!

Francine shared a photo with the Board of a young Library patron posing with the newest American Girl doll, Kavi. The mom shared with the Youth Services staff how much they appreciated being able to borrow the doll from the Library!


Dr. Kelly Roselle was not in attendance and did not have a report to share.


Riya Karnik reported that AP testing season is finally finished and students are preparing to come to the end of the school year, with 6/23 being the final day of school.

Riya informed the Board that numerous events and awards receptions are scheduled. She invited the Board to attend the Science Expo on May 25 between 5:30-7:00 p.m. to see what the students are working on. The Senior Awards ceremony is scheduled for next week.


There was no report from the Foundation. The Foundation will meet next on June 6.


Leah Wagner provided the construction update during her Director’s Report earlier in the meeting.


Leah Wagner shared with the Board the discussion of the Personnel Committee regarding premium pay (Sundays) for non-union staff. Leah provided the background information about the current pay stipend for non-union, professional staff and how it has not kept pace with the increases that other union staff have seen in recent years.

Bob Isaacs made a motion that as of July 1, 2023 a $23/hour pay differential be added to non-union staff base hourly wage for hours worked on Sundays. Bernadette Yannacci seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Anne Corey suggested that the Personnel Manual be updated to reflect the approved changes.


Bernadette Yannacci moved the payment of the bills with checks #18400 - #18438, in the amount of $494,600.00. Lisa Chen seconded. All were in favor. The motion passed.


Leah asked that the Library Board go into closed session to approve the minutes from the April 18 closed session.

Bob Isaacs moved that the Board go into closed session at 7:24 p.m. Jackie D’Angelo seconded the motion.

The Board members returned to open session at 7:26 p.m.

The next meeting of the Monroe Township Library Board of Trustees is scheduled for Tuesday, June 20 at 6:30 p.m. The Exhibits Committee will meet after the Board meeting.


There being no other business, Bob Isaacs moved to adjourn the meeting.The meeting adjourned at 7:27 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Karen Klapperstuck