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Library Minutes | September 19, 2023



September 19, 2023


Members Staff

Ben Baum Bob Isaacs Karen Klapperstuck

Lisa Chen Dr. Marilyn Gonyo (via Zoom)

Bernadette Yannacci Prena Shah Friends of the Library

Anne Corey Jannat Zaanoun Francine Kitts

The meeting of the Monroe Township Library Board of Trustees was called to order at 6:32 p.m. by Ben Baum, President.


It was noted that this meeting was in compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act.


The minutes from the June 20, 2023 meeting of the Library Board of Trustees were presented. Anne Corey noted that there was an incomplete sentence on page 3, paragraph 2. Karen Klapperstuck will correct the minutes to reflect the status of the StayNJ Bill as of the June 20 meeting.

Prena Shah moved that the minutes of the June 20, 2023 meeting be accepted as corrected. Anne Corey seconded the motion. Bob Isaacs abstained from the vote and the remaining Board members in attendance were in favor. The minutes were approved.


Assistant Director Karen Klapperstuck highlighted the written report from Director Leah Wagner in her absence. Karen reported on the progress of the Circulation Desk renovation project. The Library is pleased that the Department of Public Works will complete the construction work necessary to move the existing wall and prepare the area for the new furniture and shelving. Construction will begin on October 2 and should be completed by November 6. The week of November 6 is when the new flooring will be installed. The Library is scheduled to be closed on Tuesday, November 7 for Election Day as well as Friday and Saturday, November 10 and 11 in

observance of Veterans Day. Leah would like the Board to close the Library to the public on Wednesday, November 8 and Thursday, November 9 when the flooring will be installed. Library staff will report to work and provide limited services to the public, including materials pick-up in the drive thru in addition to phone reference and assistance. The furniture is scheduled to be installed the following week. All the work should be completed by Thanksgiving.

The Farmers Market was a success in 2023. Ruth Santulli, the Library’s Event Coordinator, did a wonderful job organizing the market and coordinating returning and new vendors. Ruth and the Farmers Market Team are already planning for next year.

In August, Patcy Drake was hired to fill the open Technology Support and Training Specialist position. Patcy started with the Library part-time at the Welcome Desk 12 years ago before becoming a part-time Reference Librarian for the past few years. Jaime Mendelsohn, part-time Reference Librarian, has left the Library. Jennifer Rojas, Adult Services Coordinator, and Karen Klapperstuck are interviewing for the two vacant part-time reference positions.

Tania Schiavone received a title change to Library Administrative Assistant in August. SHe has undertaken the coordination of publicity for the Library and leads the Marketing Team.

Leah and Karen have begun working on the 2024 Budget. The Budget committee will meet early in October and a draft budget will be presented at the October Board meeting.

Leah met with Iris Ivers, the wife of artist George Ivers, to receive a framed set of three UNICEF cards designed by George to be placed in the Library. The display case in the Library lobby is named in honor of George Ivers.


Karen Klapperstuck provided printed updates from Library departments with highlights from the summer and beyond. Of particular note were:

● Youth Services reported that the 759 participants in Summer Reading this year collectively spent 8,364 hours reading.

● The Circulation staff opened over 250 new cards in each month of June, July and August. Many of the new cards were opened on Thursdays during the Farmers Market.

● The Bookmobile added 2 new stops this summer, Monroe Parke and Monroe Place. While lower in attendance, most of the visitors in Monroe Place had never been to the Library and obtained Library cards through the Bookmobile.

● Adult Services continues to add programs, both standalone and recurring, to the Library’s calendar. The Library has hosted 271 programs with 11,745 attending since the start of 2023.

Karen informed the Board that the Library staff will host a new member reception on September 30. The open house style event is intended to welcome those who have recently joined the Library. All of the departments will be represented to provide an overview of all services. Tours will also be given.

Members of the Outreach Department will be attending the Association of Bookmobile and Outreach Services (ABOS) Conference in early October. The conference is being held in Hershey, PA which makes it possible for 4 people to attend in person.


Karen Klapperstuck discussed that all the financial reports for July, August and September were as expected for this time of year. Later in the meeting, the Board will be asked to approve the adjusted Township Reimbursement payment schedule.


There were no committee reports except that the Budget Committee will be meeting the first week of October.


Dr. Marilyn Gonyo shared news and updates from Mayor Dalina:

The Mayor is very busy with his campaign but wanted to thank the Library leadership and staff for another very successful Farmers Market season of events!

As a follow up to the report from June about the StayNJ Act. State Assembly Speaker Craig Coughlin held a town hall event last month at the Monroe Township Senior Center to update residents about StayNJ.

The Annual Green Fair event will be held this Saturday, September 23 at the High School, starting at 10:30 a.m.


