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Library Minutes | October 17, 2023



October 17, 2023


Members Staff

Ben Baum Bob Isaacs Leah Wagner

Lisa Chen Dr. Marilyn Gonyo (via Zoom) Karen Klapperstuck

Bernadette Yannacci Prena Shah

Anne Corey Jannat Zaanoun Friends of the Library

Jackie D’Angelo Dr. Kelly Roselle (via Zoom) Francine Kitts

The meeting of the Monroe Township Library Board of Trustees was called to order at 6:32 p.m. by Ben Baum, President.


It was noted that this meeting was in compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act.


The minutes from the September 19, 2023 meeting of the Library Board of Trustees were presented. Anne Corey asked that the date of the Foundation meeting be added to the report from the Foundation.

Bob Isaacs moved that the minutes of the September 19, 2023 meeting be accepted as corrected. Lisa Chen seconded the motion. The minutes were approved.


Leah Wagner apprised the Board of the progress in the renovation of the Circulation Desk area. The new walls are up and the electrical inspection is scheduled for later in the week. It has been a pleasure working with the Department of Public Works (DPW) on this project. DPW expects to finish their portion of the work on or ahead of schedule. Leah said that she did not expect to have to close early on Monday, November 6 before the flooring installation begins on Tuesday, November 7. If something changes, Leah will email the Board.

Leah has been working on the budget for 2024. However, the ⅓ mil appropriation will see an increase this year. She is waiting to talk with Township Administration before presenting a draft

budget to the Board of Trustees. The Plan of Service will also be updated to reflect the increase in funding.


Karen Klapperstuck did not have a written report this month.However, she provided updates on the Jewelry Show (November 12) and the Harvest Market (November 21).

Karen asked the Trustees to accept the hiring of two (2) new PT Adult Services Librarians. Jennifer Rojas, Head of Adult Services, selected Rebecca (Becca) Wood and Mia Reiser to fill the 2 open positions.

Marilyn Gonyo made a motion to accept the hiring of R. Wood and M. Reiser. Bob Isaacs seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Karen thanked the Trustees for supporting professional development through the Library budget. She attended the Association of Bookmobile and Outreach Services (ABOS) Conference and was able to bring Kelly Palombit, Donna Rogers and Christine Sigle as well. All of the staff enjoyed the conference and have new ideas about the way we provide services. The staff of the Outreach department will discuss the ideas and topics covered at the conference and will decide what is feasible and what to work towards in the future.


Leah Wagner presented the financial report. She noted that two budget lines are high - Printing and Supplies. She is keeping an eye on expenditures in both categories. Adjustments may need to be made at the end of the year if expenses exceed the budgeted amounts.


There were no committee reports.


Marilyn Gonyo reported that the Mayor is busy with the upcoming election. The most important thing is to exercise your right to vote.


Francine Kitts reported that this is National Friends of the Library Week, so Friends groups across the country are all celebrating.

The Friends’ Annual Membership Tea with entertainment will be held on Wednesday,October 18 at 1:00 p.m. Over sixty (60) people are registered to attend. The Committee has been working hard to assure that everything runs smoothly.The Friends will be giving five (5) $10 Amazon gift cards as prizes and will have a selection of free books available. The Friends hope that the Trustees will renew their membership in the Friends, or join if not already a member.

Francine reminded the Trustees to visit the lobby and Youth Services to see the Friends of the Library displays that are currently available.

The next major book sale will be held on Friday, December 1 and Saturday, December 2. Donation books are being collected by the mini book sale while the circulation area is undergoing renovation.


Kelly Roselle reported that the next Board of Education meeting will be on October 18 at 6:30 p.m. in the Monroe Township High School Media Center.

On October 4 the Monroe Township Schools hosted an ESL University. Lynnette Fucci and Emily Mazzoni attended and provided information about the Library to attendees. Kelly commended both Lynnette and Emily for their participation.

Kelly thanked the Library for the hospitality extended to the schools for professional development and learning sessions.


Jannat Zaanoun reported that students just took the PSATs. This year was a big change as the test moved to an all-digital format. Students are preparing for the Haunted High School on October 25, where all the clubs participate and have displays and candy. The marking period ends on November 15.


The Foundation has a meeting scheduled for October 26, 2023.


Leah Wagner provided a construction update. The Library has received the reimbursement check from the State Construction Bond Grant. The money went back into the Improvement Fund. All of the HVAC and alarm panel work has been completed. The alarm system was inspected on October 17 (the date of the Board meeting).


Leah Wagner asked that the Board of Trustees approve the engagement of William C. (Bill) Moran as the Board Attorney. Mr. Moran will not attend Board meetings but will act as the Library Board’s attorney of record. He can also look over policies and answer legal questions if any arise.

Marilyn Gonyo made a motion to approve hiring William C. Moran to serve as the attorney of record at a rate of $300/hour for the Library Board of Trustees. Bob Isaacs seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Leah presented the proposed 2024 Library closing dates.

Lisa Chen made a motion to accept the closing dates for 2024. Prena Shah seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Leah explained that additional funds are needed for the purchase of a pick-up truck for Library use. Previously money was earmarked for this purchase. However, the cost has increased since that time.

Whereas the Monroe Township Public Library Board of Trustees has committed to purchase a Ford F250 Super Duty 4X4 pickup truck using $50,000 previously earmarked in 2021 in the Improvement Fund, and the cost of the vehicle has increase $3,997.00, and

Whereas the Monroe Township Public Library Board of Trustees wishes to expend funds currently held in reserve from previous years to cover the increase,

Now, therefore, does the Monroe Township Public Library Board of Trustees agree to the price increase of $3,997.00 for a total vehicle price of $53,997.00.

Marilyn Gonyo made a motion to accept the resolution for the price increase in the truck. Bernadette Yannacci seconded. All were in favor.


Prena Shah moved the payment of the October bills with checks #18597 to #18633, in the amount of $580,207.14. Lisa Chen seconded. All Board members were in favor. The motion passed.


The Policy Committee will meet before the next Board of Trustees meeting and will bring policies for full Board approval.

The next meeting of the Monroe Township Library Board of Trustees is scheduled for Tuesday, November 21 at 6:30 p.m.


There being no other business, Bob Isaacs moved to adjourn the meeting. Bernadette Yannacci seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Karen Klapperstuck