Francine Kitts reported that the Friends had a table of books each Thursday at the Farmers Market. They did not charge for books but asked only for donations. The Friends collected $2,352 over the course of the summer at the market.

National Friends of the Library Week is in October and they will be showcasing the Friends with a nice display in the lobby display case. They are also working with Becky in Youth Services to showcase all the American Girl Dolls in the Youth Services display case.

The Friends Annual Membership Tea will be held on Wednesday, October 18 at 1:00 p.m. Vinnie Bruno, a Beatles scholar and storyteller, will be the entertainer. Members of the Friends should have received an invitation.

It is time to renew membership in the Friends. The membership year is September 1 through August 31. The Friends have changed the use of the term “patron” to “benefactor” so as not to be confused with the Cultural Arts Commission. Two new levels of membership have been added - Elite Benefactors and Lifetime Benefactors. Elite Benefactors will receive a tote bag and

five note cards. Lifetime Benefactors will receive the tote bag, note cards and be invited to tea with our Library Director.

The Friends of the Library will have a display table at the New Member Reception on September 30 to encourage new cardholders to join the organization.


Kelly Roselle was unable to attend the meeting due to scheduling conflicts but sent the following updates for the Board:

● School started on September 6th.

● Schools are currently in the process of hosting Back to School Nights.

● Emily Mazzoni from MTPL has been working with our Middle School Media Specialist to facilitate 6th Grade Media Center orientations during the school day. During these sessions Ms. Pillis introduces our school resources, and Ms. Mazzoni shares the youth and teen resources at MTPL.

● The district media specialists will attend a collaboration meeting with MTPL youth staff on Wednesday, September 20th in the afternoon. The group will discuss joint programs.

● Our next Board of Education Meeting will take place tomorrow, Wednesday, September 20th starting at 6:30 PM in the Monroe Township High School Media Center.


Jannat Zaanoun reported that students are getting back into the routine of school. Club rush and the fall sports season has started.


The Foundation met on June 26, 2023.

Marilyn Gonyo reported on the plans for the Library’s 35th Anniversary inaugural Golf Outing scheduled for Monday, June 10, 2024. The event will be held at the Greenbriar Golf Course and will include 9 holes plus an upscale, indoor barbecue luncheon and awards ceremony. More details to come but Marilyn asked that as many Board members as possible plan to be at the event because many volunteers will be needed.

Bob Isaacs reported that the Foundation has moved money to receive a better return. Two new CDs were purchased: one for $50,000 for 7 months yielding 4.75% and one for $70,000 for 11 months yielding 5%.


Karen Klapperstuck notified the Board that the construction grant reimbursement will appear on the documents for next month’s meeting.

Anne Corey asked when the 2022 Audit will be available. Karen replied that Jennifer Slavicek, Library Bookkeeper, has sent all of the requested documents. The audit is usually completed mid-Fall.


Whereas the Monroe Township Public Library’s reimbursement to the Township of Monroe has been increased to $982,213.00 annually to include the salary of the Department of Public Works maintenance staff assigned to the library and,

Whereas the Monroe Township Public Library Board of Trustees wishes to adjust the Township Reimbursement line in the operating budget by $60,691.00 to reflect the increase,

Now, therefore, does the Monroe Township Public Library Board of Trustees agree to increase the Township Reimbursement line by $60,691.00. The 2023 payment schedule is listed below.

$230,380.50 - March

$230,380.50 - June

$275,898.75 - September (Adjustment Payment)

$245,553.25 - December

Bob Isaacs made a motion to pass the above resolution increasing the Township Reimbursement line. Anne Corey seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Karen Klapperstuck asked the Board to approve the closure of the Library to the public on November 8 and November 9 for the installation of the new flooring in the circulation area.

Lisa Chen made a motion to approve closing the Library to the public on Wednesday, November 8 and Thursday, November 9 for the installation of new flooring in the circulation area. Prena Shah seconded the motion. All were in favor.


Bernadette Yannacci moved the payment of the July bills with checks #18483 to #18525, in the amount of $467,643.38. Anne Corey seconded. Marilyn Gonyo abstained; all other attending Board members were in favor. The motion passed.

Prena Shah moved the payment of the August bills with checks #18523 to #18559, in the amount of $17,249.86. Anne Corey seconded. Marilyn Gonyo abstained; all other attending Board members were in favor. The motion passed.

Anne Corey moved the payment of the September bills with checks #18560 to #18596, in the amount of $538,501.66. Bernadette Yannacci seconded. Marilyn Gonyo abstained; all other attending Board members were in favor. The motion passed.


The next meeting of the Monroe Township Library Board of Trustees is scheduled for Tuesday, October 17 at 6:30 p.m.


There being no other business, Bob Isaacs moved to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 7:21 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Karen Klapperstuck